This finding obviously contradicts the Christian belief that Jesus' entire body rose 3 days after his crucifixion. This in turn has Christian church officials everywhere yelling blasphemy. This is no surprise as controlling the evidence has always been the church's way of scaring people into doing what it wants. This is like the old Groucho Marx line, "Who you going to believe, me or your eyes?" Jesus' most important message, about loving one another, always
brings up the rearwhen it comes to their interpretation of the Gospels. Love is the scariest thing in the world to people who preach fear. Want proof? Here's a prominent list of those who preached peace and love: Jesus, Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, John Lennon...how many of these men died of old age? God is Love and Fear is the opposite of Love. Yet all that we hear is how if we don't do this, or if we do this, something bad will happen, and that is the basis of most major religions. Even in spite of the teaching of Jesus, Krishna, and the Buddha, Masters of these religions, speaking to the opposite. Anything that could undermine this control, is quickly called Sin or the Devil's work. I've always thought it funny that those who claim to be the most Christian are always the ones who act the least Christian.

And come on with the devil thing already. We believe in a God that is all powerful and all loving, one that Is all that Is. Yet, we somehow we are told to believe there is a devil, who is in constant battle with All that Is, and God might lose? WAKE UP!!! God is all loving and powerful, but needs us in Church every Sunday bowing and giving alms to what build his self esteem? No these are the traits of a tyrannical king placed upon God by man to promote fear, the fear that keeps us coming back and putting money in envelopes. I go to church when I want, that's the freewill God has given me, and I feel at peace when I leave. But, it's not really a choice if one decision results in eternal damnation.
Personally, don't need to believe that Jesus' flesh left this earth to believe he was reunited with his maker/Father/God. Christians should be celebrating the physical proof of Jesus' existence, as many did with the Shroud of Turin. But, that didn't go against a story in a 2,000 year old book, written hundreds of years after the actual events, edited by people whose intentions were to control people.

I also believe there is a lot of good in Christianity, and all of the religions in the world, but their leaders are going about things incorrectly. Especially when they all continue to fight wars in the names of their founders.
I better stop now, gotta save something for the comments portion of the show.
I often wonder how God feels about the things that get carried out on this planet in his name...as our good friend George Carlin one said..."the sword of God, the blood of the lamb, millions of dead mother$%#@!^& all because they gave the wrong answer to the God question"...
All emotions stem from only two, love and fear. Jealousy, fear. Hatred, fear. Insecurity, fear. Joy and happiness, love. No need to go on, you get the picture. God is love. Says it right there in the almighty book. Nuff said!!
Hey Coll' funny you would say that, guess which book I just found and I am reading again.
Spuncie, you are a conflict theory sociologist at heart and I love you. Karl Marx said "Religion is the opiate of the masses", meaning that religion dulls our senses to accept our plight in this world with the promise of a brighter next world. He also said that dominant religions often interpret their scriptures in ways that keep the weak in check and benefit the powerful (i.e., lower-social class Americans often "give themselves to God" in their church services, while upper-social class Americans are taught to think critically about the text as long as they don't stray too far from the pack).
Now, those who choose to worship how they wish are likely benefitting more from their prayer and reflection than those who follow the rigor and ritual of formalized church service.
As someone who is not religious and believes that someone in the sky controlling things and someone underground trying to f* it up are ridiculous notions at best, I respect all people who choose to believe in what they believe as long as they don't infringe upon my right to shut them the Hell up!
Love all, be all-- live a good life, give the benefit of the doubt to peeps, do a good deed because it makes people feel good-- I don't need to go to church to learn to live like that, I choose to do so. Bravo to you Mr. Spunce and to your fellow forward-thinkers.
I'd feel better about this discovery if the show wasn't going to air in about a week. All of this talk leading up to the show smacks of PR hype to draw viewers - who, in turn, make advertisers happy - who, in turn, spend a lot of money and make TV executives rich (and happy).
Do you remember them "discovering" the ghost and shotgun in the original Three Men and a Baby right before Three Men and a Little Girl was released?
No, the ghost and the shotgun were discovered in Al Capone's safe.
Hey I am not contending it's true or isn't, Hell the thing was uncovered in 1980, when Robbie was a High School Senior. I just hate how quick the church is to dismiss it.
Roni, thanks for the kudos, but I will always prefer the wit of Groucho Marx over Karl. The same goes for John Lennon over Vladimir Lenin. But I am a Lennonist/Marxist just the same.
Well, I am waiting for the shows next advertisement, when they proclaim the 5th casket, the true burial location of Anna Nicole Smith.
Comment of the month goes to Laura, (or the Tonight Show writing staff since that's where they joke belonged).
Was that really tonight show schitck? Ughhh.
It was funny, it just had that late night talk show current eventiness to it. Like eventiness is a word.
I'll tell you what, I'll bump it up to Late Night writers. Leno would probably too afraid to make a Jesus joke.
Leno did make the joke Monday night. He said, "How come they can find out if Jesus had kids through DNA testing, but they can't find out who the father of Anna Nicole's baby is?" I was surprised he went with the Jesus joke, too.
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