The State of the Union started off well, I even had Mattie stay up just to see new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi introduce President Bush. These types of historic moments become much more important when you have a daughter. It was also nice to be able to tell her about Condoleeza Rice. The President made some heart warming remarks about Speaker Pelosi, then couldn't resist taking a swipe at the "New Democrat majority." I have to admit I didn't know this but this is a Republican/Rush Limbaugh way on degrading the DEMOCRATIC party. While most of America missed it too, those in the know did not.
I really liked what Bush had to say about Health Care, Immigration, and the Environment, (although he couldn't bring himself to say "Global Warming" choosing instead "Global Climate Change"; more political diluting of the language). It seemed early on he was speaking more the Dems, trying to get some things done that he couldn't with a GOP majority. But the Prez also has 6 prior SOTU's where he gives what amounts to a wish list of things that never happen whether it's his fault or the fault of Congress.
Then we got to Iraq, gone was the smirking tough guy. He was begging for support, but again not giving much of a plan, only using scare tactics about what will happen if we don't send more troops. It was really the same old song. Although, we didn't hear how much progress had been made, or how close the end was like last year.
I haven't gotten the polling data from Joey Lucas yet, but early returns do not show the Bush's approval rating moving much.
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