Wednesday, August 22, 2007



Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't even know what to say. Is the owner of Fox news possibly a Rep.? Yet another atempt to control the media i.e. control what information we are allowed. So if they now tell us it doesn't exist we'll believe it and what... So now I guess I'll go buy a bunch of Aqua Net and cut down some trees while I burn a bunch of plastic in my hillbilly bon-fire.

Pugdog said...

Nice selective bunch of clips and blurbs. I bet if i monitor cnn or msnbc and pick out select clips and edit them together i could make a video making the same point. Isnt John Stosile from ABC. What is your favorite flavor Kool-Aid?

Anonymous said...

Studies of climatology show that global warming and cooling is cyclical. Meteorologists can't even agree on why rain starts as a supercooled ice crystal and then becomes rain - a fairly straightforward process - so they sure as hell aren't going to agree on global warming. My view is that we're in one of the many climatological cycles and GHGs are exacerbating the extremes. Also, I've read Al Gore's first book, Earth in the Balance twice and while well-intentioned, he really doesn't know as much as he asserts. Bottom line: we definitely need to ensure that GHGs are controlled but we need to do so on a verifiable global basis (to ensure third world manufacturing countries are doing what they say they're doing) with a graduated cost-beneficial approach to developed countries to ensure more jobs don't fly out of the US, Canada and Europe.

Pugdog said...

Thats what i was going to say.

Anonymous said...

Watch this guy. It's a little long, but hear him out.

Anonymous said...

Good video - it's essentially a risk assessment: frequency (high, due to the GLOBAL proliferation of GHG emissions) x anticipated severity of consequences (high) x likelihood (essentially unknown, this is where the debate is). As I mentioned, it's a GLOBAL issue not just a public policy issue in the U.S. Colleagues that have traveled to Asia (China and India) have returned with horror stories of visible air and water pollution - no to mention the soil and groundwater pollution that is also likely occurring. My contention is that we need to incorporate EHS provisions into the trade agreements to ensure the developing countries are on a level playing field with developed countries - we really blew this in 1993 and in most subsequent agreements. Many would contend that we have no one to blame but ourselves because we didn't sign the Kyoto Protocol but I recall that the U.S. position was that there are some things that need to be addressed globally before the agreement can be signed - esssentially a quid pro quo position by the U.S.

Spungalo said...

I only posted it because I thought FOX news sure makes a valid point which in no way should tarnish their journalistic integrity, Al Gore has a Bella Lugosi hair cut. I mean if that isn't news, I don't know what is.

Whose their programming director Mike Walker?