Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Give a Little Bit

Time for some odds and ends again.

First, off a big ASO welcome for Luciana, I have only been trying to get her on here since the inaugural post back on December 9th. My question for her is did you check out the blog at work? Funny how if you are stuck the house raising twin boys you have to get a job just to get out and surf the net. I think Jill may have also started reading but we'll never know for sure.

These are Luch's twins, (Stefano on the left and Marco on the Right), I didn't have a pic of Luch or just both boys so I chose this one. That is not Daddy (Ray) in the photo, it is Luca Palanca. Luca wrote the screenplay and starred in the film Made in Brooklyn. He also dates Luciana cousin Tammy Pescatelli, whom you know from the second season of Last Comic Standing. Now that I just name dropped, I'm going to have to actually get around to seeing the movie.

Next up I was watching America's Funniest Home Videos during the CAVS game and the same thought I always have crossed my mind, "Could I do that job?" How many people think Bob Saget is the second coming of Fred Rogers because of his hosting and role on Full House? If you have ever seen a Bob Saget stand-up, like I had prior to his appearance on either show, you know its generally unrehearsed, and very blue. For those of you not in the know blue means dirty/off-color. Back to the question, I don't think I could do it. I couldn't play a goody-goody stiff for money, I can't even act that way in front of my students.

I was happy to see An Inconvenient Truth collect 3 Oscars Sunday. It honestly changed my life, not enough, but if everyone changed just a little, the results could be huge. One of the awards went to Melissa Etheridge for best song. I like the song, I like Melissa Etheridge, I like that she referred to her partner as her wife, I also like Hillary Clinton, what I don't like is Etheridge showing her support for Mrs. Clinton by trying to look like her.

I was even happier that Little Miss Sunshine won 2 golden statues, I loved the movie and the feeling it gave stuck with me for some reason. I wish it would have won for best picture. I'm glad Scorcese won, and while I liked The Departed I didn't feel it was either his best movie or the years best film.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Personal Jesus

On March 4th the Discovery Channel is airing a documentary produced by James Cameron about coffins that were discovered in Jerusalem in 1980. It is believed by the filmmakers that the caskets contain the the body of not only Jesus, but also Joseph, Mary, Mary Magdeline, and Jonah, (Jonah's casket was marked Jonah son of Jesus). Now of course these names weren't completely uncommon, but Cameron told NBC'S "Today" show earlier that statisticians found "in the range of a couple of million to one" in favor of the documentary's conclusions about the caskets, or ossuaries.

This finding obviously contradicts the Christian belief that Jesus' entire body rose 3 days after his crucifixion. This in turn has Christian church officials everywhere yelling blasphemy. This is no surprise as controlling the evidence has always been the church's way of scaring people into doing what it wants. This is like the old Groucho Marx line, "Who you going to believe, me or your eyes?" Jesus' most important message, about loving one another, always brings up the rearwhen it comes to their interpretation of the Gospels. Love is the scariest thing in the world to people who preach fear. Want proof? Here's a prominent list of those who preached peace and love: Jesus, Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, John Lennon...how many of these men died of old age? God is Love and Fear is the opposite of Love. Yet all that we hear is how if we don't do this, or if we do this, something bad will happen, and that is the basis of most major religions. Even in spite of the teaching of Jesus, Krishna, and the Buddha, Masters of these religions, speaking to the opposite. Anything that could undermine this control, is quickly called Sin or the Devil's work. I've always thought it funny that those who claim to be the most Christian are always the ones who act the least Christian.

And come on with the devil thing already. We believe in a God that is all powerful and all loving, one that Is all that Is. Yet, we somehow we are told to believe there is a devil, who is in constant battle with All that Is, and God might lose? WAKE UP!!! God is all loving and powerful, but needs us in Church every Sunday bowing and giving alms to what build his self esteem? No these are the traits of a tyrannical king placed upon God by man to promote fear, the fear that keeps us coming back and putting money in envelopes. I go to church when I want, that's the freewill God has given me, and I feel at peace when I leave. But, it's not really a choice if one decision results in eternal damnation.

Personally, don't need to believe that Jesus' flesh left this earth to believe he was reunited with his maker/Father/God. Christians should be celebrating the physical proof of Jesus' existence, as many did with the Shroud of Turin. But, that didn't go against a story in a 2,000 year old book, written hundreds of years after the actual events, edited by people whose intentions were to control people.

I also believe there is a lot of good in Christianity, and all of the religions in the world, but their leaders are going about things incorrectly. Especially when they all continue to fight wars in the names of their founders.

I better stop now, gotta save something for the comments portion of the show.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Riding in Cars with Boys

My apologies, I have kinda been on the run the last couple of days. But I promised Jerry a post yesterday, and now Rob is hounding me so I figured I better get the one up.

First, let me start by stating that I agree with the new law that only allows teenager to have one passenger in their car. I am for as strict of policies as possible when it comes to teenage driving. This has nothing to do with being in my thirties now, I have been saying this since I was 20. I believe the drinking age should be lowered to 18 and the driving age should be raised to match it. I say this fully aware of the fact that I was no where near responsible enough to have a license at 16; pretty much everyone I know was in at least one accident before they turned 18, sometimes with me in the car, (Celeste).

Now that we have that cleared up it also makes me sad for today's teens that they won't know the fun of riding to away games with a carload of their friends, singing, yelling, rocking the car, and spotting Padidles. I have a lot of such stories, but one in particular came to mind when I was talking about this with Karen and Luciana.

It was the Spring of '92 and the St. John Baseball team was playing a game on a college field near Youngstown. Cady Wilcoxen offered to drive in her Ford Taurus and plenty of people took her up on it. In the front sat Cady, Jill Blanton, and Luciana. Packed into the backseat were John Buskirk, Lisa Ray, Jerry, and yours truly.

I believe there was some sort of configuration where Lisa was sitting on laps, Buzzy had the driver side window, I the other, and Jerry was riding the hump. Jerry has his arm around Buzzy with his hand out the window. As we rolled into town we crossed a very narrow bridge, barely wide enough for two cars. While we were on this bridge I hear a dull thud and observed Jerry retract his hand back to his lap like an an alligator snapped at it. I couldn't hold back the smirk that made its way across my face, I just looked at Jerry and said, "Did you just hit your hand on that car's side view mirror?" The answer was a very painful "Yes." I laugh every time I think about this incident.

Jerry did ruin my glee when we went to Burger King after and I had to reach in his pocket to get his money because his hand was too swollen to do it on his own.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ashes to Ashes

I just got home after Ash Wednesday Mass and below average fish and chips from the Crows Nest. As you can see Fr. Bob, (not to be confused with Dr. Bob from the Veterinarian's Hospital skit on The Muppet Show), decided to strategically place the ashes on my forehead with the intention of making me look like Eddie Munster. This was better than the cross that Karen received, damn life flight kept trying to land on it.

Even though I expected it, I am still too dumbfounded by LeCharles Bentley's need for a second surgery and a second season on the sidelines, that the best I can do is point you once again to the God hates Cleveland Sports Blog link on my page.

I know I promised you all a story about Mattie's gymnastics meet and instead fed you a fluff piece about sports and Spring, but come on how about the weather the last 2 days since I declared Winter called?

So here's how it went. We got there and my first thought was, "Holy crap it really is a house!" You actually walk in a door and can go upstairs to the house or downstairs to the "gym."Once you go down, you turn a corner and walk down a hallway, which figures into the story later, and into this giant press board structure that is partially below ground. At first I didn't even see an additional fire exit. Of course this happed after I drove in and out of 3 tiny parking lots looking for a spot. Its a rural road and with the snow there's no way to park on the street. I actually parked someone in that had also just gotten there, then after the first session left I went back out and moved the Jeep.

Mattie and I were expecting a hostile environment, what with me being an honorary Salemite, I knew Poland was enemy territory. Let's get the bad out of the way first. Mattie again didn't get over on her vault. It did not help that the mat was 6 inches higher and the "runway," well remember the special hallway I mentioned earlier? That's right they started their approach in the hall outside the gym area. Absolutely insane!

What really pissed me off was that Mattie got a 7.0 on her bars. she was attempting a level 4 skill, front mill, that she just learned that week. She normally gets it, but this time she didn't make it all the way around, other than that she did pretty well. Here's the thing, I watched girl after girl do the exact same thing, some didn't even get their dismount, and receive much higher scores. This kind of subjectivity makes me insane and want to pull her out of gymnastics right then and there.

Balance beam was average for her, 8.25. but it was anything but average for the spectators sitting along the wall that had to duck every time a girl dismounted from the balance beam for fear of getting kicked in the jaw. This close proximity of course did not deter yahoos from walking right beside the beam, while girls were doing their routine, to go get a snack. morons!

She finished by kicking butt on her floor routine, 8.75. Now, I know you don't want to give girls unnecessarily low scores if you know they'll be in last anyway. However, judging by Matt's other scores it hardly seemed fair that there were girls that honestly didn't even know the routine, they all do the same), and received nothing lower than an 8.0.

They only gave awards for the all around so all Mattie know is she was 7th out of 7. Yet, I think she would have gotten a 1st for her Floor. Next meet at home during the 2nd weekend of March.

Time to go watch the second half of the CAVS and OSU, both are close games right now.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Imperial March

I have not read one article yet today about the Indians, all I've seen is a couple of pictures of pitchers throwing, and I am psyched. This snow and cold outside can no longer affect me! The NBA All-Star game is over leaving only about 30 regular season games, and judging by the standings in the East, they may actually be meaningful.

But c'mon the NBA season is only a time passer, it gets you from football to baseball. I do enjoy the playoffs though. We've got 9 days left in February, (that's 18 more minutes of daylight in the evening), then it's March. Conference tourneys will start, then before you know it, the selection show. Then I'm drafting my teams with the Big Friends crew. Then I have to wait Monday through noon Thursday like a kid who wakes up Christmas morning but is made to wait in his room another 3 hours before seeing his presents, to watch and gamble on College Hoops action. This time is usually spent at work making color coded brackets on Microsoft Word. Before you know it, the Final Four has been played, I've shed a tear watching One Shining Moment, and Freakin' Baseball season has started! Of course that Monday opener is followed by the traditionally inexplicable Tuesday off, but I'll get by, the CAVS play that night in their 8th to last game of the season plus I hope ESPN will have a full slate of baseball. Then I only have to work until Thursday, as Good Friday starts my Spring Break.

Old Man Winter you are through, you can't get in my head.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

New Rules

I stumbled across some Major League Baseball rule changes that are going into effect this season. These are the first rule changes since 1996. Here is the link to the article. Some of these I had to read about 5 times to figure out exactly what they meant. Others I understood the first time I read, but that didn't mean they made any sense to me.

I don't want to write about all of them, you can read them for yourself, I just have a few comments on a couple.
Under another change, a player may no longer step into a dugout to catch a foul ball. He still will be allowed to reach into a dugout.

Okay, I guess this is a safety rule, but they are taking away some of baseball's best highlights. Yeah, baseball is far from the physical sport of football. But, how many football players a going to dive down a set of concrete steps into a bench, cinder block walls, bats, helmets and players, all without looking where they are going, just to catch a ball that isn't in play? What about the player whose momentum carries him into the dugout? Will there be instant replay?

A batter running to first base also will be allowed to exit the 3-foot lane in foul territory "for the sole purpose of touching first base," and a batter will lose the ability to run to first on a dropped third strike if he leaves the dirt circle around home plate unless he does so while trying to reach first base.

What the Hell does, "for the sole purpose of touching fist base," mean? Why else would you be running down the baseline? If you run out of the 3 ft area to avoid a tag, isn't your sole reason for doing this to reach first base?

And why can't you run to first after leaving the dirt circle? The only advantage, on a dropped third strike, the batter has is surprise, unless the ball ends up at the backstop. Furthermore, a Major League catcher knows to tag the runner or make the throw to 1st anyway, and if he doesn't, (making him the Manny Ramirez of catchers), he will learn quickly.

Another change allows pitchers to wear a multicolored glove if the umpire determines it isn't distracting. And a pitcher in the stretch position instead of a windup with no runners on base no longer will have to come to a complete stop.
The first part is blatantly about pitchers' endorsement deals. The second has more to do with this next part:

With no runners on, a pitcher will be required to pitch within 12 seconds, the timing starting when the pitcher is in possession of the ball and the batter is in the batter's box, alert to the pitcher.

Maybe 12 seconds is more than enough time, but I hate rules meant to speed-up the game. This is part of baseball, a way for the pitcher to get in the batter's head. Baseball is played everyday and most games are on locally. My point being that it's not like football, college or pro, where there is always another game to get on the air. Quit trying to change the rules to accommodate the people that think the game is too long, or boring! If they don't like it, who needs them? I know Major League Baseball does, but educate people about the game then, don't change the game for them.

I've got to get ready to take Mattie to her meet today in Poland, OH at Kathi's Dance and Gym Center. This may or may not be nothing more than a house. I Have tomorrow off so look for a full update, and please cross your fingers for her vault.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Wait one minute Buster!

Bracket Buster Saturday is over with the exception of Ohio University's midnight match-up against New Mexico State. The MAC currently stands at 6-5, meaning the worst that could happen is they go .500 if the Aggies down the Bobcats. I believe this proves it's about time for the MAC to get a little more attention and credit, or at least as much as some of the other Mid Majors.

Most importantly both Akron and Kent won today. I was really glad to see Kent won, when I checked the score online it looked like a final with KSU down a bucket, it wasn't until recently that I realized they won. Speaking of which, I swear when I read about these games in the PD a few weeks back the article said the Akron game would be on national television, it wasn't even on local TV. It would have been nice if Toledo could have beaten the Old Dominion, since they beat Akron last Saturday.

#1 Florida lost to Vanderbilt today, and it wasn't even close. Vandy won by 13 pts. Can and OSU win tomorrow put them back in the #1 spot without beating anybody of note? We'll see sports fans, we'll see.

****Update- OU lost to NMS 77-72 after holding an 18 point halftime lead.

Friday, February 16, 2007


As promised here is a picture of my date and I. Tonight was the annual Cinderella Dance at Sts. John & Paul. It's a Daddy/Daughter event held in the High School Gym. Last year's took place during October, actually the same night of the OSU v. Penn St debacle.

As Stim put it, "It's just like high school. The girls are all running around dancing and the guys are standing around talking to each other waiting for a slow song to make their move."

I limited myself to only 2 cupcakes, and equal numbered glasses of punch. Not sure how many Mattie had. It can be a long couple of hours, but at the end they play John Mayer's Daughters as a last dance, and those are definitely 4 minutes that I wish would last an eternity.

Get the Foulke Outta Dodge

I really don't know what to write about the whole Kieth Foulke retirement. I cannot feign anger about this occurance, to do so would give you the belief that I considered Foulke some sort of knight in armor riding in to save the bullpen and eventually games. I never believed this or that signing Foulke was anything more than another example of the Indians wing and a prayer approach to free agency. Still I have to admit I prefer the idea of a competition for the closer role.

I think anything else there is to say about the situation is said in my new favorite blog godhatesclevelandsports.blogspot.

I have to go for now, I have a hot date I will tell you all about later tonight or tomorrow.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Ghostride the Whip

This is a trend that apparently started on the West Coast and has moved its way across the country. Jay B told me about this after seeing it on the channel 5 news last night. We immediately made plans for ghost riding this weekend. Not really, but there is no doubt this is some thing we would have tried in High School, Hell I'm surprised Ankrom didn't invent it.

You can find plenty of videos of the trend on youtube including some where poles and people are hit, or where the car is stolen.

I stole this quote from the report on newsnet5.com, "Police said ghost riding is illegal. It's also dangerous because ghosts are not very good drivers."

So don't Ghost Ride, and if you do make sure you film it.

Here is the address for the ghost riding blog ghostridethewhipblog.blogspot.com

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Can Buy me Love

I'm sure most of you were either there or have heard the story by now, but I have to discuss it anyway. Karen and I met a few days before Valentine's Day in 1998. She purchased me at a Fraternity fund raiser auction called Rent-A-Chi. Somehow it worked like this, she paid money to the chapter to fulfill her obligation, then I paid to take her to Applebee's, (bring on the Skalski comments). After the auction she came over with another girl, who shall remain nameless, and along with Terry the 4 of us proceeded to get pretty mangled in the game room. Legend has it she went home and told her roommates, "I just met the guy I'm going to marry."

The next day I waited for her to call about the date, as in the last first date I'll ever have, and she called while American Pie was on the radio. We took a ride with one of her roommates, Katie, down to her parent's then we dropped Katie back off and headed to the Bee's. Karen was wearing a multi-color striped sweater, Guess cargo jeans, and black , almost combat-like, boots. We went back to her place afterwards, and kissed for the first time in her room, while listening to Steve Miller Band. Then she had to go because her sorority, Alpha Phi, was doing their annual "Singled-out" Philanthropy. It was based on the MTV show.

On the 13th she came to the Lambda Chi house late after working at Tangier's. We stayed up most the night talking, and early in the morning, on Valentine's Day, before she had to leave for a 7 am shift, we well... wanna know the rest? hey buy the rights.

Since cash is a little tight this was the best present I could think of. God gave us another by closing not only my school but also Lakeland, meaning Karen didn't need to go to clinicals giving us the day together. I intended to scan an old photo of us from closer to this time period, but couldn't find the plug to my scanner. Mattie helped us out however by drawing the picture above.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Uncle Terry and I

I realized that the major weakness of this blog is that there isn't nearly enough of me, so here is a picture of T and I enjoying the fine whiskey that Bolls presented Rob as a house warming gift. I am pretty sure that bottle didn't last the night, but that Rob had plenty to remind him of it the next morning.

The Ace of Spades

Moving Clockwise from Stemmy in the white shirt, Terry, Steve-O, Bolls, Robbie, Jeff, Deiter, Steve

Hardly fresh news but my big brother Robbie T is back in Ohio, having moved into his new digs in Cuyahoga Falls. I met him at his currently under-furnished, (can't move a lot of couches cross country in a Wrangler), domicile. I was given the Grand Tour twice, the place has potential. For example there is potential to put a bar in as many as six different locations in the basement.

After having a few brews out of the cooler, the three of us, (Stemmy, aka the roommate showed up) , headed to Bolls' house to pick up his poker table. Then the 4 of us met Terry and Jeff at the Clubhouse for wings and an assortment of draught beers with Guinness poured gingerly into it. Apparently smoking is still being allowed in some Akron bars as well.

Around 11:00 we headed back to Rob's place for some Cadillac of Poker. I love that in a situation where most people would say "I can't wait to have a card game once I get moved in," Rob chose the more Spence like path of having one before he had more than a television in place. We played a 20.00 buy in tournament, I managed to win 5 hands over the course of 3 hours , come in third, and win my Andrew Jackson back. I quickly lost it in the cash game that followed. However, I did make a Fin back off of the kid who won the tourney. He bet me that Airplane was rated G, I knew it was a PG film. Side note: Airplane II: The Sequel was rated PG in spite of bare boobies.

What I learned over the weekend is that I have been incorrectly placing periods outside of quotation marks. Not when using a direct quote, but when I was putting quotes around a single slang word to make a point of in not being my word, I was placing the period outside the quotation mark. This was something I wasn't sure about, but through all of my Master's course work I never had it marked incorrectly, so I assumed it was right. Rob was nice enough to embarrass me by pointing it out. The sting of the shame will prevent me from making the mistake again.

Monday, February 12, 2007

We'll Meet Again

Mattie's meet did not go great Sunday, somehow she has now lost the ability to time her steps on her vault. I am not posting a video because the DVD ended up unreadable. Not sure if I will ever do this since it requires the video to be posted on youtube first, which probably isn't a great idea. There was extra pressure on her when we got there. First it was Championships then we discovered she had been placed in the groupings with the "experienced" gymnasts rather than the "novices." However, her All Around score was not high enough to keep her there for the awards. She ended up in the middle of the pack for most of the events and the All Around.

I blame myself a little for her struggles. I met Karen and Mattie at the event, usually I drive and 20 minutes before we get there we stop talking, and blast the Ramones, while Mattie closes her eyes and goes through her routines step-by-step in her head. This has resulted in her best performances. She also rode with her cousin , putting her attention elsewhere.

Special thanks to Uncle Terry who endured 4 hours of girls gymnastics just because that's the kind of guy he is.

There is another meet in Youngstown this Sunday. The word of the week is FOCUS.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Pick of Destiny

I am too tired to come up with my own post right now, so I figured I could share this story that appeared in today's online edition of the Star Beacon. Besides, what could I possibly come up with that would make a better story?

ASHTABULA - - Police were called early Wednesday to a Carpenter Road home for a birthday celebration gone bad. When police arrived, an Ashtabula man was standing by a Dumpster at 2:17 a.m. in Glennwood Estates, according to city police reports.
The man, who was celebrating his 23rd birthday, suffered injuries to his face when his brother stabbed him with a hair pick, the report said.
He was transported to Ashtabula County Medical Center, the report said.
The victim said his brother beat him up after learning he was going to stay the night with his (brother's) girlfriend, the report said.
The victim refused to sign a domestic violence complaint, saying, "The streets will take care of it," according to the report.
The outraged brother also spat in the woman's face and, in turn, the woman hit him on the head with a beer bottle, the report said.
Police said alcohol was involved in the melee.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Got A Lot to Say

I figured I should have a Friday rant too, so here is something that drives me nuts. It never fails, I will be reading a comment on a message board, usually but not limited to the Star Beacon's, and the person will actually make sense about an issue that I may believe the opposite about. Then it happens, somewhere in the post is the word, "ALOT". This is where I group the person with the rest of the illiterate dummies who type "is" when they mean "are" and vice-versa. I am not a journalist, nor a gymnast, that's Rob's department, but come on you are an adult and its 4 letters get it right! (Okay so 3 conjunctions in one sentence won't help me win a Pulitzer either)

If you still don't know what I'm talking about sorry, but you are one of these people, that's alright though because I'm going to end the confusion for you right now. More importantly I will keep it from happening again. In high school one of my favorite teachers, Terry Murcko, helped the entire class with this problem. He had grown tired of reading the word "ALOT" in our writing, so finally he took a piece of paper wrote "ALOT" on it, tore the A off taped it on above the left corner of the chalkboard, then took the LOT and taped it above the right corner. From that day forth I never made that mistake again. I actually emailed Mr. Murcko today, after reading "alot" one too many times, I thought maybe if I thanked him I could purge my soul of the anger I have for these people.

A -----------------------------------LOT

I also invited him to check out ASO, so we'll see what happens...I know it sure puts a lot of pressure on me; writing this and thinking about him grading it.

***Going Dark- I am leaving to go out of town for the weekend, visiting Karen's Parent's, hanging out with fellow bloggers Rob and Terry, and going to Mattie's first meet since December. I now have a DVD video camera so look for a video post of Mattie competing by... Tuesday. There now the pressure is on to learn how to do all this video transfering/editing/publishing crap.

Have a good weekend, see ya on the flip flop!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Devil's Dance Floor

Alright I'm looking at ESPN's Bracketology page where they have an updated NCAA tournament bracket scenario. Currently #4 seeded Duke is potentially playing #13 seed Action U. This would not be an enjoyable start tot he tourney for me because I would have to decide my loyalties and I would definitely choose Akron. Problem is how far are the Zips going to get really? They would probably get stomped by the much more tournament savvy Blue Devils, then again how far is Duke really going this year? They haven't won a game since the New Year, (writer's embellishment). Plus, F DUKE for not taking care of business last night and letting UNC come back on them, which hurt the Buckeyes.

Speaking of the Bucknuts, (yes we are writing about them again), they are seeded in a #2 slot in this scenario. All of their losses, thus far have been quality losses coming at the hands of Florida, UNC, and Wisconsin. These three teams , along with UCLA make up the number 1's. The Thad Five will get another crack at the Badgers on the 25th at home, and maybe a tie breaker in the Big 10 Tournament. This would definitely flip flop their seeds.

Getting back to Akron, (which is what Rob's doing this weekend), The AK-Rowdies have a tough hall this coming week. They have Toledo, then OU the team that gave them their only loss in the MAC, luckily in the JAR this time. Then Saturday is the Nationally televised Bracket Buster game against Austin Peay. A win here gives the Zips a shot in the dark chance to receive an at large bid, should they not win the MAC tourney. I've got my fingers crossed that the picture of the '86 Sweet 16 team, the one with Bob Huggins looking like he's 20, will have some company.

And what am I doing being a fan of Duke anyway? They are the Notre Dame of Basketball with the breaks they get and how over rated they are at times. I guess it helps that their biggest rival, UNC, gets the same treatment.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Soft Cell

I actually accomplished something today. I listed 2 of my used cell phones on Ebay. I have only been planning to do this for about 2 years. That's 2 summers off, 2 Spring Breaks, 2 Christmas Vacations, 104 weekends, and a number of other holidays and snow days. This wasn't my first time listing something on Ebay, I've done it a handful of times, never with any with any trouble. And if you are reading this you know I spend plenty of time screwing around on the computer. Worse, it was my plan to pay for my digital camera when I bought it last November. I've even had offers from Shelly Mullin, the owner of a local Verizon store, to sell the phones for me to customers who break their phones and didn't purchase insurance. I wasn't comfortable taking her up on this though since I haven't bought a phone from her since the my first one. Choosing to give Lazanis the commission instead. (Right now he is reading this and giving a big, out loud, sarcastic "YEAH RIGHT!")

Anybody want to buy the whole lot above? I'm thinking of going off the grid. One is a fake display phone taking the place of my Slider that I cannot find. Plus Jerry is considering taking a post at Cingular, (picturing the Jerk rubbing his hands together, scheming, and making a noise that sounds something like "Sa Weet!" right now), and I may need to begin working him over with the new company.

***Health Update-not a smidgen of temperature today. But I did keep taking medication all day. Throat still sore, air outside hurts to breathe, and I can't decipher whether I'm hungry or nauseous. Looks like school tomorrow so I should be at least 80%, and Scott Spence at 80% is better than any other teacher in the district at 100%.

What am I listening to: The Buckeye Student section doing my favorite chant. Ooohh we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan, the whole state of Michigan.
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan, We're from OHIO. We're from O hi O O-H! were from O hi O IO!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Moonlight Drive

I have a question for you, that is really a question for myself, how is it that Field of Dreams is my all time favorite movie and yet I do not own a copy of it on DVD? I have two overflowing DVD storage towers each holding 75 movies. Mattie has another 60-70 more in her room. But I have not purchased the greatest movie ever. Unlike a lot of the movies I own, many still in the cellophane, I would actually watch it. At least once a year before baseball season started. I have a VHS copy and I used to stay home sick from school before opening day and watch it. I know it wasn't on DVD for a while, but it has been for at least 4 years now.

I bring this up because I just watched it on one of the movie channels, probably the second time this year I have done this, and I just can't figure it out.

Spoiler coming if you haven's seen it

I have seen a thousand times, and I still cry each time I see Shoeless Joe Jackson (Ray Liotta) turn to Moonlight Graham (Burt Lancaster) and say, "Hey Rookie...you were good." And of course the whole end scene with his father. The other amazing thing about this movie is that each time I watch it I figure something new out. Tonight I realized that Terrance Mann (James Earl Jones) isn't just going to start writing again because of an incredible experience. He is going to begin writing again because he has been given something to believe in again.

Safe to begin reading again now

I guess it has taken me so long to figure all these things out because I originally saw it in the Summer of 1988 when it first came out. I was twelve and the Jerk and Lisa took me when I was staying with them in the Valley in Akron. Since I memorized most of the lines I stopped looking past the dialogue for more meaning. I've even read the original book by W. P. Kinsella. The Jerk has a small plastic canister of dirt from the actual field that he would sprinkle on his TV when the Indians were in the playoffs.

Well my birthday is in my profile, I have given you all an idea. If you haven't seen it rent it, if you have seen it buy it for me, or better yet drive me to Iowa to see the actual field.

****Health update-I was feeling better last night when I posted and again today when I woke up. Then I fell back asleep on the couch and woke up shivering uncontrollably for easily an hour. I fell back asleep and I woke up feeling really warm but not wanting to take of my sweatshirt, the blanket, or the stocking cap I was again wearing. I finally took my temperature, 103.5. I took some Aleve and have felt okay since. Maybe a little clammy right now. But we have another snow day tomorrow so at least I have 1 more day to get better.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sixty Minute Man(ning)

The talk of whether or not Peyton Manning will ever win the big game is over. Every year it's been said that it is now or never for the Colts QB, but now that he's got one Lombardi trophy, and an MVP there's no reason to think he can't get 1 or 2 more. I don't see anyone in the AFC being a big favorite over them next year. Hey, Edge how you loving 'Zona?

My cold sweats stopped around 4:30 enabling me to head over Whit's to watch the game. Unfortunately I was miserable, I guess it's one thing to feel better at home, it's another to feel better around people. I stayed for the 1st half and drank a can of diet Pepsi and a bottle of water, while everyone else enjoyed a plethora of alcoholic beverages. There was also plenty of gambling going on, which I couldn't get involved in because I didn't stop at the MAC machine due to the fact my window was frozen shut. I really wanted to enjoy myself, especially since Whit's wife Amy got a call before the game even started about school being cancelled tomorrow. I just didn't have the energy to talk or be my usually witty self, which I found embarrassing in front of people there I didn't really know. Can you imagine if right now people are saying, "That Spence kid sure is quiet." I might have to send out a press release in the form of a Star Beacon front page reader, apologizing and promising to have people doubled over with laughter next time they see me.

I will be spending the rest of the night watching West Wing season 7, and this episode of Criminal Minds that I have had paused while I was writing this post. Not unsurprisingly I feel pretty awake, having had roughly 28 hours of sleep out of 32.

How about both the National Championship and Super Bowl starting off with kick off returns by the losing team?

Joe Lies

So while Terry has asked to have his man card revoked for his recent obsession with Harry Potter, which I have no problem with, I have to ask myself if mine shouldn't be pulled as well. Here it is Super Bowl Sunday, I've watched 4 hours of coverage about field conditions and African-American coaches, and I couldn't watch any more. I was flipping through the channels and Say Anything was on, now I own this movie on DVD but I felt the urge, rather need to watch it. I loves me some Lloyd Dobler, it's such a great character, I'm sure Robbie will agree as he enjoys all things John Cusak. So if watching this movie instead of SB coverage makes me less of a guy, that's fine, I don't want to be a guy, the world is full of guys, I want to be a man.

The rain on my car is a baptism, the new me, Ice Man, Power Lloyd, my assault on the world begins now.

And one more thing - about the letter. Nuke it. Flame it. Destroy it. - It hurts me to know it's out there. Later."

Night Fever

I spent the night waking up every 45 minutes, every time either taking medicine or getting a drink. It's difficult to sleep through the night when you've slept all day. The worst thing was I had started to feel better except the headache I had increased in pain 10 fold. I tried a hot bath last night because me body ached so bad, terrible idea, I was so cold getting out and trying to get dressed I thought I was going to vomit I was shaking so bad. But for most of the night I was warm. I woke up at 7:45 with no blanket on me drenched in sweat, but feeling better. I took a hot shower and now I am in a bit of a cold sweat, but I can handle this. I think this would have lasted all week had I not gotten a flu shot.

Now to what I wanted to write about. I did indeed meet Minick out, we went to Applebee's where I had a few Bruti of Killian's. Jay B showed up a little later, and finally we looked around and realized we were keeping most of the staff there, because everyone else had left some time ago. We chose to go to the Nest for last call, not a great idea considering the weather. I had a good time hanging out with Dave and hope to stay in touch this time.

I got my first pie from the new Salvato's Friday evening. They had closed 3 years ago but some guy bought the recipe and I've been waiting since then for him to open a place. Not only is it now open, its in walking distance. They were very busy, I actually couldn't get through on the phone, so Karen stopped in and ordered on her way home, she was told 15 minutes. The good news is it tasted like Salvato's the bad news is it was cold. I don't understand this, if we were told 15 minutes how did they manage to cook the pizza and get it cold before I picked it up. It should stay hot in the box for at least that long. I am not turned off though, I am sure this won't be a problem once things settle down a little bit.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Cold as Ice

Okay, so I have some things to post, but right now I am sick as a dog. I am actually sitting here with a heated neck wrap wrapped around me, and a skull cap on. Still, I am freezing. Nothing worse than being out late drinking just to wake up with a cold knowing you've destroyed any chance your body had of fighting it rapidly. I have to go now because I am so sick my ass hurts sitting her and my fingers hurt typing. I also took some Tylenol sore throat nighttime. My head is getting heavy. fflgjfdlgjdsoigrogjsdtijdsoidssdj;osidi;d;lfioigdgjdogiusdpoiiodid;k;dlgjdlg lxmkdlfhjdiogiud;irt86g ;od;g d;lkd;lgkdg dlk;gnkkdldk jd;k;ldkjd;lkgjd;kdd;lk;gjdgiudrt yelrym

Friday, February 2, 2007

(My) Space Lord

Last Saturday, as previously mentioned, I created my own MySpace. It was something I had only been semi-interested in, spending too much time already writing these posts. But Jay B. got one and the Jerk made it private so in order to see what he was up to I needed one. First task was to convince Karen that it actually is used for more than to meet girls. I believe that has been accomplished. Today I finally added some personality to my profile and the link to ASO.

Other than seeing J Vigga's page I also wanted to use MySpace to attract more readers to the Odyssey. This has actually worked thus far. But, more importantly I've been excited about how quickly I got into touch with some old friends.

Celeste, I see once in a while whenever some thing's going on, but that's pretty infrequent.

Dave Minick, who I talk to when I run into, and there is always loose talk of getting together but never happens. I spent an hour on the phone with "Minner" this week, and we have tentative plans to hang out tonight.

The other, is Josh Nolan. I haven't seen Joshuwana in at least a decade, and that's sad. Talking to him now I realized how much Wana and I were/are alike, as far as music, movies, sports, and sense of humor. We used to even look a little alike at one point, but judging by his trim lookin' MySpace pic that time is long gone. Josh and I used to have the same black Bo Jackson T-shirt, and Black Chi Sox hats. We'd wear them on a Friday dress down day and sit in each others seat in Geometry class. I gotta assume, based upon Janice Bebee's no fun personality, that she was none the wiser.

Anyway, thanks Tom for putting me back in touch with old friends.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Under the Boardwalk

Two local business men announced plans yesterday for the 8 acres on the strip at Geneva-on-the-Lake that used to be home to Erie View Park. Being a parent Erie View Park was a huge thorn in my side. You try to go to GOTL for some Eddie's Grill, maybe a slice of Capo's, perhaps a game of putt-putt, in which you count every one of Mattie's strokes. Then your child notices the rides, and throws a fit about wanting to go on them. This would not be a big deal except that it was basically $2.00 a ticket for every ride. And every ride was nothing more than a different vehicle that went around in circles, at least those that Mattie could ride. Luckily she did get one last chance to ride these last summer while Karen and I were at a rehearsal dinner at The Old Firehouse Winery.

The plans for the area that is going to be called "The Landing" include expanding the winery, leaving the Oak Room/Swiss Chalet, and Woody's World Arcade. Added will be a boardwalk, an amphitheater, shopping plaza, seafood restaurant , and most importantly my favorite a Microbrewery. This brew pub will be housed in the old Dodgem' building and will be called Lost Parks Microbrewery. The name is taken from the title given to Parks such as Erie View, which is a "historic place of memories that is gone forever." Obviously all these attractions will not be added this summer.

The proprietors of The Landing took time to dis spell some of the rumors of what was going to go into the old park. My favorite was about a Gentlemen's Club, typical Ashtabula Rabble Rousers causing an uproar. This rumor gave the location as the Dodgem' building, but the best part a name had also been given, "BUMPERS." I would trade the Brew Pub for the name alone.

I look forward to going out there now. To me the Firehouse Winery was is great place, as far as location and atmosphere, the only downside unfortunately was the vino. Not a ringing endorsement for a winery. But if Karen can drink wine and I can go get a handcrafted ale... I wonder how much a cottage is for the summer...sorry drifted off.

101 days until Mother's Day and the first Eddie's Hot Dog and Mexican Stand off for a table.