No, I'm not talking about squealing your tires. I mean kids, usually teens to early 20's that are usually found smoking cigarettes in front of Pizza Villa, or between classes at the Vo-Ed. Typical attire is a black, (like there's any other color), concert t-shirt, (usually of a band that at least has a rep for dabbling in Satanism), thin jr. high growth of a mustache, and jeans so tight they make the white high top sneakers on their feet look like moon boots. Could be found with a full head of long hair, or a mullet with top feathered and the back long and stringy.
Who are this generations burnouts? Are they the punk wannabes? Are they the goth kids? Are they the slipknot fans?
Other than Kid Rock, I'm sure a few are in hiding working meaningless jobs, but where are all the burnouts I knew? Are they shape shifters? Did Guliani kill them all along with NYC's homeless population? Were they abducted and studied, (hope not)? Did they cut their hair and become jerk-off Republicans? Probably.
If anyone has a theory, or better yet proof, please let us know.
Def Leppard once told us, "It's better to burnout, than fade away." These once great creatures seemed to have lived this belief.
I have a theory, friend Scott.
In 1953, at the age of 7, I was visited and taken aboard an aerial ship which is not of this Earth. The extraterrestrials who call themselves Biaviians kept me physically with them, for three days, before returning me to near my home, well fed, clean and unharmed. Thus began my lifelong odyssey of visitations and hands on association with these outer-world beings.
These same two aliens returned to visit and take me up to the great mothership approximately every eleven years since then. The last physical visitation transpiring on December 28, 1987, in the Ozark Mountains in western Arkansas, near the Oklahoma border. I managed to take four daylight Polaroid photos of the ships on that occasion, as they passed over my car, knocking out the cars electrical system.
It was during that last visitation, that the aliens informed me, that it was time for my memory of all past visitations and extensive instructions, to be uplinked. As a result I now have total recall of all my time spent in their company over the years.
The photos and certain written information concerning the aliens physiology, origins and technologies, was sent to NASA mission scientist soon after the last meeting. I asked them to "swamp gas this, with your bad ass". Shortly thereafter I was visited in Oklahoma by the scientist, as well as a group of Japanese researchers from Tokyo. I have further conversed at length with a high ranking official of Strategic Air Command, named Bob A. Booie.
The male Biaviian I know best is named O-Qua-Tangin-Wann. I call him Tan. The female, who accompanies him is named O-Nee-Sayer-Wann. I call her Nela.
I was told of and shown human beings who have lived on their home planet, without aging, since pre-biblical times. I was further informed that it is a good possibility that a much greater number of earthlings may be transported to their planet around the year 2011, if humanity doesn't drastically alter the way it now conducts its production and power generation. The airlift would be a last resort action to save the human species from near or total extinction.
During their history they have made many of the same mistakes we are now making. For instance, the planet upon which the Biaviians now abide is the third home planet they have inhabited since the dawn of their chromos'. In other words, they either blew up and or poisoned the ecology of two other planets before they came to the point of doing it right. Thus, their genuine concern with our present condition.
We are swiftly approaching the terminal saturation point of no eco-return. Shit will more than likely hit the fan by late 2011. We do have existing technology, creativity and conceptual ability to turn this thing around. This is humanities last chance to continue as something more than blade running cannibals. Fuck this one up and we all go down.
We don't have much time. I bid you peace.
Does anyone remember when Pizza Villa by the High school was actually open? "Smokin' in front of PIzza Villa" is a phrase that all native Ashtabulans get, and understand that it meant the closed up one across from Harbor High. I remeber there being burnouts everywhere, and yet they are rarely seen today. Maybe we are out of touch with the youth of today....but the sight of a dude still rocking the long greasy hair and high tops, sneering at everyone,smoking dorals, always reminds me of those many namesless burnouts that populated the spot close to where Lake Avenue/Walnut Blvd meet. Takes me straight back to 94.
when I was in 1st grade at Mother of Sorrows (80-81), I had to take a bus to Harbor and wait in front the High School was let out. This was a relatively scary 45 minutes for a 6 year old. Something that would never happen today.
At this point the crew across the street at Pizza Villa looked like the understudy group of Dazed and Confused presented by the Art Center. And thus began my fascination and study of the burnout culture.
okay, that alien story really scared me, who is that? Who was our school's equivalent of a burn out? Did we even have one?
Being too young to actually remember when Pizza Villa was open, I can only assume the guys who used to chill with backs to wall and one foot up are now swilling beer down on Bridge Street.
If I can use someone I know as an example of employment, I'd say welder or some seedy machine shop.
Some of the best burnouts used to rock out with their c*ck out at the Cove, though.
I was like one bad friend away from being in the burnout crowd at Salem High. I would have worn a maroon Cavaliers of Salem jacket. I hated smoking which is probably the only thing that saved me. I rocked the mullet, tight jeans and my high tops had the extra fat tounge. I cleaned up my act, shaved the mullet and wore the Black Dukes of Salem jacket. We chewed tobacco and drank beer.
I can't remember, Terry: Were you sexed in or beaten in?
A little of both. I can remember which hurt worse. I will show you what I mean some time.
It appears that the burnouts, much to my dismay, have been replaced with EMO kids...they even adopted their tight jeans and shoes...they did take some artistic liberty with the hair and their choice in music but the spirit remains the same...
Celeste that was Riley Martin. Author of the book "The Coming of Tan"
I can't really put my finger on someone from St. John that fit all of the requirements. But certain;y Tim Newsome who dated Sam Hensley would be an example.
Heath Mackey.
I thought Heath Maki but wasn't he just more of a weirdo than anything? just being a misfit doesn't get you in.
Heath Maki went on to have a successful film career appearing as the "ghost boy" in Three Men and a baby...
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