Unfortunately, what does it matter? Kids don't ride bikes anymore, certainly not as transportation like we did. There's a few reasons for this. Such as video games which keep kids inside the house all summer. I was gone every morning, and never without my mitt over my handle bars. I wonder where our pro athletes will come from in another generation. The next is the over programming of children, we as parents have our children in so many different leagues, groups, and classes, (guilty as charged), they don't have time to invent their own games in backyards anymore. On top of this are the parents who think their kid will be drafted out of Junior High so everything else takes a back seat to practice, games, and resting-up for games. Finally, kids are coddled and no one trusts anyone. Students barely walk to school nowadays, part of this is an unsafe environment. We live in dangerous times and people don't look out for each others kids anymore. Probably because parents don't want to listen or handle disciplining their kid when they do something wrong.
While Mattie was riding her bike I pulled the grill out for the second straight day. Monday was
This is the fourth year I have had this grill, I replaced the racks, burner, and briquettes last year, so we were ready to rock and roll. Notice the proper grill technician form, holding the tongs not to tight, yet not too lose. Those of you with a keen eye may have noticed the Winter Bourbon's Cask Ale in my hand; by New Years I had burnt out on these, and have had the "Beer Crisper" filled with them since. I see them disappearing quickly as guys come over to watch the Tribe and Cavs playoff games.
See Rob, not to downplay Mattie's accomplishments. But there's a whole post about nothing.
Don't let mattie go too fast she'll ride right off the roof
I own YOU
Where are your cheese lovers at? .25
Graz, that would have be the caption of the photo if I could add a caption.
Looks like the Jerk is out of his pansy-ass, winter crankiness and back to taking swipes at people. Either that or doubling his Relacore has worked.
Don't encourage the riding of bikes, as it can lead to being run down by an ice cream truck, on a lazy summer afternoon, when one is totally minding his own business. I hate bikes.
This wouldn't happen if you had a Prussian Army helmet.
I see you didn't buy Manny's grill off ebay? C'mon, it was only used once and he was throwing in an autographed ball.
I enjoyed the Cask Ale early in the season, too, but choked down my last two before leaving Dallas. For some reason they grew more difficult to enjoy - like me in a relationship.
Is there any chance that Brendan can ride on the handle bars and when Mattie over corrects he can fall off. As Mattie explains to the black police officer that an "n" stole the bike and wrecked it Brendan will weave a tapestry of obscenity in the background.
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