Yesterday the miserable life of a tyrant was ended. Saddam Hussein was hanged as a sentence for his crimes against the Iraqi people. I myself have no problem with this, and I don't have to look to deep inside to discover that I feel it was too humane a demise for such a monsterous being. That being said I still could not watch even the video of the noose being placed around his neck prior to the hangman doing his job. I felt as though watching this, which was on FOX News while I was on the stepper at the gym which is why I couldn't change it, on TV was one more step for our country towards becomming more like the people we are fighting. We are already being led by religious fanatics, now I feel like Al-jazeera has been added to my cable line-up. So am I making to big of a deal of this? Go ahead pile on.
I think I saw Saddam down on Bridge Street.
I'm waiting for You Tube or some other Internet site to post the entire brutal hanging. That's way too much to watch, but you know it's just a matter of time. I guess he kicked for almost a minute, so the hangman didn't do a great job ... who cares?
Rob, the video is available, up through the "drop" through the floor-- if you go to wews.com and then click on a saddam news story, there is an external link to the video through yahoo video.
Spuncie, I somewhat agree as to the gruesomeness of the hanging, etc. Keep in mind that we execute people here in the US in just the same gruesome way (instead of a rope around the neck is the administration of chemicals to stop the heart). I am against cap punishment basically due to the fact that it is not a general detterrent, since most murderers/rapists, etc, don't expect to be caught and so the thought of being killed for their crime doesn't enter their minds before the crime is committed. Also, states with high numbers of death penalty killings have the highest crime rates.
Cheers to Spuncie!
Yeah, I knew the full thing was on the net. I've always said if it was me, being put to death would be preferable to sitting in a cell until I die. Not toment the fear of making Saddam a martyr, but of course it wasn't the U.S.'s call on this one.
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