Since I cannot figure out what else to post I thought I would update the Teacher's Strike situation. It seems the School Board was looking for nothing more than to see how far we would go, as the dispute was settled late Thursday evening. I believe most of the bargaining team members took Friday off because of the late hours, and so that they didn't have to say anything about the terms until a general member meeting Monday after school, no sense letting rumor, hearsay, and word-of-mouth get people all fired up when you can tell everyone the truth at once.
I know some you you might not care, while others think teachers get too much already, but here is an excellent example of what teachers earn. I opened my check Friday and when Karen saw it she said "That's sad." When I asked her what she told me, "That in a few months I will have a 2 year degree, while you will have a Masters, and I will make more than you." I told her, "And imagine the school board was even trying to take that away."
Just curious, how do you feel about this: The AACS School board now has their Executive Session before the open meeting which is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm. Of course Exec always runs long, (by 40 minutes last week), and this is preventing people from going to the meetings and having their voices heard.
Spungalo ... What do you have planned for Boxing Day (Dec. 26)?
Are we still doing something on the 23rd?
I'll be in Ashtabula on the 23rd, so if there's something going on ... yes.
My mother told me she wants me to meet a nice local girl so I need to "socialize" a lot while in town.
Well I have the day planned out. We have a pool tourney on Walnut Blvd during the afternoon, then we head into the darkness of the night, and possible the darkness of Wild Wings.
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