The last round of games have just started. Things started relatively quiet, and then it started how and exactly when there's no telling. One comment about the County Auditor's election and it opened the flood gates the top cracks were made by Rick and I, okay possibly all the cracks.
Rick kept singing the jingle, "A better value is what you get, when you vote for Corlette." Then he said, "Roger Corlette is like Gwen Stafani, left No Doubt."
Then I asked what was it exactly CPA stood for, "Cunningham, Potsie, Ayyye!"
Also told him people said, "I was nuts when I took Corlett -35% of the vote, but he covered and then some."
Also told him people said, "I was nuts when I took Corlett -35% of the vote, but he covered and then some."
I have to give him a lot of credit, Pigskin sat here and took every bit of it with a smile on his face.
Big props to Donnie V. The Bopper personally delivered two pizzas from Salvato's at two o'clock. Making this the most impressive was that he didn't even show up to hang out until after 9.
There was a big debacle on account of CBS's coverage. We put 2 bucks on the half of every game, then randomly get a number 0-9. What ever number is in the ones place in the sum of both teams score wins for that game. I had 8 with 2 seconds left at the half in the Duke game, and the Devils going to the line. CBS cut away from coverage right then to discuss the OSU game beofore the second half started. When they come back and finally showed scores at the top of the screen they showed both the Duke and Michigan State scores at the half. The rule is what score you see first is the next one paid, but these were posted at the same time. I lost 10 bucks as we decided to split each game.
On tomorrow's menu will be pasta fagoli and macaroni. Made on the premises respectively by Kov and Joe Pete.
I'll try to have some pictures up tomorrow of tonight.

****Editor's note The reason for the CPA comment: Roger Corlett's main campaign point was that he is a Certified Public Accountant, therefore making him the best candidate for County Auditor. The Mecca of all Ashtabula County Media, Joe Pete, passed out fliers with a very shady attempt to deceive. It had the Letters CPA on it real big and had the words Courteous Professional Administrative.

****Editor's note The reason for the CPA comment: Roger Corlett's main campaign point was that he is a Certified Public Accountant, therefore making him the best candidate for County Auditor. The Mecca of all Ashtabula County Media, Joe Pete, passed out fliers with a very shady attempt to deceive. It had the Letters CPA on it real big and had the words Courteous Professional Administrative.
Isn't it just so sad that Duke (yuk) got dumped by Virginia Commomwealth?
Shady politics in Ashtabula? Really?
Duke will rise again ... Just not this season.
You wish Rob, Duke's reign is over.
As long as I can't spell Coach K's last name, Duke will be the team to beat. Wait till my man Mike has had a another year to coach these kids up.
kryziewski, krzyiski, kriewski, krieswsiuyre, smith? Christ, I can't find hell with it...
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