Other than seeing J Vigga's page I also wanted to use MySpace to attract more readers to the Odyssey. This has actually worked thus far. But, more importantly I've been excited about how quickly I got into touch with some old friends.
Celeste, I see once in a while whenever some thing's going on, but that's pretty infrequent.
Dave Minick, who I talk to when I run into, and there is always loose talk of getting together but never happens. I spent an hour on the phone with "Minner" this week, and we have tentative plans to hang out tonight.
The other, is Josh Nolan. I haven't seen Joshuwana in at least a decade, and that's sad. Talking to him now I realized how much Wana and I were/are alike, as far as music, movies, sports, and sense of humor. We used to even look a little alike at one point, but judging by his trim lookin' MySpace pic that time is long gone. Josh and I used to have the same black Bo Jackson T-shirt, and Black Chi Sox hats. We'd wear them on a Friday dress down day and sit in each others seat in Geometry class. I gotta assume, based upon Janice Bebee's no fun personality, that she was none the wiser.
Anyway, thanks Tom for putting me back in touch with old friends.
What about you and me? Remember Sardi's? "What are you guys, brothers?" Who says that to two strangers in a bar?
I'm pretty sure we didn't lose touch before MySpace. And yes u also fit that category, of long lost brother, I just never forgot about it.
I am just glad that I never tried to get you on myspace, jerkface.
I know you also tried, I just wasn't that interested at the time, I could see your page and rob's without joining.
I was thinking how nice you mentioned me in you blog, but I see I wasn't invited last night. What's up with that? I am so one of the guys. Ofcourse I was busy so I'm not that offended.
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