I am in no way going to suggest the Cavaliers are better without Bron-Bron, but this is not a stat that makes a lot of sense. If his game was similar to Kobe's or A.I.'s then you could understand, but LBJ is supposed to be the ultimate team player. He loves passing and getting his teammates involved, even when it means passing up on a dunk himself. The only explanation I can come up with is that when he is on the floor the other 4 guys are waiting for him to carry them. When he is not suited-up they know that one of them must step up, and they have so far, especially not folding against the 76ers last week when they were down big. I hope he sits a few more games so these guys can build more confidence in themselves, which in turn will only make LeBron better when he returns. Besides he could use the rest.
16 days until pitchers and catchers report!!!
Tonight on the tube: 7pm the Buckeyes take on the Boilermakers on ESPN, then at 10:00 the bittersweet return of LOST. I used to love this show, but I cannot take many more questions being raised without any of them ever being answered, but I have too much time invested to give up now. I just hope they make it interesting again before it gets dropped by the network and I don't get to see how it ends.
(sorry don't know what happened to the picture)
(sorry LOST does not return until next Wednesday, leaving me time to watch more 24 on DVD)
(sorry don't know what happened to the picture)
(sorry LOST does not return until next Wednesday, leaving me time to watch more 24 on DVD)
Are you suggesting the Cavaliers are better without Bron Bron? Just kidding. I think you're spot on. When he's on the floor, the others wait for him to do something. Without him, they're forced to be the professionals they are.
Don't give up on Lost yet. They're supposed to start answering questions this time around.
LOST is February 7th, dude. Sorry to disappoint.
Did you just see the same commercial I did during PTI? I just got on to correct the misinformation, and I see you commented at the same time.
Yes, there is actually another week before LOST returns. Meaning I will have seen 3 new episodes or more of the other shows I watch before LOST comes back. For a show that is losing viewers rapidly, they sure are arrogant.
I still don't know if I saw all of the episodes from last season. I will probably watch these but I was definitely loosing interest, which is why I may have missed some.
Spuncie, I hate to sound like the genius I am, but I think I can help explain the Cavs' performance without Levon (who wears his war wound like a crown). I am not so big a loser that I have time to look up who those games were against, if they were on the road or not, or whatnot; but, I bet that some of the teams the Cavs played in his absence were bad. That being said, these are 11 guys (out of about 384 in the league) that are fairly good anyway ('Z' being the exception). This is likely the same with AI, Kobe, Bird, Magic, etc., and the teams they were/are on. Some other factors that might play a role: defensive schemes that change when Levon is out of the lineup, pace of game that changes, offensive plays that change, the other teams' injuries, back-to-back games, etc. I am glad to see that, unlike Mariotti or Paige or someone, you did not just blindly throw out the 8-2 stat as proof of the Cavs better without Levon. I am not glad to see that you guys all watch Lost. I think a Tom Wopat special is on that night, so you know where my gay ass will be.
Roscoe P Coltraine (and Flash)
LOST will be worth the wait. It has to be. And if you don't believe that, take comfort in knowing the equipment truck leaves Cleveland in less than 24 hours.
Sorry...that last "anonymous" comment was me.
Thanks Wana that should help.
BTW Let's welcome both Celeste Shepard/Walters and Joshuwana/Joshua Tree to the Odyssey.
Roni you are right neither team that they beat sans LBJ was very good. But they did comeback against a 76ers team they had lost to 2 nights earlier at home. And play their best game, offensively anyway, against Golden State. James said in the PD today that when he isn't on the floor they know they have to move the ball better, rather than waiting for him to break down the defense. It's good for their confidence.
As far as lost goes if they could just answer the question of why Hurley is still so big I would be content for another season.
Hurley eats the Darma Initiative ranch dressing and peanut butter in the Sam's Club-sized containers he found in the jungle. You know, the same jungle where they found a pirate ship, an airplane (with a working radio and Mr. Ecko's dead brother), a polar bear, a polar bear's cave with Tonka trucks, the two dead skeletons, the Harlem Globe Trotters and Mr. Howell's giant steamer trunk full of cash.
I thought he gave up eating the PB out of the gallon sized jars when he was getting action?
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