Here it is the un-coveted Can of Corn Trophy. This trophy is given, really forced upon, the "Big Friend" who is the first to lose all 8 of his teams. This was me last year, and once again through terrible luck. I had 2 teams left, and they both lost on the second Thursday night. I believe one was Duke, who lost the first game. The other was a Gonzaga team that was well in command against UCLA. Then with little time remaining a Bulldog held the recently received inbounds pass above his head and had it stolen, then passed for an easy lay-up. At which point Adam Morrison and I both dropped to the floor and began crying.
This is the legend of the Can of Corn: One year Rick told all the guys to have their wives/girlfriends make something to eat for the weekend. Well Mead decided to bring one can of Food Club whole kernel corn. Rick found this so hysterical that he took it, put it on top of the television, and declared that such it was such a lame move that whoever the biggest loser was got the can. And thus it went, until next year the Corn was returned, and Orlando got hungry enough to eat it. Since then it has been placed upon a real trophy mount by Dragon, and adorned with goofy pictures of the unfortunate souls who have had to live with the shame and trophy for a year.
You see there is one more rule to "winning"the Can of Corn, "It must be displayed in your living room for the entire year." This serves as a constant reminder of how much you suck. Not to mention when people unfamiliar with this tradition see it they ask about it, so you must inform them about your sucking. There have peen plaques, crowns, and banners in the past for the winner, but the loser's trophy has truly become the focus of the weekend. Some guys even draft every year, not to win, but to not win the Can of Corn. Judging by my draft position and selections I'm going to go ahead and save the familiar spot for the Can.
That story never gets old. Good luck getting rid of the trophy this year, Spungalo.
If that trophy ever breaks, maybe the loser gets a dirty sanchez, or a cleveland steamer. Or a rusty trombone.
or Rita
There's a 3 year old can of New England Clam Chowder that Mead had to have that I'm sure could replace it since it's never been predicted.
3 year old can of clam chowder? thats still good right?
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