Not long after that conversation John was back in the Cleveland Clinic, he had relapsed and the awful disease was back, with a vengence. The situation looked pretty dire for a while. But according to the article in today's Star Beacon, Buzzsaw recently received a bone marrow transplant from his brother Bill (on the left side of the photo), the procedure has been successful thus far but it will take a year to know for sure if it worked. I know little but I would guess extremely cautious optimism is being experience now by the family.
I am telling you all this because there is something you can do to help John, who by the way is truly one of the most sincere, genuine, and caring people I have ever met. The Applebees in Ashtabula is donating a portion of their sales tomorrow night to the Buskirks to help defray medical costs. Obviously, none of these procedures are cheap even with insurance, not to mention the numerous trips back and forth to Cleveland with gas hovering at $3.00 per gallon. There is one catch, in order for a portion of your bill to go to helping out Buzzy yo have to bring in a flier about the special event. These can be picked up at the the High School or at the Star Beacon. I plan of grabbing a few so if you need to get your hands on one please contact me.
You are all going to eat dinner tomorrow night, probably a good portion of you will eat out at least once this week. Why not do both tomorrow at Applebees and help someone out at the same time? Trust me Buzzy would do it for you.
When I read the paper today, I cried b/c every quote in the story sounded just like him. He is just as genuine as the story made him seem. Thank God he is in remission again, and I'm sure we'll all pray that the marrow stays unrejected. I wish everyone had the opportunity to know him personally. There aren't many people out there who are honestly as good a person as he. I knew you would write something when I read the paper this morning, as usual you didn't dissapoint.
Another wonderful article, Scott. If you are going to eat at Applebee's tomorrow, you must have the flyer for the event in order for Buzz to get the credit for your dinner. You cannot say you are dining for Buzz. If you need the flyer, I have it on file. E-mail me at jtimo99@windstream.net and I will send it to you in a PDF. file. John has been my right hand man and I look forward to having him back on the sidelines with the Heralds. Knowing John, I know he will beat this yet again!
This is great info to know.
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