Sunday, December 24, 2006

Festivus Yes! Hangovers No!

Well after a joyous Festivus I awoke sans hangover. I believe I owe this to the fact that I was home by midnight with monstrous headache already. The drinking festivities began around 3:30 at Kerneklian's. I did not officially enter the tournament because I failed to bring any cash. I originally didn't want to pay the $20.00 bucks to enter because that's a lot of money to play one game of pool and lose. Now I am pissed at my self because the money was not the prize, the money itself is being donated to Lakeside High School to start a scholarship in Doc Kerneklian's name for a Senior who is planning to attend med school. The tourney itself was double elimination, and I ended up playing for Bellomo after his first round loss. I won my first game then lost the second to eventual champion Keith Kerneklian. Kieth was awarded a very nice trophy and I then awarded him with the knowledge of a great pool trick. I hope to have some pics of the event from Bellomo soon.

Bellomo, Keifer, and I left there around 9 and met Robbie T at the Nest. I had a few brews and realized I wasn't really enjoying them, I was actually leaving beer in them and buying another because they were getting warm. Coach Timonere also met us there and I was subjected to a night full of Koening's stories.

Now I need to get back to getting gifts together and finishing the rest of the last minute things.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Nothing Bizza Koenig's Story.