How proud was I of Mattie when she came home and told me Friday about how she asked her teacher if the Saints John and Paul could dress down Monday in Scarlet & Gray? Her teacher ran to the office and told the secretary, who asked the principal, who said "Yes". It was quickly added to the news letter that was about to go home. I used to do the same thing in High School when the Browns were in the playoffs, and I also cleared a teacher jeans, Scarlet & Gray, day at my school. So we decided to take a picture tonight with what we are going to wear (Mattie's wearing her pink Buckeyes jersey and I chose my "I've got Laurinaitis" t-shirt).
While many who traveled to Ohiozona are still scrambling for tickets, Jay B and I secured ours last night. Of course ours are for the Crows Nest. For a $25.00 "donation", there is an Open Bar and Buffet until the game ends. Betcha I get my money's worth outta that!
This will probably be my last post until Tuesday, when you can find out what I've learned this weekend. Not to give it away but it certainly won't have anything to do with gambling.
You are teaching her well. Way to go Mattie!
I - O!
By the way I am back on line.
Go Bucks!
Go Bucks! The city is in lockdown mode. The local Best Buy and Starbucks are empty!
Florida is for losers
I am so sad right now.
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