Here's a picture of ASO political pundit, Roni Balogna and I celebrating. This was immediately after Jim Webb (D) Virgina, gave the Democratic rebuttal to the State of the Union that we had written for him. If you didn't watch this check it out, he is well spoken and quite forceful with his words. As the editorialist on PBS put it, "A star is born."
Most notable was the fact that he, his Grandfather, Father, and son all served in the U.S. Military, (son currently with his "Boots on the ground in Iraq"). Also, pointed out that how Bush described the economy was based on how much the rich have gotten richer. The middle class worker used to make 1/20 of what a company CEO made. Now its 1/400 (no the extra zero is not a typo).
We really went all out, springing for hospital medicine cups to swig our Lang Goon scotch
I of course meant Lagavulin scotch, not Lang Goon, which I think is the villian in Spiderman 4
Either way we were drunk. And thanks to Doc C-vert for swiping the pill cups
Wish he'd swipe some Vike.
Really what good is a Medical License if you aren't going to use it to acquire prescription drugs for yourself and the guys in your fantasy football league?
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