For those of you not from the area Tinker's Hollow is loaded with tall tales about ghosts, murders, Satanic Cults, animal sacrifices, Indian Burial Grounds, and Graffiti from the Ankor, (as you can see from the photo to the right of Bryan showing off his handy work, this one proved to be factual). The story I was most familiar with had something to do with Old Man Tinker slaying his family, or his family being killed, and whoever it was being hung from the bridge. There is another involving a girl being raped and murdered on the bridge. It is believed that if you go at night you can see her reflection in the water. It can be a bit of a scary place at night. I actually haven't been out there since a car ride with Mike Bucci in '95, and couldn't even remember how to get there.
We saw no ghosts or Devil Worshipers, although we were ambushed by a carload full of heavyset high school girls. They came out and took a picture, so apparently the legends are alive and well.
I found this web page telling what appears to be the true Legend of Tinker's Hollow. The part about the Conneaut Giants is interesting. There are a number of related sites at the bottom of the page.
We had a car loaded with drunks one night and headed to Tinker's Creek.
The story I heard was your engine would cut off and the car wouldn't restart. When this happened to a young couple, the guy went to get help. Hours passed and the girl (with doors locked) fell asleep. She woke to what she thought was drizzle on the car's roof. It was blood from her boyfriend's body - hanged from a tree above the car.
The same thing happened to me. However, the drizzle came from a homeless man pissing on the roof of my Mazda.
Jay, you are supposed to have a screenwriting degree, you should know to juice it up by saying the ghost of a homeless man.
I can't always be on.
A carload of heavyset high school gals? Send them to C-bus and we'll see what happens. And they have screenwriting degrees?
They have screen "ghost" writing degrees!
It wasn't technically a screenwriting degree. It is just a piece of hefty paper which occupies a spot on the wall and leads to severe apathy.
I think you could have gotten that degree at Kent Ashtabula. I know a few people who have one.
Is this the place Rick came crying home from one night when we were teenagers? Oh yah. Ask him about it. Him and Sharon in the car, and Rick, brave man that he was, "saw something" out in the dark. "I swear to God, something was out there." I thought he pee'd himself that night.
Sounds like this would have probably been the place.
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