Well I was going to post my Christmas wish list but I think Steve Martin does the job for me. I will take any of these things.
A Holiday Wish
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
St. John

Not long after that conversation John was back in the Cleveland Clinic, he had relapsed and the awful disease was back, with a vengence. The situation looked pretty dire for a while. But according to the article in today's Star Beacon, Buzzsaw recently received a bone marrow transplant from his brother Bill (on the left side of the photo), the procedure has been successful thus far but it will take a year to know for sure if it worked. I know little but I would guess extremely cautious optimism is being experience now by the family.
I am telling you all this because there is something you can do to help John, who by the way is truly one of the most sincere, genuine, and caring people I have ever met. The Applebees in Ashtabula is donating a portion of their sales tomorrow night to the Buskirks to help defray medical costs. Obviously, none of these procedures are cheap even with insurance, not to mention the numerous trips back and forth to Cleveland with gas hovering at $3.00 per gallon. There is one catch, in order for a portion of your bill to go to helping out Buzzy yo have to bring in a flier about the special event. These can be picked up at the the High School or at the Star Beacon. I plan of grabbing a few so if you need to get your hands on one please contact me.
You are all going to eat dinner tomorrow night, probably a good portion of you will eat out at least once this week. Why not do both tomorrow at Applebees and help someone out at the same time? Trust me Buzzy would do it for you.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Let a Man Come in and do the Popcorn
Mead's Antique Popcorn Wagon was located directly in front of Sears and across from Carlisle's. I can remember many a shopping trip with my Mom where we had to run across the street to pay the Sears charge. Well this was before Sears offered "softlines" in Ashtabula. I'm talking about grills, lawnmowers, washers, dryers not much to do for a young kid. But my Mom would appease me by buying me a bag of popcorn and a lemonade as we crossed from one side of the "outside mall" to the other. I remember one time in particular when he gave me a free popcorn ball because I had gotten stung by a bee. May have been to shut me up from crying, but hey free popcorn ball.
Mr. Mead stayed for a while after the cornerstones of Downtown Ashtabula had run to the mall, closed their doors, or in some cases both. Wow, I really wish I could get a hotdog from there right now.
Mr. Mead was hired for different events as well; carnivals, grand openings, opening day celebrations, and what appeared to just be random Fridays at the School Employees Credit Union. I can tell you there have been a few Fridays where I stood in line in the bank salivating because I knew that a bag of fresh popcorn was in my future.
As I stated earlier Mr. Mead and his popcorn stand were more than just local icons, they were celebrities as you can see in the photo. This is a screen shot of the opening scene from A Christmas Story. Mr. Mead was hired to help turn Terminal Tower and Public Square back a few decades for a film that can only be described as a piece of Classic American Cinema.
I also have had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Mead personally. His older son Craig is one of my brother's best friends and a good friend of mine by default. When Craig has been home visiting from Arizona his Mom, Dad, and brother Chris often make an appearance at a picnic or some other random gathering. My favorite thing about Mr. Mead was that he told me I was a genius for having my Festivus Parties. He even took to calling me Festivus when we would see each other.
To Mrs. Mead, Craig and Christopher, your Husband/Father will be missed not just by those close to him but by the community as well.
Star Beacon Obituary
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Here We Go Again

I have been saying all year this Buckeye team would get killed by last year's team. But I also believe a lot of the top ten teams from this year would meet a similar fate against their earlier selves. To defend OSU though they should have been undefeated, but in their one loss Coach Tressel chose not to challenge a fumble out of the back of the end zone which would have given the Buckeyes the ball rather than Illinois a touchdown. Making matters worse, and typical of the crap that only happens to my team, the Big 10 replay official was trying to get the play reviews but the communications system with the on field refs was on the fritz so the Bucks went on to lose by a TD.
The one thing that has really stuck in my craw recently though is the argument that it isn't fair that some conferences play a conference championship game. Everyone seems to agree that there is an advantage for the schools that are sitting at home. True this definitely helped OSU over the last two weeks, but it has certainly helped the teams playing too. Ask the 2006 Gators if they are upset that they got to have a Conference Championship game, if their season ended before getting the chance to play Arkansas, OSU is replaying Michigan in January. The same will probably be said for LSU, the favorites to play OSU at press time, these games give a team that seemed to have no chance an opportunity to get back into the mix.
Besides the Big 10 will never go to a Big 10 championship game. Why? they already have one, it's called "The Game." The powers that be will never schedule a game after Ohio State vs. Michigan. It is the end of the season, and more times than not it IS the Big 10 Championship game. That being said what do I know? With all the money that would be generated by adding a conference playoff game, I'm sure I'm just being naive about what really matters to big colleges and big time sports programs.
Anyway, GO BUCKS!!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thank U
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thrash Unreal

Last night I took my niece Jennie and her friend Kelsey to see Against Me! For those of you that don't know, and judging by the looks I've gotten when I've told most of you about going that's pretty much all of you, Against Me! is a punk band whose current single is Thrash Unreal, I was gonna post a video but they have all been disabled. I love there sound, especially lead singer Tom Gabel's voice. Being a punk band, I guess it goes without saying that they are anti-establishment, and really what better time to be than during the Bush era. Songs like White People for Peace, From Her Lips to God's Ears, and Baby I'm an Anarchist are more than just junk by a group of misfits trying to be cool by being against everything. They have lyrics that make you stop and think, and that is really what I look for in an artist. The thing that astonished me wasn't Kelsey being the second person during their set to stage surf it was that all they did was play. Here's this very political band and they came out and played 14 songs straight through. No Hello Cleveland, no were Against Me!, and no Eff George Bush. They just let the music do the talking. Then they did a 3 song encore and show over.
The Show was at the House of Blues, if you remember my Fake Journey experience you remember me saying how intimate the stage is. I just stood in the back with my 16 oz Pabst and let Jennie and Kelsey do their thing. We ate at the Hard Rock before the show and walked from Tower City down Euclid in the cold. When we left the temp had gone up 20 degrees.
So I went knowing I'd like Against Me! but there were 3 opening acts. that's a lot of bands to stand alone and listen to if they are no good. The first was Cobra Skulls, they played loud and fast and I enjoyed their set but they were basically a club band.
The next band blew me away, World Inferno Friendship Society, check these guys out! I don't even know how to describe this guys, so I'm going to stick in this video, just watch a little bit of it, they sound like no one else, and their musical ensemble was really different. Super high energy, pounding drums, and lyrics at the speed of sound. Check out the chick standing up playing percussion, she kicks arse.
The 3rd act was just a guy that looks like Terry and his prerecorded music. His name is Sage Francis and he is a Punk Poet/Rapper. This guy was great, and I've already downloaded a bunch of his stuff, but will probably buy an album, because he is original enough that he deserves it. He's been around a little while so if you have heard of him great, I hadn't.
If you could see any of these acts for a reasonable price, you should, you won't be disappointed.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Sunday evening my Sister-in-Law Lisa and I left halfway through the 3rd quarter of the Browns game for Cleveland. We were heading to see Bruce! Yeah I missed most of a great Browns game, but I listened to it until the last 2 minutes of the game, and then was able to watch the end on a TV that hangs outside the Quaker Steak & Lube at the Q. It was definitely cool to stand there on the street in downtown and watch the Browns win in overtime with a group of people that were already amped up for a Springsteen concert.
This was my second Bruce concert. It was one of the best shows I have ever been to, but paled in comparison to my first time. Everyone knows what a huge KISS fan I am and I've seen them at least 7 times, and they are the greatest show on earth...except for Bruce. What KISS does with amplifiers, theatrics, explosions and pure bombast, Bruce tops with pure energy, heart and the best collection of lyrics and music ever written. I left that first show drained physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That didn't exactly happen this time.
The band was incredible as expected, Clarence Clemons makes me want to learn to play the Sax. They are as a group so incredible together. There is no way to describe the E Street Band music other than pure Rock n' Roll. From The Big Man's Sax crying, to Max hammering the drums to Dan Federici and Roy Brittan on piano/organs to the haunting background vocals of Patti, to the battling guitars of Miami Steve, Nils Lofgren, and the Boss himself there really isn't anything better. It's so obvious how much they love their music and playing it as a unit. As I told Lisa on the way home it's just so cool that all these guys have other things going on in their lives, most notably Steve Van Zandt role on the Soprano's and Max Wienberg's job as band director for Conan O'Brien, But when Bruce Calls up and says, "I've written a E Street Band Album," they drop what they are doing, make a great album, and hit the road like they never stopped touring.
As for the concert itself, I loved the message Bruce is sending out. Yeah, he's pissed about the the current administration, the rights that have been taken away from us, and the needless deaths in Iraq over a lie, but he doesn't make it a negative thing. He is there to inspire, and give hope, not add to the fear that has led us to this point in the first place.
Problem is I like all of the songs I've heard off the new album, I just didn't expect him to play all of them. I wanted to hear the songs I know by heart, that have made me stop and think, and that have altered my life. He also had to hear one of Patti Scialfa's (Bruce's wife) songs. I didn't pay 100.00 for that! Most of the E Street Band members have released solo work but they weren't getting any play. I guess I wouldn't have minded if we got the typical 3 encores but he did only one. Then finished with American Land? I mean I thought it was awesome, but it was from his American Folk Song album the Seger Sessions. There was also no 30 minute story/speech wrapped up nicely in a song. Nor did he do any kind of big introduction of the band.
Highlights were She's the One, Tunnel of Love, It's Hard to be a Saint in the City and probably my favorite was a reworked blues version of Reason to Believe. That is one of the great things about a Springsteen Concert, he will completely change a song not just play it acoustically, but completely rework it. He may even put it to the music of a song by another artist like the Rolling Stones. I also have to mention Lisa's new favorite song Gypsy Biker, check it out on youtube there's a great guitart duel at the end between Bruce and Little Steven.
Okay, so I'll admit I was a little let down, still it was an awesome experience and I will be yelling Bruuuuuuuce! and answering the question, "Is anyone really alive out there?" at the top of my lungs next time he's in town.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Mak the Knife

First, Karen and I enjoyed an excellent dinner at Hil-Mak's Friday night. I had grilled tuna covered in a Hawaiian sauce. It was incredible! Karen ate pasta and scallops, which she said was excellent. I am no food critic, but I know when something hits my tongue that tastes better than most of what I eat. Hil-Mak's is an Ashtabula Harbor staple. How anyone could go to Red Lobster and drop $40.00 when they could do the same at Hil-Mak's is beyond me. I worked there for a stretch in High School and received one free meal every night I worked. If you're in town and and enjoy seafood and a classy family owned atmosphere make sure you go, and get a twice baked as your potato choice and not the fries like I did. We went to the Locker Room after had one drink, and left since it was empty. We came home and watched about 6 episodes of the West Wing.

Saturday Mattie and I went to see Bee Movie. It was good, but I have seen better kids movies. Afterwards we headed out to Luciana's house in Roaming Shores. I walked in and Ray, her husband, and her brother Carmen were well into a bottle of Jim Beam. At no point earlier that day could I have guessed I would be drinking Jim Beam and Diet Squirt, while at the same time doing double shots. I knew 2/3 into the first drink I was in trouble. But Ray is pretty influential, and once Karen said she would head out after work and we could stay, I could offer little resistance. We hit The Paradise and Phil's bar for a couple of rounds then back to the house. The night saw an evening long debate as to whether or not the time change gave Carmen an extra hour to drink because he wanted to be in the stream fishing before sunrise. We convinced him it did...we were wrong.
There will be a longer post to follow tomorrow about my Sunday night.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Bulls On Parade
This should be a post about a HUGE NE Ohio sports weekend. Indians score 7 runs in the 11th at 1:37 am to beat the Red Sox and tie the series 1-1. The Buckeyes crushed Kent, as expected, then sat around as LSU and Cal lost nail biters to vault OSU up to number one in all the polls including the first release of the BCS poll, and the Browns beat the winless Dolphins. It got a little scary at one point but instead of shutting down and playing not to lose, which always leads to losing, the Browns kept pouring on the O.
Instead this blog will be about where I watched most of these events occur, and what happened after. I went to Robbie T's after the Bucks game but in time to see the end of the Kentucky vs. LSU triple OT finish, ending just in time for first pitch and on through the Browns game.
Here is where the difference lies between your team winning and losing and why we cheer so hard. At 1:30 in the morning we were certainly tired enough, and had drank enough to just call it a night, and that's exactly what would have happened had the Tribe lost. Instead we drank until 4:30 in the morning, or until there was no more beer or booze, and aereated Rob's walls and ceiling with darts. No we weren't so hammered we couldn't hit the board, but we did lack the type of common sense that tells you that it's impossible to throw a dart 30 feet across a room, from a seated position, under a 6'5" drop ceiling, from an 18 degree angle AND hit the board with 2 out of 3 darts, (honestly not all of us lacked that common sense, thanks for the winnings Bolls).
Friday, October 12, 2007
Hooray for Boobies!!!
Saturday saw about 8 straight hours of not stop Cornhole, which explains why Stemmy still can't sit down, Hey Ohh!!!! Don't confuse the bags being thrown with the ones on our bare chests in these pictures.
In this shot you can see the cabin in the background, this is where most of the drinking and agruing takes place. Behind my Jeep parked on the pile of Coal for the heater, is where we enjoyed listening to the Indians beat the Yankees to take a 2-o lead.
Here's a dynamic duo, Ray apparently only packed a nightgown, baby socks, and Steel-toed shoes. While Myers had other clothes, but well I guess I'm the wrong guy to be pointing out what happened to them. I wish I had a shot of when he rolled them up to look like football pants though.
Not sure what was going on here, didn't know that the photo was taken, but it's the only one I was in. And I figured if I'm gonna make fun of shirtless men, I better include myself.
If you Can't Fleave
What I'd like to do is open up the comments to favorite Fleaves moments for those in attendance, my memories are hazy at best and tend to be skewed away from making myself look like a fool, which I most certainly did. Besides there's way too much to try and choose which stories to write.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Love Em' Fleave Em'

Fleaves takes place in Martinsburg, Ohio. If you don't know where that is you aren't the only one. I've been there a half dozen times at least and only learned the name of the town by following the route on Google maps. I may have been drugged, blindfolded, or both every time I've been taken there. One of my Fraternity brothers, Chief Brendan, owns along with his family, 100 acres of untouched land, save the cabin they've built. The cabin sits 1.5 miles off the road.
There were awards for Fleaves two years ago but I'm not sure they are still in existence. Ron if you have those post them before you set sail please.
This will be my last post before Monday, so Go Tribe and Go Fleaves!!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Rocky Mountain High

Unfortunately, I didn't know about the new HD channel until today. If my TV was a little clearer maybe I could have helped Tim McClelland with the call last at home last night to end the game, and season for the Padres. Luckily I like sports, so I was still up watching it. Out or not it was awesome. As far as I'm concerned if the home team comes back from a two run deficit in the 13th inning they deserve that break. Especially since I was up to see it. And even more so when the guy who blew the save, Trevor Hoffman, was offered a contract from the Indians when he was a Free Agent and chose instead to take less money to stay in San Diego. Advice to Matt Holiday: next time go in feet first and power through the catcher's leg. Not only will you be safe, you will prevent the bruised chin and bottom lip filed with dirt.
Confession: the real reason I was still up was because I had just finished watching the MNF game, where Trolley Tom Brady out scored Texas Steer Carson palmer 19-9. For those of you who don't remember, I was trailing by ten, so that's right fantasy sports fans a second straight tie!!! Both ties were snatched from the jaws of victory by Rudi Johnson's hamstring. In the first tie he got injured early in his game providing only 4 points for me. In the second he forced me not only to go with 3 receivers, but his absence from the Bengals forced Palmer to throw more. We are now 2-0-2, and that is unfortunately our best start ever.
Back to my complaints and here is the big one: Why am I sitting here typing this when I should be watching the divisional series games. The playoffs are supposed to start Tuesday afternoon, instead here I sit typing crap no one really cares about because Law & Order isn't on yet. Serves Major League Baseball right, after a 13th inning come from behind season ending game, I bet a lot of people were fired up for more of the pastime today, instead they got...Dammit it's 4 straight episodes of Family Guy, I gotta go, Later.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Wake Me Up When September Ends

Now on to today. I can't figure this team out, though I predicted today that Brady Quinn will not start a game barring an injury. Not saying that Derrick Anderson has proven he is the answer, not unlike some of his targets, he is far from it. He throws into coverage constantly and badly misses wide open receivers all the time. However, I don't foresee him having 2 terrible games in a row. Eventually he will be an excellent back-up for Quinn, but for now he is the starter.
I don't want to jinx it but I have felt vindicated in my back-to-back fantasy selections of Winslow and Edwards, as they got me another 33 combined points. Unfortunately, the Trolleys, (2-0-1), are going to go into Monday night down 10 points. Good news is that I have Tom Brady left, bad news is Doc C-vert has Carson Palmer still to play.
My favorite part of Sunday though was watching the Steelers lose. Picksburgh was beaten by the Arizona Cardinals. Ken Whisenhunt, former Steeler assistant coach, and an early front runner to replace Bill Cowher, is now the Cardinals head coach. After the game Whisenhunt had this to say at his press conference, "The Steelers, AREN'T who we thought they were!"
Actually while it was a great Cleveland sports day, Browns beat old Browns and Steelers lose, it's really the baseball playoffs that are drawing my attention and ire this week, but more on that tomorrow.
****Editor's Note If you want to know exactly how much respect the Cleveland Browns get from CBS, all you have to know is that the Columbia Broadcasting System his chosen for three straight weeks, NOT to film or air the Browns games in High Definition.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Beer Thirty
After checking in to our "apartment" above these two store fronts, we immediately headed to our second most important stop, Cooperstown Brewery. We nixed the tour and headed straight for the sampling. I liked 6 out of the 7 brews, and took home a mixed six pack excluded the IPA, (never been a big fan). We each got a package that included the Six pack, coasters, t-shirt and 2 pint glasses for $32.00. Bolls got this and another case. This accompanied with the rest of our swag, including 8 new pint glasses of mine, made packing up the Jeep Compass a lot like Tetris on Sunday morning. This space was filled to capacity BEFORE we arrived! Luckily I am the Tetris master. Oh and since I got no love from Rob I sould point out that I am also the parking master, it became my job each time we left or returned to get the Jeep out of the ridiculous parking lot behind our building.
Talkin' Baseball
I realized I didn't have any pictures posted of GC, so here he is with Rob and Bolls taking in an inning at Doubleday Field. It's a pretty cool little park. Afterwards Bolls and I hit the batting cage where I dropped my back elbow and popped 8 out of 10 60 MPH fastballs straight up, Willie Mays Hayes style. "How am I supposed to hit when I can move my arms?"
I've Got You Babe
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
If I had to pick one player in baseball that I really don't like, it wouldn't be Barry Bonds, it would be Kurt Schilling. He is always opening his mouth when no one cares what he has to say. To the point where he wrote an open letter to ESPN after the 9/11 attacks which led to his teammates mocking him on a the bus singing Yankee Doodle Dandy.
While Bonds alienates the media, Schilling uses it to push whatever his agenda, poloitical or otherwise, is. When he isn't pitching he is always trying to get his face in front of the camera to look good. But his teammates like him...every 5th day that is.
The most interesting story about Schilling this year were the reports that his bloody sock from the 2004 playoffs was doctored. Schilling had supposedly had a tendon sutured so that he could pitch in the playoffs, he did and the cameras kept focusing on how his ankle was bleeding and what a hero he was. But as one ex-teammate said it's funny how no one questioned why the stain never got bigger. Anyway, I told the sock I still thought it was number one when I came across it in the Hall.
Cleveland's Got Larry Doby, Brooklyn's Got Jackie Robinson
Everybody knows that Jackie Robinson was the first black Major League Baseball player of the modern era. Breaking baseball's color barrier 60 years ago, he was a fantastic ball player and the right person for the moment. He is in the Hall of Fame and has had his number 42 retired by every team in MLB. However there is a forgotten man in this story, Cleveland Indian Larry Doby. Larry was the first black player in the American League, entering a mere 11 weeks after Robinson. It's true Jackie paved the way for black players in all the cities he played in, but you know what? He didn't play in American League cities/parks. Doby was the first African American in all of the cities, dealing with the insults, hate, and threats all on his own.
While Jackie has gotten all the accolades he deserves it took until 1998 for Doby to get elected to the HOF, and this was by the Veteran's Committee, not the sports writers. It was said in '97 when Robinson's number was being retired, and Doby's accomplishments ignored, that being the second black in baseball was like "being the second man to invent the telephone." It's not like Doby was just a black ball player, and happened to be the first in the AL. He was a 7 time All-Star, won Batting and Home Run crowns, and was also the second black manager. Doby passed away in 2003, and unfortunately continues to be a foot note in this part of Baseball's history. To me what he did was just as difficult and Cleveland's Bill Veeck would stil have signed Doby without Branch Rickey doing it first with Robinson.
To me this is just one more sign of Cleveland being a second class citizen in the world of the national sports media.
He Belongs... Induct Donnie
Standing(s) On the Edge of Summer
Cheeseburger in Paradise
One of the best parts about our trip to Cooperstown was the food. Nothing worse than going on a vacation and overpaying for terrible food. We had dinner Friday night at Nicoletta's, a mid-upper scale Italian restaurant. Not that you'd have noticed the classiness from GC who didn't take his hat off. Saturday's lunch is pictured here, we had burgers at the Cooperstown Diner. Max. Capacity 13 people, and with burgers this size they were probably breaking fire codes. I literally had to break the center in half to get it in my mouth. I've seen smaller meat loafs.
The Frost is on the Pumpkin
Took an artsy little pic of Bolls and his new orange Cooperstown shirt in the "pumpkin patch" next to where we stayed, the place behind him, T.J.'s is also where we enjoyed complimentary breakfast both mornings. There was also a basket of famous gourds outside too, but I didn't recognize any of them.
It couldn't have been more than 43 degrees this Sunday morning before we left.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
This Letter

I had not heard this about the letter, but I believe the person who informed us of it to be in the know. That is is it is who I think it might be. If nothing else I think it's safe to assume they are a teacher and chose to remain anonymous for fear of ramifications at work. Now, as to why the person who declared this just a rumor would hide their identity I have no clue. You don't jeopardize anything for saying what you think and stand to gain respect for standing up.
Anyway, I hope this isn't but I have a strong feeling it is true. And I'll admit that's about all I'm brave enough to say about it at this point, other than thank you Mr. Donatone for doing the right thing here. All I ask is that if this requires further discussion please do it here, I am all for debate and arguing but not when attached to a post that I cried while writing.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Only the Good Die Young

Sid was with his family at a church picnic at Lake Pymatuning. He was in a boat with some relatives when his 3 year old nephew jumped in the water, Sid jumped in after him, got the little boy out and then got caught up in the murky water. He was underwater for 40 minutes before finally surfacing, we was taken to a small Andover medical facility where he was stabilized, (those of you who were there when Brendan broke his leg know where I mean), then flown to Akron Children's Hospital where he was pronounced dead at 11:07 pm.
I have to admit I only knew Sid a short time, I spent 3 weeks with him at Summer School this year, but he was the kind of kid who has a lasting effect on those who came into contact with him. I wondered to myself if Sid was really as good of a kid as I thought he was, as I stated my time with him was limited. I saw Sid as a leader, the other boys flocked to him, he had a great big smile and was at the center of the group. Not because he was the coolest boy in the class, or best athlete, or smartest, (though he was probably near the top in all three of those categories), and the other boys wanted to be his friend to be viewed as cool as well. Sid just had the type of personality that people, boys, girls, adults, old people, are drawn to.
When the other boys would pick on each other, Sid didn't. Again I knew him very little but these other 8th grade boys made fun of each other like 8th grade boys. But Sid stayed above it. Sid had the height, muscle, and athletic ability that when you heard Sid wanted to be a professional basketball player you didn't just group that aspiration with all other 14 year olds who are going to be athletes, rappers, singers, or actors. Then you read his obituary and find out Sid's dream was to be a U.S. Marine. With all that is going on in our world today how many 8th graders are seriously thinking about that kind of a life? Knowing this about Sid it makes perfect sense that he would put his life in harm's way to save someone else without a second to think about the danger.

and I know Sid would want the girls to see this one.
Sid's father is confined to an electric wheelchair, and judging by appearance is a bit older than the average father of a 14 year old boy. I heard a story today that on Friday nights if there was a dance, a game, or a party Sid wouldn't go, Friday was his night with his dad. Others told stories about Sid volunteering at nursing homes and his dedication to his church. To paraphrase the words of one of Sid's teachers from Washington Elementary, Sid was the kind of person you hope your kid will be like, smart, cool, good looking, athletic, competitive, and caring.
I have a lot of good things in my life, but if I had to thank God for one thing today, it would be the opportunity to have known Sid Dowdley.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Send in the Clowns

I think it's important to start off this post by mentioning that I have never once referred to the Cleveland football team as the Clowns before. I get irritated when people do it, not so much when it's people that don't like them but when it's the fair weather fans that jump ship. Problem now is I'm not sure there is a ship left to jump from. This team is terrible, and it's just not terrible like it was in '99, it's worse. This team HAS talent! Lot's of it actually, yet but when they put it all together on the field it looks just as bad as it has since Ty Detmer took his final snap. I know it's only one game, but really it's not, it's 8 years of business as usual. And business sucks!
To me this means the front office has done it's job, they have gone out and gotten big players at key positions. The players have the talent and desire to win. That leaves the coaching. I hated Bill Belicheck when he was here, or at least at the end of his time, but I never doubted his ability to correct a game plan at half time. Romeo Crennel seems to have learned nothing from his years of watching this in the locker room. He is the rotten apple from the Belichick coaching tree. It appears the only thing he ever learned from Bill was how to be a jerk to the media.
It is my belief that at this point the only reason he won't play Brady Quinn is because of the stupid game he has played with reporters all pre-season. If nothing else he had a chance to give the kid some real live NFL snaps today in a game where the pressure to win had long since vanished. I know the Steelers didn't let up but that's the way it should be. Instead he created a QB controversy over two guys that shouldn't be starting in 7 weeks anyway. I've stuck by Charlie Frye long enough, this was the last chance he deserves, and I still think he's better than Anderson. That means they must either play Quinn or go get Byron Leftwich. The way I see it is if Brady isn't already better than these two then he's already a bust.
The most irritating thing is we've waited 8 months for this game, been excited about it since at least the draft in April, and it was over within 60 seconds. This team doesn't even give you any hope or anything to cheer about. When Anderson actually was moving the team I told Ron that as a Browns fan you can't even get excited because the more you get caught up in it the longer the drop off is when they make the big mistake. Which they did, Anderson got the ball stripped and fumbled.
4 penalties on a punt, I've never seen 3 on one team on one play. The one series when Frye looked okay, they got a big first down, and Winslow gets called for a push-off except not only didn't he use his hands, he was within 5 yards.
I have a lot more to say, but the Tribe just won so I'm going to focus on that before I can't sleep. They look like they are going to be the only exciting game in town until at least June if the CAVS are still around. Those of you who choose to waste money and an ENTIRE day and a lot of money going to the Browns game, why don't you save that money and get tickets to an Indians home SERIES, or a play-off game?
Friday, September 7, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Sometimes a Fantasy

The obvious follow up post to yesterday's is the boring post about who I drafted. I went into this draft without buying a magazine or even knowing who was available after each team's one keeper was subtracted from the mix. I went into the actual draft with a hangover and a cold beginning that I still have.
Of course none of this matters because I have the worst luck anyway. You want to see Payton Manning throw more INTs than TDs put him in Trolley red. Another problem I've had with my team is that as the Browns fall out of contention, usually mid October, I lose interest in my team.
Anyway, this year I just unapologetically took who I wanted, (i.e. Braylon Edwards and Kellen Winslow), these picks weren't reaches where they were selected but I believe 100% that my luck has had a direct negative effect on the actual players health. I actually had both of these players on my roster when they ended their seasons with injuries early on in their rookie years. Anyway even the untrained eye will see patterns such as Browns, Buckeyes, and AFC North players.
Without further ado, your 2007 Raleigh Trolleys:
Tom Brady 2
Eli Manning 9
Willie Parker K
Rudi Johnson 1
Brandon Jackson 6
Laverneus Coles 3
Braylon Edwards 4
Terry Glenn 8
Anthony Gonzales 10
Tedd Ginn 15
K2 The Soldier 5
Troy Scheffler
Robbie Gould 12
Rob Bironas 14 (When you gonna kick it now, ah kick it now, starting kicker for the BYE Bironas)
Ravens 7
49ers 13
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I am the Lizard King, I can do Anything!
This was our annual pre fantasy football draft tradition, I unfortunately missed out on the Swenson's with the Severtis' portion of the evening this year. Around 3AM we created a cure for cancer and solved world hunger, but unfortunately couldn't remember any of it in the morning. Luckily, we did remember our pledge to continually repeat "ay bay bay" until other team owners looked upon us with murderous rage.
Ron also tells me my head is more sculpted and/or aerodynamic, I think that may be a back handed compliment referring to a thinning of what was once a luxurious mane.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Per Josh Nolan
Interesting Argument About Global Warming - Watch more free videos
Thanks Josh, this is the only argument that really matters. I did miss the first two minutes of this thought because I thought it was Bob Saget.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Doggy Dogg World

I am going to try to leave behind all the talk of it being a racial issue, which is ridiculous, and I am not going to go into the specifics of what dog fighting/training entails. Honestly, it just makes me sick, I heard people talking about it all weekend after the HBO Real Sports story, and I just don't want to think about it anymore.
My question is the one all the talking heads on ESPN have been asking, "Will Vick play in the NFL again?" I know that America loves giving second chances, and we love comeback stories. That said this is not a case that involves someone hitting bottom because of a drug addiction, or getting into a fight over love or anger. Vick seemed to be a perfectly normal human being. Yeah, he had made a few mistakes but nothing that terrible. Most people, myself included, couldn't believe that he was even related to his degenerate brother Marcus. The point is, this isn't as simple as do your time, go to rehab, talk to some kids and we'll welcome you back with open arms. He wasn't addicted to anything that impaired his judgment, (I know plenty of people with gambling problems, and none of them ever drowned or electrocuted a dog), and wasn't motivated by love, fear, or anger. What he did was cold, callous, and thought out. How do you change that inside you, how many local APL's do you have to visit and donate to before you can convince people that you've changed? I just don't think that this can be lumped in with the other offenses that athletes/celebrities commit. I mean not only did he kill these dogs, he wasn't even humane enough to do it with a bullet. What in prison is going to make him respect the lives of animals? I am not saying he doesn't deserve a second chance, but what in the Hell can he do to earn it?
Well here's to hoping that his cell mate is a serial killer whose only friend in the world was his boyhood dog.
Monday, August 20, 2007
KISS - New York Groove 1979 Live
Since I couldn't find this song to add to my MySpace profile a week ago, then it was the closing credits song for Entourage last night I had to put it up somewhere.
I love the song but t reminds me of a night when I was 19 no specifics but it involved a Dodge Colt, a bass drum mallet, Marty, beer, Jay B, a cooler, and this song on repeat. I can say I've luckily never done anything as stupid again.
4 + 20
My original plans for last weekend were a trip to Indianapolis to Lambda Chi Alpha International Headquarters, then on to the University of Illinois to our chapter there for ritual. Those plans fell through, and luckily so, but the weekend was not a complete bust because Terry, who was also going on the trip, came up to Bula to hang out instead.
T, got in around 3:45 on Saturday, and we just sat around watching T.V. Hey, what else should we have done when Big Lebowski was on? We also peeped some Curb Your Enthusiasm and I introduced Terry to Jermaine and Bret from Flight of the Concords. We headed out to the Jerk's to watch the miserable first half to the Browns game, we also left just when I noticed Terry's narcolepsy creeping in, (or is it necrophilia? I get them mixed up).
As far as the Browns went, if nothing else I love listening to Kosar's analysis of the game. He notices everything, things that ex-QBs turned colormen such as Phil Simms and Troy Aikmen certainly don't point out, or possibly even see. Only problem is it's hard to take him too seriously because he is a few hiccups away from sounding exactly like the drunk stork from the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Making matters worse he is starting to look like Quentin Tarantino, AFTER he turns into the vampire in From Dusk Till Dawn. He did make Terry happy by sending more orange helmets to Hell by declaring mental mistakes, "Mortal Sins." Which after getting to the 2 yard line, calling a time out, then taking a delay of game, followed by a second wasted TO, I was also wishing death upon a few players and coaches.
Choosing to only stay until midnight, we, including Jay B, headed back to the deli where we hung out downstairs for a while. We were confused by a guy at the car wash across the street who must have spent 3 rounds worth of quarters washing his motorcycle. Then he walked over and asked if any of us had change for a 20. I thought I had 15 which he actually said he'd take, but lo and behold I only had a ten. Terry whipped out 16 dollars and quickly turned a $4.00 profit for being in the right place. This is the same guy who at Ray's wedding got a $50.00 room $10.00 at 3:30 in the morning. I hate Terry!
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