First, let me start by stating that I agree with the new law that only allows teenager to have one passenger in their car. I am for as strict of policies as possible when it comes to teenage driving. This has nothing to do with being in my thirties now, I have been saying this since I was 20. I believe the drinking age should be lowered to 18 and the driving age should be raised to match it. I say this fully aware of the fact that I was no where near responsible enough to have a license at 16; pretty much everyone I know was in at least one accident before they turned 18, sometimes with me in the car, (Celeste).
Now that we have that cleared up it also makes me sad for today's teens that they won't know the fun of riding to away games with a carload of their friends, singing, yelling, rocking the car, and spotting Padidles. I have a lot of such stories, but one in particular came to mind when I was talking about this with Karen and Luciana.
It was the Spring of '92 and the St. John Baseball team was playing a game on a college field near Youngstown. Cady Wilcoxen offered to drive in her Ford Taurus and plenty of people took her up on it. In the front sat Cady, Jill Blanton, and Luciana. Packed into the backseat were John Buskirk, Lisa Ray, Jerry, and yours truly.
I believe there was some sort of configuration where Lisa was sitting on laps, Buzzy had the driver side window, I the other, and Jerry was riding the hump. Jerry has his arm around Buzzy with his hand out the window. As we rolled into town we crossed a very narrow bridge, barely wide enough for two cars. While we were on this bridge I hear a dull thud and observed Jerry retract his hand back to his lap like an an alligator snapped at it. I couldn't hold back the smirk that made its way across my face, I just looked at Jerry and said, "Did you just hit your hand on that car's side view mirror?" The answer was a very painful "Yes." I laugh every time I think about this incident.

Jerry did ruin my glee when we went to Burger King after and I had to reach in his pocket to get his money because his hand was too swollen to do it on his own.
I also cannot repress that same grin when you had to reach in my pocket for my money...oh sweet irony and karma...sometimes it just comes around a little faster than expected. By the way, when you have to dig in your friends pocket for money because he is incapacitated there is absolutely no need to caress the leg to make sure you didnt miss any change...
Spunce takes it on the run, baby.
If thats the way he wants it, baby.
He's under the gun, so he takes it on the run.
Don't you ever have anything nice to say about me? That car accident was so not my fault. Was it? (Also happened at a St. John baseball game, coincidence? I wonder.)
Umm, how bout some pictures of these girls posting online here? If they are friends with Scott, maybe we don't want to see them, umm!!!!!!!!!
No it was Alex's fault really, she took the family limousine out while her parents weren't home, like she was the Fresh Prince.
This was also done to give Jerry the chance to call me on the fact that he was in the car when i got in my first accident. Of course, I wasn't trying to prove to him that I could drive like you were, which is why it was so funny.
And LT no one wants to hear from you, so please go have more smokes and get cancer.
I hope FL doesn't change their driving age laws. You just wait until you have driven your kids around for 15+ years.......you want them driving themselves ASAP. Practices three nights a week, and mommy driving him there at age 16 and 17.....yah, ok!! Teach them well, oh brother, and they will not drive the way you (AND RICK) did!! We'll blame dad and Bonnie for your actions!!!
I did go to the Chuck Spence School of Offensive Driving.
But this law only changes the number of passengers allowed, not driving age.
Ahhh... those were the days! Are we sure that Lisa Ray was in the car and that we weren't in some sort of SUV - all our outings seem to run together I guess... and Jerry... I crack up every time I think of it as well. Good times guys!!!
I am glad that me getting my hand damn near separated from my wrist is remebered as a "good time" by Luciana...lol....my friends!!!
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