Jay don't get nervous Rick Rude did not come out of the closet, he is only here to represent the family I encountered tonight. Mattie made her First Reconciliation this evening at St.
Joseph's Church. It was a combination of children from all 3 city Catholoic churches. I was in a good mood going there, and then a funny thing happened on the way in. I've dealt with some pretty inconsiderate people today, but I couldn't take anymore after this. As I walked up the front steps behind my family I saw a woman I know with her husband and three children. Now, if there is one manner I have it is taking the time to open doors for people especially women, even if I'm dying inside because it's going to put me further back in line at the bank,
restaurant, what have you. I opened the door for
Mattingly and Karen then stayed there, in the cold mind you, for this family to enter the church, half expecting to have the uncomfortable, go ahead, no you go, with the father. Instead all 5
walk right by me, heads down, without as much as a nod of thanks. Remember this is
going into church so one of their children can receive a holy sacrament. This behavior usually elicits a sarcastic and loud, "Oh, you're welcome," from me, but didn't feel it was appropriate for the setting.
I was however put in a better mood after seeing all of the families come forward. I was able to validate a theory of mine by proving that I am the best looking Catholic father of a 2
nd grader within the
Tri-Parish Community.
***I'm sure a lot of you know by now today is the Anniversary of "The Drive." Another great day as a Cleveland sports fanatic. My question is this: Is this really still the best game winning drive ever? I'm not sure it ever has been, but certainly there has been something in the past 20 years that has topped it.
"I want all you fat, out of shape Ohio hillbilles to keep the noise down while the ladies watch me take my robe off!" - R.I.P. "Ravishing" Rick
Spungalo ... Aren't you generally the best-looking guy in any crowd?
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