Once again the day started off peace- ful, with Augie and I the first to arrive. It's funny how it takes one little thing to set the tone for the entire day. Mead barely turned the corner wearing this white wind suit when Rick caught him out of the corner of his eye and said, "Holy shit! is Al Davis Here?" This led right into other references to people he looked like.
What I'd like to do is take a little poll of who he looks the most like
A.) Al Davis, Raider's owner and NFL renegade
B.) Super Dave Osborne
C.) Pauly Walnuts (Hard to see in the picture but he has "wings" like Pauly)
D.) Mase (from the Notorious B.I.G./Puffy videos)
You don't believe in Bula World Dago double up
We don't play around it's a bet lay it down
Dago didn't know me eighty-one bet they know me now
I'm the middle aged Bula Dago with the Goldie sound
Rick's Al Davis reference has to get a lot of credit for being on the spot, but I like Super Dave, too.
Stick with Al. First is best.
Super Dave was more of a play off of Evel Knievel crack that was originally made be Mead's Mom. Who by the way bought the Elvis jumpsuit, and he wore it because of that fact.
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