Anybody want to buy the whole lot above? I'm thinking of going off the grid. One is a fake display phone taking the place of my Slider that I cannot find. Plus Jerry is considering taking a post at Cingular, (picturing the Jerk rubbing his hands together, scheming, and making a noise that sounds something like "Sa Weet!" right now), and I may need to begin working him over with the new company.
***Health Update-not a smidgen of temperature today. But I did keep taking medication all day. Throat still sore, air outside hurts to breathe, and I can't decipher whether I'm hungry or nauseous. Looks like school tomorrow so I should be at least 80%, and Scott Spence at 80% is better than any other teacher in the district at 100%.

What am I listening to: The Buckeye Student section doing my favorite chant. Ooohh we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan. We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, We're from OHIO. We're from O hi O O-H! were from O hi O IO!
I am not even sure how much money they offered me for the job or what location they want me to work at because all I could hear during the whole interview was Ricks voice in my ear saying something to the effect of "come on...thats the best you can do? I can get it Open Box at Best Buy" or "I gave you your first crack at retail...I MADE YOU!!!" For all I know I could have been offered a job at if Rick wouldn't want the hook up on Nuggets
No but he'd take it on the chicken selects.
fries with that? I can see him lining up outside right now wanting that Apple I phone...beating me up over the price.
Put them on Ebay one at a time. It is a goldmine. The last one I sold was a simple LG camera phone, no charger, no box, no manual. Went for $100.
I posted the pink razr and the LG the V phone. Giving one to my Mother-in Law, and hold on to one for emergency purposes.
Who loses phones?
Jerry working for Cingular is like Eric Bischoff working for Vince McMahon (A wrestling reference that Jerry will dig).
I am just getting all kinds of free publicity on this blog...there's no such thing as bad publicity...
I just read thegreat news. Already been on motomodders looking up the new phones and retail prices. Ha Ha retail prices.please Dont mention mention me at the cingular storees or that you are from my retail mangement tree. Already got the IPHONE holster on order. Thejerk will have alot more time to spend on ebay if he dosent pay his cable bill ,he'll be watching greys anatomy on his new camera
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