Due to Christmas being on a Monday and a limited amount of time since Monday's 3 things I've learned column must now appear Thursday. I am writing it this morning because I have to go get drops put in at the eye Doctor's so I figured I better do this while I can still see. Christmas pictures will
becoming as soon as I remember to bring mt camera home.

1. I need a new battery in my Jeep Grand Cherokee. We stopped at Best Buy in
Mayfield on
the way home from Canton Tuesday. I ran in for no more that 8 minutes while
Karen waited in the Jeep
because Mattie had fallen asleep. I wasn't sure what was going on when I got out, first I turned off the ignition and was interrupted before turning off the lights. Needless to say, when I got out the Jeep would not start.

2. No good deed goes unpunished. I spent literally an hour standing in the parking lot in the ice/rain like a beggar asking people if they have jumper cables, one kid upon seeing me for the second time on his way out asked if I was okay. In a town full of Lexus, Cadillac, and
Acura drivers it is difficult to find one with jumper cables in their trunk. I finally found an Armenian guy who had a set, I stood in an open spot across from my vehicle letting people know why I was saving the spot, but he wasn't coming back although I could see him standing by his minivan. When the spot directly in front opened, I pushed the Jeep into it and went to see what the hold up was...when I got there I found that the poor guy who was just minding his own business going to Best Buy when he decided to be nice and help got into a fender bender pulling out of his parking spot. Where's Earl's Karma now? I felt terrible, but he did give me the cables so that I needed only find someone to lift up their hood for me. Finally, we were back on the road, I will be attempting to dole out good deeds to other drivers for a while.

3. Some bars are still allowing smoking. Tuesday, was
Robbie T's last night in town and we went on a bit of a pub crawl. Starting at Wild Wings then heading to his old Bridge St. stomping grounds. Having a beer at the LA Cafe, walking in and out of Brennan's, and then having the last two at the Iroquois. At this last stop we saw something we hadn't at the other bars, a blue haze in the air, packs of smokes and ashtrays on the bar with butts in them, as seen in the cell phone picture to the left. Now if the Iroquois is family run this is okay, but I do not know if this is true.
1 comment:
After this weekend, I suppose you really can go home again, but I'm not sure if Bridge Street will be included the next time I'm in town.
All in all ... I had a great time.
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