Sunday, December 31, 2006
Hang 'em High
Saturday, December 30, 2006
I Push Rhymes like Weights

When I started last February I was 205 lbs and the heaviest I'd ever been, by the time I went to Big D i was a svelt 185. Going from 36" waist to a 33". I got on the scale today...194lbs. Amazingly I am still wearing my 33's with no clue how. My hope in writing about this is not not because people really care, but I figure if I tell people about it I will have to keep going back an updating you about it. Of course, I picked a day to start when the gym is closed the next 2 days due to holidays.
Friday, December 29, 2006
So This is Christmas
Second Row: Mia, Stacy, Jennifer, Julie
Back Row: Chris, Michael
Not Shown: Caitlyn, Joey and whatever his kids names are
Here is a picture of the 2nd cousins on Christmas Eve.
First I was in the picture because they said cousins then Rick yelled that I shouldn't be in it because I am a "Son of a Daughter" which I thought was just a nice was of saying it.
This was fine considering I couldn't see over Stacy, and I wasn't going to kneel in front.
First I was in the picture because they said cousins then Rick yelled that I shouldn't be in it because I am a "Son of a Daughter" which I thought was just a nice was of saying it.
This was fine considering I couldn't see over Stacy, and I wasn't going to kneel in front.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
You Learn III
Due to Christmas being on a Monday and a limited amount of time since Monday's 3 things I've learned column must now appear Thursday. I am writing it this morning because I have to go get drops put in at the eye Doctor's so I figured I better do this while I can still see. Christmas pictures will becoming as soon as I remember to bring mt camera home.
1. I need a new battery in my Jeep Grand Cherokee. We stopped at Best Buy in Mayfield on the way home from Canton Tuesday. I ran in for no more that 8 minutes while Karen waited in the Jeep because Mattie had fallen asleep. I wasn't sure what was going on when I got out, first I turned off the ignition and was interrupted before turning off the lights. Needless to say, when I got out the Jeep would not start.
2. No good deed goes unpunished. I spent literally an hour standing in the parking lot in the ice/rain like a beggar asking people if they have jumper cables, one kid upon seeing me for the second time on his way out asked if I was okay. In a town full of Lexus, Cadillac, and Acura drivers it is difficult to find one with jumper cables in their trunk. I finally found an Armenian guy who had a set, I stood in an open spot across from my vehicle letting people know why I was saving the spot, but he wasn't coming back although I could see him standing by his minivan. When the spot directly in front opened, I pushed the Jeep into it and went to see what the hold up was...when I got there I found that the poor guy who was just minding his own business going to Best Buy when he decided to be nice and help got into a fender bender pulling out of his parking spot. Where's Earl's Karma now? I felt terrible, but he did give me the cables so that I needed only find someone to lift up their hood for me. Finally, we were back on the road, I will be attempting to dole out good deeds to other drivers for a while.
3. Some bars are still allowing smoking. Tuesday, was Robbie T's last night in town and we went on a bit of a pub crawl. Starting at Wild Wings then heading to his old Bridge St. stomping grounds. Having a beer at the LA Cafe, walking in and out of Brennan's, and then having the last two at the Iroquois. At this last stop we saw something we hadn't at the other bars, a blue haze in the air, packs of smokes and ashtrays on the bar with butts in them, as seen in the cell phone picture to the left. Now if the Iroquois is family run this is okay, but I do not know if this is true.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Gerald Ford Shot Dead Today at the Senseless Age of 83
Of all the characters Carvey did on SNL this is my favorite and one of the best sketches ever. In this sketch from '96 Carvey impersonates Tom Brokaw recording possible news events that may occur while he is on vacation. Mostly invovlving ways that Gerald Ford has been killed. It was the first thing that I thought of when I heard the news of President Ford's passing. This sketch does not poke fun at our recently deceased president only the absurdity of the situation. Hail to the Chief! |
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Festivus Yes! Hangovers No!

Well after a joyous Festivus I awoke sans hangover. I believe I owe this to the fact that I was home by midnight with monstrous headache already. The drinking festivities began around 3:30 at Kerneklian's. I did not officially enter the tournament because I failed to bring any cash. I originally didn't want to pay the $20.00 bucks to enter because that's a lot of money to play one game of pool and lose. Now I am pissed at my self because the money was not the prize, the money itself is being donated to Lakeside High School to start a scholarship in Doc Kerneklian's name for a Senior who is planning to attend med school. The tourney itself was double elimination, and I ended up playing for Bellomo after his first round loss. I won my first game then lost the second to eventual champion Keith Kerneklian. Kieth was awarded a very nice trophy and I then awarded him with the knowledge of a great pool trick. I hope to have some pics of the event from Bellomo soon.
Bellomo, Keifer, and I left there around 9 and met Robbie T at the Nest. I had a few brews and realized I wasn't really enjoying them, I was actually leaving beer in them and buying another because they were getting warm. Coach Timonere also met us there and I was subjected to a night full of Koening's stories.
Now I need to get back to getting gifts together and finishing the rest of the last minute things.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Happy Festivus!

Today, once again is Festivus. Festivus is a holiday that was introduced on the Seinfeld episode, "The Strike" on December 17, 1997. I held, with the help of friends, Chuck's Bar, and an old basketball pole, what I like to claim as the first Festivus party six days later on the 23rd. This of course being the actual/fictional date of Festivus. Now there are Festivus books, ice cream, and parties all over the country.
My Festivus parties continued until 2001, ("Festivus 2001: A Spence Odyssey," where my blog borrowed its name from), when a series of unfortunate events occurred, mostly involving massive quantities of Crown Royal and Deviled Eggs. Henceforth, Festivus has been banished from Chuck's Bar and has been forced to live on in the hearts of it's faithful and purgatory of the Ashtabula Bar Scene.
Plans for this years Festivus for me involve a mid afternoon pool tourney at the Kerneklian's. This event should also see the arival of Rob Thomas, who is in town for the holiday season, and to house hunt in Cuyahoga Falls. Once we are good and primed we will probably head to the Crow's Nest. Check back tomorrow for details.
It is my goal to bring Festivus back with in the next to years, so look for invitations. Until then a a charitable donation has been made in your name to the Human Fund.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Greatest Gift of All
This was probably the funniest sketch on SNL all season. The video itself making fun of early 90's groups like Color Me Bad had me laughing, then when I heard the chorus I was dying.
Guys, if you are still in search of that special present for your lady friend, maybe this suggestion will help.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Meet the Flintstones

It's always extra sad when someone who has given me so much joy passes away. Today, at least six generations mourn the death of Joe Barbera, half of the Hanna-Barbera animation team that produced such beloved cartoon characters as Tom and Jerry, Yogi Bear and the Flintstones. He was 95.
"Joe Barbara was a passionate storyteller and a creative genius who, along with his late partner Bill Hanna, helped pioneer the world of animation," said friend, colleague and Warner animation President Sander Schwartz. "Joe's contributions to both the animation and television industries are without parallel _ he has been personally responsible for entertaining countless millions of viewers across the globe."
In 1960's the duo created "The Flintstones" an animated version of "The Honeymooners". This of course paved the way for shows like the Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park. Their cartoons spanned from the Stone Age to the Space Age and I believe their influence will live longer than that.
Thank you I had a gay old time.
You Learn II
I decided every Monday evening's post is going to inform you about 3 things I learned over the weekend.
1. This first one might be pretty obvious, but it was a theory that was unfortunately put to the test Saturday night. What I discovered is that there really is nothing that Bizza Capo's pizza. We were over my brother's house making Chex Mix and decided we weren't going to go out and pick up pizza, so we ordered Domino's. I swore off Pizza Hut 4 years ago and I am now avoiding the noid. It was expensive, (actually free because it was 50 minutes late), and it was terrible.
2. Don't trust the Post Office. I had my Master's portfolio returned to me because it was late. I was promised that the shipping method suggested would get it there in time, it's only Detroit I could have driven it myself. I tried to fight it to no avail. Luckily all I have to do is wait and resubmit it in April. But it does keep me from getting a raise until then.
3. The first thing that Terry doesn't care about is not caring about things, such as his must anticipated 1st Things Terry Doesn't Care About post. Maybe his plan is just to work us into a frenzy for this Friday. I also know he did care about irritating this girl's overbearing boyfriend.

Sunday, December 17, 2006
Runnin With the Devil

Since I cannot figure out what else to post I thought I would update the Teacher's Strike situation. It seems the School Board was looking for nothing more than to see how far we would go, as the dispute was settled late Thursday evening. I believe most of the bargaining team members took Friday off because of the late hours, and so that they didn't have to say anything about the terms until a general member meeting Monday after school, no sense letting rumor, hearsay, and word-of-mouth get people all fired up when you can tell everyone the truth at once.
I know some you you might not care, while others think teachers get too much already, but here is an excellent example of what teachers earn. I opened my check Friday and when Karen saw it she said "That's sad." When I asked her what she told me, "That in a few months I will have a 2 year degree, while you will have a Masters, and I will make more than you." I told her, "And imagine the school board was even trying to take that away."
Just curious, how do you feel about this: The AACS School board now has their Executive Session before the open meeting which is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm. Of course Exec always runs long, (by 40 minutes last week), and this is preventing people from going to the meetings and having their voices heard.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Life in the Fast Lane
Alright, so when I went to take the Nativity picture I pulled up close and realized the batteries were dedd. So in a hurry I ran up the hill to the Dollar General and bought batteries. On the way back I experienced a terror only Ashtabula people know about, I looked up and I was behind Pierre DeLuia, Some know Pierre as Scott Vargus' grandfather, other as the fried pizza guy at the Mt. Carmel Bizarre, others as the old man that sits in the harbor McDonald's and drinks free coffee refills all day, but all know him as the last person you want to get behind when you are in a hurry. 
This photo was taken as I was driving. Mind you this was going up Mary Street Hill, which has a posted speed of 35 mph, and most people do closer to 45. If you look closely at the picture you will see Pierre's red slow-motion machine, the crack in my front windshield, and my spedometer locked in at a breakneck paced 20 mph. Going up this hill at 20 makes you feel like you are going to start rolling backwards, but this is Pierre's top speed. After seeing my flash he yelled out his window, "Get off my ass hot rodder!"
Holy Mary
Okay, this may offend some readers but when I saw this it was too funny not too post. I actually went back today because I couldn't find a good enough picture of it online. This Christmas inflatable is across from Mt. Carmel Church. Notice Mary's position and Joseph's hand, well yesterday it was very windy and the breeze had not only moved Mary over so that she was closer to facing St. Joe it was also making her head bob to and fro.
My Catholic brothers and sisters do not fret this still makes her a virgin. Besides I know you cannot see it here but there was a visible smile on Joe Christ's face.
I'm Brutus Buckeye

Okay, I have to admit even though they have been around for 10+ years I had never heard of the Dead Schembechlers until I read about them on Rob's blog. Since then I have downloaded some songs and ordered their CD. It arrived last night and my new favorite song is "I'm not gay but I wanna F*** Brutus Buckeye"
In a related story Stemmy has a new job.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Here We go a Caroling
Mattingly had her school music program tonight. It was the first good one they have had at Sts. john & Paul since she's been there. This was all due to the new music director, Mrs. Joan Johnson (pictured at right with Mattie). As Robbie I'm sure remembers Mrs. Johnson was the long time 8th grade teacher at Mother of Sorrows. She also was responsible for all Xmas/Spring Music Programs, and they were always top notch.
I always liked Mrs. Johnson, or Jay Jonah as Kenny Petros and I called her. She was the first teacher to appreciate my sense of humor and told me so all of the time. She is officially retired, and I have actually requested her as a sub before. When she left that day she put a note on my desk telling me how proud she was of me, one of the few pieces of paper that I didn't throw away at the end of last year.
Thank you Mrs. Johnson for having a positive impact on my life.
Livin' On a Prayer

Had a union meeting tonight for the sole purpose of discussing and voting on a strike. The motion for the strike passed. However, this does not yet mean the a strike is definite, we are giving the board notice that anytime after 10 days we may vote to walk-out.
We have been working since August in good faith without a contract. The scary thing at this point is the School Board can declare a unilateral contract. Basically, creating a new contract changing whatever they want. Therefore we needed to A. give our bargaining team some ammo and B. be prepared should this happen.
Hopefully this will all work itself out before any of this happens but it doesn't look good. The board declared impasse a few months ago, a move generally reserved for the union, not the other way around as reported in the Star Beacon. There is more but legally I cannot say anything more about it. I've pretty much had a headache ever since.
Monday, December 11, 2006
You Learn
Now that I have had time to reflect back on the weekend I discovered there were 3 things I learned that need to be shared with others.
The first was that my brother the Jerk has his own blogspot. The pictures from the game are newly added, the foot picture was the opener when I first saw it.
Second thing I learned: Having the Browns lose on Thursday, makes my Sundays much more enjoyable.
Third and perhaps most important is my new favorite thing about the hoidays, Holiday Specialty Brews. My 3 favorite in order of taste:
1. Great Lakes Christmas Ale-had the first one of these ever probably 9 years ago in Kent. I was with Robbie T, and Mark Pucci was also there.
2. Blue Moon Winter Ale- Knew I liked Blue Moon Belgiian White, so i gave this a shot one night with Jay Vegas.
3. Winter's Bourbon Cask Ale-Also tried this one last week with Jay while we watched Brewfest and considered hosting our own events.
Also receiving votes- Pete's Wicked Winter Ale, Samuel Adam's Winter Lager, and Goose Island Christmas Ale
Spuncie General's Warning: Here's a toast to all of you and a reminder that if you try one of these brews tread lightly the alcohol content is more than double that of your average domestic swill.
The first was that my brother the Jerk has his own blogspot. The pictures from the game are newly added, the foot picture was the opener when I first saw it.
Second thing I learned: Having the Browns lose on Thursday, makes my Sundays much more enjoyable.
Third and perhaps most important is my new favorite thing about the hoidays, Holiday Specialty Brews. My 3 favorite in order of taste:

Also receiving votes- Pete's Wicked Winter Ale, Samuel Adam's Winter Lager, and Goose Island Christmas Ale
Spuncie General's Warning: Here's a toast to all of you and a reminder that if you try one of these brews tread lightly the alcohol content is more than double that of your average domestic swill.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
We Are Family (I've Got my Half Sister and Me)
I wanted to take a second to welcome my sister Colleen into A Spence Odyssey. I currently have no digital photos or a working scanner so I cannot post a photo, not that I would if I did have one due to Rob and Terry's disgusting behavior at my wedding.
Anyway welcome and I love you Coll!
Anyway welcome and I love you Coll!
I'll Tumble For You II
Due to some terrible photography by my staff, (me), the picture to the right is the best one I took today and I had to run it through an auto fix just to get it to look this good. Overall, Mattingly did awesome! she placed 4th in the All Around. Here is the breakdown of today's rotations:
Floor 7.8- We took a slight dip in the score here because Mattie fell on one of her skills. Unfortunately its was the bridge that leads into a back walkover, something she's been doing for a year. I believe this mistake cost her a full point, so we will be expecting near an 8.8 next time. I am proud of her for immediately standing back up and doing it right.
Uneven Bars 7.3- Okay I know where are the higher scores I promised and whined about? Mattie was unable to make a full rotation on her mill, (this is where you go around with one leg on one side of the bar and one on the other), but she nailed her dismount for the first time in competition. The score didn't bother me because all of the girls scored low, Matt was actually second highest from Chalk Box in her age group/level. Hey be good, be bad, just be consistent.
Vault 8.3- This is the only event where you are given two attempts, the first one was okay, but was more in the 6.9 range, her second was without a doubt the best one I have seen from her. I don't know what 2 girls in her age/level got but she was the highest of the girls whose scores I did see. Not to shabby after placing dead last at 15th and 16th in her prior meets. Safe to say that Vault is no longer our focus.
Beam 8.6- Another increase, Beam is without a doubt the event that makes me the most nervous, yet Mattie has yet to fall off the beam in competition. From my limited knowledge I think she just needs to work on being tighter and straightening her toes.
Well Mattie will not have another meet until the first week in February, yes Super Bowl weekend, please join me in prayer as I ask my savior and Lord Jesus to make the level 3 meet be on Friday or Saturday...Amen.
I'll Tumble For You
Today is Mattingly's 3rd gynnastics meet of her "rookie" season. This one is extra special because it's her first home meet at the chalk box. The previous two she competed in were held in Uniontown, about 10 minutes East of the Canton/Akron Airport. Mattie did extremely well last time although her scores didn't reflect it. Here is a breakdown of her 4 events.
Floor 8.2- She hd a fairly good routine but was perhaps a little ahead of her music, still I watched plenty of girls do worse and receive higher scores.
Uneven Bars 7.3- This is actually a lower score than her first meet, but she was attempting a more difficult dismount and she got her leg hung up on the bar once. I actually watched another girl make the exact same two mistakes and get a 7.8.
Vault 6.9- This is the greatest 6.9 in the history of gymnastics. Why? Because in her first meet Mattie got a 4.0, (While great on her 1st quarter report card, not so good from the judges). Due to a number of issues she was unable, at that point to hit the spring board, plant her hands on the mat and do what is basically a hand stand over, without her coach doing most of the work. She is now getting over on her vault with no assistance, and just needs to get her legs straightened out.
Balance Beam 8.5- She blew me away with how good her beam routine was, and I tend to be critical and always find the one thing she could have done. We were really expecting a score in the 9's, but it didn't happen. I know I'm not a judge and there are plenty of little things I don't see, but beam was 6 feet in fornt of us and we watched 70+ girls on that beam, many of these girls looked pretty sloppy and received 8.5's or above. Karen asked Mattie's coach afterward about it and she said we never score well there and that she should do better in the home meet.
The meet starts at 2:45, so I hope to have an update this evening.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Hail to the Victors!

Just wanted to cogratulate Troy Smith (above) on his well deserved Heisman award. And at the same time ask all of you to contemplate this question: If Michigan hates us so much why did they choose a fight song that honors the Buckeyes? I for one say thank you team from up
North for all of your support, enjoy your second class bowl.

Hit the Lights

Last we loaded up the Ol' four wheel drive sleigh and took a ride through Lake Shore Parks, "Lights on the Lake" Display. It would appear that the powers that be in Ashtabula actually got something right. There is a $5.00 per car load "donation" and it takes 10-15 minutes to ride through. What I liked most about it were the creation of area landmarks out of lights, such as the lift bridge, light house, and covered bridge(pictured above). My only complaint is they needto pump music through. If you are in town or are going to be I suggest you take the time to go through the display. I believe the money that is collected will go towards adding to it next year.
Since Mattie had it in her head that it was going to take an hour and a half to go through, we spent some time driving around the harbor checking out house displays. Hands down the best goes to the guy on the corner of Ohio and West 13th Street. His house is very nicely lit and he actually has his whole dispaly coreographed to music. So roll down your windows when you come to the stop sign.
Friday, December 8, 2006
No Smoking?

Being the dummy that I am I went out last night, braving a possible arctic blizzard to watch the Browns game. It was also supposed to be a historic night in Ohio because the smoking ban which passed with 58% approval from the voters was to go into effect. And it did, for a whole 4 1/2 hours, when they pretty much hung the sign to the right on the wall. This particular establishment actually crawled up into their attic to retrieve a box of ashtrays. The group of guys I was with went to a few other bars after I took my leave and people were smoking there too.
Now whose responsible, the businesses for flagrantly disobeying the law? Or the Ohio Department of Health who said, in response to a possible lawsuit from a group called Buckeye Liquor Permit Holders Association, the state would not issue any warning letters or fines for complaints it receives before the law's rules and regulations are completed?
Shouldn't these have been ready for first day?

In 1969 and 1970 John and Yoko took their message of peace around the world purchasing billboard space where they could post their simple message, "WAR IS OVER! if you want it Happy Christmas from John and Yoko" These messages were not meant to promote the song as it came out after. The idea behind the campaign was that if everyone in the world just stopped and thought about peace, that peace could be attained.
Last year I made a few of these signs and hung one on my classroom door. I also gave one to another teacher, who lived through this era and she kinda frowned when she saw it. When I asked her later why she had reacted this way she said, "At that time in her life she thought there were going to be real changes and the world would be a better place, but it has actually gotten worse."

A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
Just wanted to say thank you to Jerry Lazanis for making me listen to John Lennon on a number of road trips, "hey play that crucify song."
Other images at
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