My original plans for last weekend were a trip to Indianapolis to Lambda Chi Alpha International Headquarters, then on to the University of Illinois to our chapter there for ritual. Those plans fell through, and luckily so, but the weekend was not a complete bust because Terry, who was also going on the trip, came up to Bula to hang out instead.
T, got in around 3:45 on Saturday, and we just sat around watching T.V. Hey, what else should we have done when Big Lebowski was on? We also peeped some Curb Your Enthusiasm and I introduced Terry to Jermaine and Bret from Flight of the Concords. We headed out to the Jerk's to watch the miserable first half to the Browns game, we also left just when I noticed Terry's narcolepsy creeping in, (or is it necrophilia? I get them mixed up).
As far as the Browns went, if nothing else I love listening to Kosar's analysis of the game. He notices everything, things that ex-QBs turned colormen such as Phil Simms and Troy Aikmen certainly don't point out, or possibly even see. Only problem is it's hard to take him too seriously because he is a few hiccups away from sounding exactly like the drunk stork from the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Making matters worse he is starting to look like Quentin Tarantino, AFTER he turns into the vampire in From Dusk Till Dawn. He did make Terry happy by sending more orange helmets to Hell by declaring mental mistakes, "Mortal Sins." Which after getting to the 2 yard line, calling a time out, then taking a delay of game, followed by a second wasted TO, I was also wishing death upon a few players and coaches.
Choosing to only stay until midnight, we, including Jay B, headed back to the deli where we hung out downstairs for a while. We were confused by a guy at the car wash across the street who must have spent 3 rounds worth of quarters washing his motorcycle. Then he walked over and asked if any of us had change for a 20. I thought I had 15 which he actually said he'd take, but lo and behold I only had a ten. Terry whipped out 16 dollars and quickly turned a $4.00 profit for being in the right place. This is the same guy who at Ray's wedding got a $50.00 room $10.00 at 3:30 in the morning. I hate Terry!
I will hug him, and squeeze him, and call him George!!!!!
Scott - Please know that not everyone believes that breast feeding be turned into an off color joke - viva la leche league!
And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets angry, PEOPLE DIE!
I had too jump in, couldn't help it.
Laugh it up. I can not help it there was a cat in the bar. If there were single women I would have stroked them softly as well.
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