Friday, January 25, 2008

Father's Song

I apoligize in advance if any of this doesn't make sense or if someone feels it is a misrepresentation, please know I write this with tears running down my face and hands trembing so hard it is difficult to type.

Yesterday morning we got the unfortunate yet inevitable news. Karen's father, Robert Dudley, had passed away at 5:07 AM. I like to think he went peacefully in his sleep, but I know in my heart he fought until his final breath. He had finally succumbed to the pancreatic cancer that he had been courageously battling for almost a year. He was diagnosed February 2nd, and at that time we were told he had a month maybe three. So while we are extremely grateful for all the extra time we got with him, there of course is no amount of time that could have been enough.

He spent his last day at home with his family gathered around him, especially his five children, with the sounds of his grandchildren playing not far from his bed. The best way to describe Bob was as a Dad. Thee Dad, the one whose lawn had to be perfect, who didn't like people messing with his vehicles and whose main goal was keeping his kids safe, really the kind of amusing fatherly traits you'd see from a television or movie father. And sure his kids, myself included, did much to frustrate him and worry him at times but there was nothing, I mean nothing, that made him happier than to be able to help one of us out. For example, when Mattie was a baby, Bob bought her first winter coat because he knew we were struggling financially, well he also bought her winter jacket this year and I'm pretty sure everyone inbetween. He didn't have to anymore, but he wanted to do it. We'd pick it out and all he'd ask was to see what it looked like before he paid for it. He also seldom let us drive back home without filling our gas tank. Not to mention filing our taxes for us each year, including last years when I sat and entered the information while he stood behind me and walked me through each step.

I have plenty of good memories, one that comes to mind was when he and I drove all over Canton to different Italian Deli's so that I could find the exact ingredients I needed to make a pizza to go along with the steaks we had bought to grill for Father's Day. I also have plenty of us sitting in the living room watching movies, specifically Good Morning Vietnam.

The hardest part so far has been sitting with the whole family, including some of his brothers and sister, in the living room and talking about him. I just kept sitting there waiting for Bob to appear at the bottom of the steps, form his room and say hello to everyone. Then of course check the thermostat and fiddle with the window blinds.

I could tell plenty of stories but what I really want to say is that I/we will miss you Bob and thank you for everything you've done for us.

Here is a link to his obituary from the Canton Repository. You can leave a message for the family there if you wish.

Calling hours will be held at Paquelet Funeral Home from 4-8 with the funeral being held at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church at 10 on Monday. Arrangements have been made through Silva-Hostetler Funeral Home.

On a side note, I want to take a second to sincerely thank my cousin Christopher Silva for treating Karen's family as though they were his own and doing whatever he can to make this process easier.
Fisherman's Prayer
God grant that I may live to fish,

until my dying day,

And when it comes to my last cast,

I then most humbly pray,

When in the Lord's safe landing net,

I'm peacefully asleep,

That in his mercy I be judged,
As big enough to keep.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Reverse Psychology

Spuncie, Jay Biz, T-Money, and Best Steve
taking part in Budweiser's new aluminum bottle ad campaign

Sunday was the big day, Championship Sunday. Doors open at one and close when everyone leaves. Between still feeling the effects of the previous nights activities, and the amount of caffeine in my system from an Alka Seltzer Morning Relief and a Red Bull, I was a bit of a mess the second I walked in the door. Luckily there was plenty of beer to help put me right again. The best thing is that it fell on the Sunday before MLK day, giving me plenty of recovery time, which I needed.

I wish I could report that I won the raffle this year but I'm not as lucky as Jay B, who was the odds on favorite to take home the prize again. I did turn on my cellphone at 3 am to find a text msg from Ray Kovacs that I won 75 bucks for a square for the 3rd quarter of the Packers game. That pretty much covered my day.Here's Jay B calling his shot, and prematurely and incorrectly
declaring himself the winner for 2 straight years

Again I will go on record that this is the best event of the year. It's almost entirely people I know, it's 30 bucks for all the food and beer/booze you can consume, and you have a chance at winning money!!! I have to get my ticket for next year now.

Old School

Went out Saturday night for a little tune up before the St. John Championship Sunday Reverse raffle. We started at the Locker Room, where I ate nope not wings, I am now hooked on the Italian Sausage on a pizza. It's a 7" link served on a mini pizza that doubles as a bun. It's incredible.

We left there for the Crows Nest and ran into Kelly, Celeste, and Jill. We stamped it our official 15 year class reunion. Especially since this will be the only time this year these 3 will be out past midnight. I tried to push a weekend at Put-In-Bay for our class reunion, but there were way too many excuses. Anyway it was a good time.

Readers Poll: Is Celeste getting too much blog coverage of late?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Buckeye of the Tigers

I had to admit to people yesterday that I was more excited about the New Hampshire Primaries today than I was the National Championship Game, and I think it is obvious now that I had good reason. More on that later.

A few thoughts about the game: First yes OSU lost but who wouldn't have taken a BCS Bowl appearance in September. I'm a realist they weren't one of the top two teams in the NCAA, they are't in the top 2 of Buckeyes teams over the last 3 years. Still they played for two straight BCS Championships, and 3 in 6 years. That's puts them in the top echelon of college football programs.

Second, it was great to see the Buckeyes score quick and early but I'm pretty sure that also led most of you to a feeling of impending doom too. I looked at someone at the bar and said, "I had this feeling last year too." Which turned my thoughts negative.

Finally, I am not happy that all signs, especially UM's hiring of Rich Rodriguez, point to OSU having to change their style of play and the athletes they recruit. Where are the NFL ready bruising linebackers going to go if not the Big 10 (11, Gotta include the 11 when the 11th school is Linebacker U).

Friday, January 4, 2008


As reported on this blog last night, somewhat in detail, last night was a truly historic event in our country's history. So important in fact that our local news paper ran a front page story about Celeste pumping gas!!! Where was the story about the kick off of the Presidential Primaries? Below the fold and it was an artcle that was picked up off of the Associated Press wire. Adding insult it contained 2 stock photos of the victors.

I understand that the price of oil is a big story right now, seeing as how it's over $100.00 a barrel for the first time. But this was presented as a local interest story. I don't know if it's just more of the usual cluelessness of the Star Beacon, or if it's just another example of a story about fear trumping a story about hope. I'm guessing a little of both.

Knowing how Celeste feels about the current administration, I'm guessing she'll agree with me. I ended up not reading either articles. The online edition didn't have any quotes from Celeste, but I was hoping there were some, because I'm willing to bet she'd place some blame on the White House. Either way here is your chance Celeste.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Keep On Barackin' Me Baby

I waited a little while because in the words of President Bartlet's communications director Toby Ziegler, "You don't want to tempt the wrath of whatever from high atop the thing!" but the Iowa Caucus has been called in favor of Barack Obama, based solely on my $25.00 donation probably. Currently Edwards is 2nd and Clinton 3rd with 7 delegates separating them with 90% of the caucuses reporting.

I think I went into watching this with the belief that Iowa shouldn't go first because they aren't a true representation of America, but my mind has been changed. These people take this extremely seriously, and the event is an awesome testament to our democracy. I mean some of these are held in peoples houses!!!

If NBA games were decided this way, I might start watching them.

An additional success was that the Democratic voter turn out nearly doubled the Republican turnout, this was a red state in '04!. More encouraging is that the percentage of young voters in the model increased from 17% to over 20%. Interesting note 17 yr olds can caucus as long as they will be 18 by November.

Congratulations to Mike Huckabee for easily winning the Republican side. Of course he is totally unelectable on his last name alone.

"Thank you Chuck Norris!"

Iowa Cauceyes

I am behind with the Holiday Season posts but I promise I will get to them soon, problem is continuous posts about hanging out and drinking get boring That was not the sole purpose for starting this blog, though it definitely was part of it. Tonight there is something more important that another Christmas overindulged in booze, food, and debt. The Iowa Caucuses are tonight, kicking off the U.S. Presidential Primaries.

The Iowa Caucuses, "Gathering of Neighbors," are not just the first of the primaries, they are quite different from the others. They're even different amongst political parties. The Republican Party members vote by secret ballot, but they write their choice on the ballot. In Democratic Party the voter is his/her own vote. You go into your caucus hall and stand in your choices designated area. If your choice doesn't receive the mandatory 15% you can then choose one of the candidates who have.

Tonight could prove to be very exciting on both sides, but of course I'm more interested in the Democratic side. I have been following the polls and it's been mostly pointless if you are hoping to predetermine a winner, as they are each different. Not to mention the unpredictable fall out after caucusers regroup themselves.

What has been great to watch is the rapid decline of Hilary Clinton. She was well ahead at one point and the favorite to win the Democratic nomination. Now she is either trailing or in a statistical tie in most polls, either tied or behind Barack Obama, and with John Edward on her heels. Its very possible she could leave for New Hampshire with the bronze. With Barack trailing by only 4%, (with I believe a 5% margin for error), in New Hampshire the momentum gained here could help him win there 5 days from now. Of course, neither of these victories will guarantee anything, but it sure would be a great start.

Maybe more importantly the Iowa Caucus will help solidify the black vote for Senator Obama. I don't claim to know how all black folk think, or that they vote as a mob, but I do believe that until white America, (and let's face it Iowa is white America), declares Obama electable, many blacks will ride the fence and/or lean towards Mrs. Clinton.

I have been a supporter of Obama since he threw his hat in the ring, I am currently reading his book, "The Audacity of Hope," and I am convinced this country needs him as our leader. I truly believe he wants to be elected President because he wants to effect change. Whereas, many of the others want the power. As many of you probalby found out through an email last night I made my first ever presidential campaign donation last night. I took the $25.00 i would have probably lost on the West Virginia game and sent it to the Obama Campaign.

Well, I have five minutes before the caucusing begins so I have to go get ready, I am very excited that this is the beginning of something BIG.