First, off a big ASO welcome for Luciana, I have only been trying to get her on here since the inaugural post back on December 9th. My question for her is did you check out the blog at work? Funny how if you are stuck the house raising twin boys you have to get a job just to get out and surf the net. I think Jill may have also started reading but we'll never know for sure.
These are Luch's twins, (Stefano on the left and Marco on the Right), I didn't have a pic of Luch or just both boys so I chose this one. That is not Daddy (Ray) in the photo, it is Luca Palanca. Luca wrote the screenplay and starred in the film Made in Brooklyn. He also dates Luciana cousin Tammy Pescatelli, whom you know from the second season of Last Comic Standing. Now that I just name dropped, I'm going to have to actually get around to seeing the movie.
Next up I was watching America's Funniest Home Videos during the CAVS game and the same thought I always have crossed my mind, "Could I do that job?" How many people think Bob Saget is the second coming of Fred Rogers because of his hosting and role on Full House? If you have ever seen a Bob Saget stand-up, like I had prior to his appearance on either show, you know its generally unrehearsed, and very blue. For those of you not in the know blue means dirty/off-color. Back to the question, I don't think I could do it. I couldn't play a goody-goody stiff for money, I can't even act that way in front of my students.

I was even happier that Little Miss Sunshine won 2 golden statues, I loved the movie and the feeling it gave stuck with me for some reason. I wish it would have won for best picture. I'm glad Scorcese won, and while I liked The Departed I didn't feel it was either his best movie or the years best film.