We caught the end of the Ball State v. Eastern Michigan game, and it was a close game at the end. We watched all of BiGSUe taking down OU, which cost me 5.00. I didn't care just wanted some interest in the game. Then the third game was to decide who was going to face Akron tonight. Central Michigan, who I thought was the Gryffindor house from Hogwarts after seeing their band, crushed Buffalo. (Zips currently up 23 w/ 8:33 to play)
Since this game was a blowout we decided to leave with about 10 minutes left, and head down to Panini's for something more substantial than a soft pretzel or a container of Nachos, especially after drinking all day. While at Panini's I discovered another thing that really pisses me off. How can a bar, that always has sports on, with heavy crowds before and after sporting events, located in the shadow of the Q and the Jake, not automatically have the CAVS on? Not only did I have to ask the bartender to put it on, I had to help her figure out what channel it was on! Finally we got it figured out and I relaxed with a nice Turkey Panini and my final BL of the night.
I got home just in time to see the final 4 minutes of regulation, and a great overtime Cavaliers win. Thank you Bill Herzog for the tickets, thank you Laura for thinking of us, thank you jerry for driving, thank you LeBron for the block you had in OT.
****Editor's note I just heard Michael Reghi say that Central Michigan has a lot of Canadians on the team. Do you think he meant...ah never mind...
Since you guys got to go to the Mac games, I think a fair trade is that Karen comes with me to my "insurance Convention" in San juan trip in June. Sounds about even.
"insurance trip"...sounds an awful lot like cabana boys rubbing oil on you...and Scott, when Michael Reghi said "canadians" he absolutely meant...ahh, nevermind...sure seems to be a lot of canadians around here...but thats good for the academy
Spuncie, I thought the exact same thing when he said canadians. I was like man that is a bold statement even if it is in code. After all Akron has its share of "canadians" too.
That was one of those things that when I wrote that, I knew every joke made earlier in the post would be ignored, and the comments would become "Canadiocentric."
Jen and I both laughed out loud. That is Youngstown-area code also.
by the way Scott, although I am glad that you are appreciative that I provided transportation, in the future, feel free to leave out the part when you talk about DRINKING ALL DAY and then following it up by saying that I was driving!!! Hold on a second, the State Highway Patrol is knocking on the door, let me see what they want...
I meant J and I were drinking while you nursed that $12.00 frozen appletini the entire time.
It wasn't an appletini...and I wish it was only 12.00
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