My favorite part is when the main character, Dubya, gets out a whole sentence without stumbling over a word while managing to make sense. Then he gives that smirk right into the camera to let the audience know none of it's real and it's all just a big joke. Seriously, it's going to be interesting to see how many standing ovations he gets even from his own party. Most of whom have been distancing themselves for some time now.
While I expect much of the same "Stay the course" b.s. I am looking forward to what he plans on saying about alternative fuels. There is a rumor out there that he will request ethanol production be increased to 60 billion gallons. Well, maybe Georgie finally stopped "looking into" Global Warming, and is considering it to be a possibility. Hey he's managed to mess up everything else he has touched, maybe he can actually do some good in his last 2 years. Of course, as ASO's political brain trust, Roni Balogna, put it if there was an '08 Republican candidate out of Michigan, he wouldn't be pushing this. Then again, neither would most Democrats. Besides, F Michigan!
In closing, I'd like to offer one piece of advice. After the speech turn on PBS, it truly is the only non-biased news and information source. FOX leans left, everyone else (I'm told), leans right, they are the only network that is going to give it to you straight because they don't have their own agenda.
FOX is "fair and balanced," but actually leans right (conservative). The rest of the media supposedly leans left (liberal), though I actually prefer CNN.
PS ... I love W, but would have a hard time voting for him again (unless Mrs. Clinton wins the democratic nod). He's been a mess, but nobody can say anyone else would have been better under these circumstances.
Certainly no one can say anybody else couldn't have either.
We could of had a President that had us 8 years farther down the path of curing diseases through stem cell research. Or a better education policy, or environmental policy, or health care plan, or...
F the Poor! MEATHEAD.
Had to edit the Jerk's comments since he chooses to be vulgar rather than voice a logical/rational opinion.
Didn't want to get rid of it completely, this isn't Russia. This isn't Russia Danny is it?
Also, as I've said before I will gladly be Meathead to the Jerk's Archie any time.
The whole purpose of the show was to point out how people like Mike Stivic were right and people like Archie were wrong.
Who says Archie was wrong?
Anyone who thinks there can be too much Aaron Sorokin dialogue should go back to watching Everybody Loves Raymond or Facts of Life or whatever.
Also, Rob is right with his representation of news networks. While I am left of center, I think Fox provides great coverage of news, despite hating idiots like Adolph O'Reilly, Reichmann and that Mengala guy.
Well he was wrong about that ex pro football player friend of his not being gay.
SHE said she wasn't gay ... and her girlfriend confirmed it.
Don't get me started ... I may be dating her again when I get home.
Dude, i didn't mean her. It was an episode of All in the Family. But way to out your ex girlfriend on my blog.
We all crack up when my grandma calls them "Lezzies". But Rob's post definitely is up for "Best Post in January".
He hasn't posted since, here or robthomas.blogspot.com, is he hiding, or did he get tackled by his linebacker ex?
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