I bring this up because I just watched it on one of the movie channels, probably the second time this year I have done this, and I just can't figure it out.
Spoiler coming if you haven's seen it
I have seen a thousand times, and I still cry each time I see Shoeless Joe Jackson (Ray Liotta) turn to Moonlight Graham (Burt Lancaster) and say, "Hey Rookie...you were good." And of course the whole end scene with his father. The other amazing thing about this movie is that each time I watch it I figure something new out. Tonight I realized that Terrance Mann (James Earl Jones) isn't just going to start writing again because of an incredible experience. He is going to begin writing again because he has been given something to believe in again.
Safe to begin reading again now
I guess it has taken me so long to figure all these things out because I originally saw it in the Summer of 1988 when it first came out. I was twelve and the Jerk and Lisa took me when I was staying with them in the Valley in Akron. Since I memorized most of the lines I stopped looking past the dialogue for more meaning. I've even read the original book by W. P. Kinsella. The Jerk has a small plastic canister of dirt from the actual field that he would sprinkle on his TV when the Indians were in the playoffs.
Well my birthday is in my profile, I have given you all an idea. If you haven't seen it rent it, if you have seen it buy it for me, or better yet drive me to Iowa to see the actual field.
****Health update-I was feeling better last night when I posted and again today when I woke up. Then I fell back asleep on the couch and woke up shivering uncontrollably for easily an hour. I fell back asleep and I woke up feeling really warm but not wanting to take of my sweatshirt, the blanket, or the stocking cap I was again wearing. I finally took my temperature, 103.5. I took some Aleve and have felt okay since. Maybe a little clammy right now. But we have another snow day tomorrow so at least I have 1 more day to get better.
Well my birthday is in my profile, I have given you all an idea. If you haven't seen it rent it, if you have seen it buy it for me, or better yet drive me to Iowa to see the actual field.
****Health update-I was feeling better last night when I posted and again today when I woke up. Then I fell back asleep on the couch and woke up shivering uncontrollably for easily an hour. I fell back asleep and I woke up feeling really warm but not wanting to take of my sweatshirt, the blanket, or the stocking cap I was again wearing. I finally took my temperature, 103.5. I took some Aleve and have felt okay since. Maybe a little clammy right now. But we have another snow day tomorrow so at least I have 1 more day to get better.
Hey spence...wanna have a catch?
I'd like that.
Is this heaven?
No, it's Ashtabula.
Feel better, Spungalo. A 103 temp is nothing to play with.
Hope you feel better Spuncie. Ya know some people go to the hospital when their insides are cookin.
Field of Dreams $8.53 free shipping. This is to help whom ever likes this guy enough to shop for him. Here's the site. It is good I have used it for about four years and always got my stuff quickly. Good prices too for you online shoppers. http://www.deepdiscountdvd.com/dvd.cfm?itemID=MCA020140
Thanks guys for your concern, I've realized I can't stop taking the stuff that's making me feel better.
If it didn't go down rapidly after the Aleve I'd of been heading to the ER. Just hard to consider going to the Dr. when that means having the energy to get Mattie ready to go, and brush off my car with a 103 fever while it's -20 outside. Maybe I could have used the fever like a superpower...
At this point I might as well skip the DVD and buy the HD DVD.
Spunce, why is there a picture of Dick Van Dyke on your blog?
My Sha Roni, I assure you that is the late great Burt Lancaster. Ya heard!
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Josh
Date: Feb 6, 2007 5:52 AM
I had the same problem this past weekend. I have been trying to feed the baseball jones with baseball movies, as I do every year about this time. My problem, though, is that I have no idea what movies I own. Consequently I am usually a) ticked to find out that I don't have a movie I thought I had, or b) pleasantly surprised to find a movie I'd completely forgotten about 34 seconds after it arrived home.
However, after I'd gone through both the upstairs and downstairs DVD collections this weekend, I was at a loss as to how to explain a collection that could include such marvels as "Mr. 3000" or "The Benchwarmers" but NOT "Field of Dreams." There really is no excuse.
Rather than opt for the VHS version, I went to "The Rookie."
You better invest in a webcam, because I'm havin' a hard time buyin' this 103 temp garbage. Don't buy into it, folks. I saw Spence and his neighbors havin' a snowball fight around midnight on Super Sunday.
Tell Jay Vegas to leave you the hell alone, it's probably his fault you're sick anyway.
Shut the hell up Jay!
And it wasn't a fight as much as it was a sniper attack on that Action Jackson
Anyone seen a copy of Dinner Party or a Duncan Sheik CD? Rumors are the kids caught the sniffles.
L.T. had Dinner Party last I knew. he uses vasoline as an ashtray and as lube, yes the same jar.
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