On Friday, Mattie had a pre-meet practice, (video to come soon) after which we immediate left for Canton, since she had to be at the event by 8:00am. This time however, we chose to stay at the Microtel by The Strip in Canton. A huge thank you to my cousin Stacy who got us an $80.00 a night suite for 25 bucks. My only regret was not being able to stay longer and take advantage of the amenities. Stacy gets the cousin of the week award, given to Donuts last week and usually reserved for Bellomo, for not only the great hook-up, but for showing up early in the morning to watch Mattingly compete. Afterwards we went to eat, and get a tour of her house, so I've checked that off my things to do in Akron list.
On the way down Friday evening, we stopped at Swenson's, which has become a bit of a tradition this year. We didn't stay and eat though, we took it to the Gorge Metropark. If you have never been here it is well worth the trip. Since it was getting dark we chose to only take a quick walk down to the falls, with a promise to stop back for the full hike on our return trip home. Here is a picture I snapped on the way back to the parking lot, this is above the falls at about 8:30:
Saturday after Mattie's meet, lunch, and the tour of Casa de Silva Karen dropped me off at Robbie T's. It was my first visit since he the card game the night he moved in and it is coming together nicely. Especially considering he has been sans transportation since day 2. We enjoyed a few back porch beers before retiring to much cooler basement for some barts (basement darts). Later Bollls picked us up and took us to the Clubhouse for some of my favorite wings, (behind the Locker Room, but ahead of the Crows Nest), and some BL's. We left around midnight and returned to Rob's for more barts. This time for money. I won two games the whole day, the two for cash. What can I say? I'm a gamer, and I don't fear the bulls.
Sunday saw a lazy afternoon. Both Rob and I chose to nap during the 4th quarter of the boring CAVS game. Not dozed off mind you, it was a conscious decision that sleep would be more enjoyable than the game. Stemmy returned from softball practice at 11:30 and made a conscious decision that sleep would be more enjoyable than anything else, until about 4:00.
Karen picked me up around the time Stemmy returned to the land of the living, and we made our way to the Gorge. We decided while on the trail to take the full 3.2 mile hike since Mattie wasn't begging to be carried, or whining about her feet hurting. The last time I did this was with Karen, it was the day of the Kentucky vs. Utah NCAA Championship in 1998. Don't worry guys, I was home before tip. I have also gone to the Gorge before as part of a college class, and it is a special place for me as Lambda Chi as well.
In the summer of 1998 I lavaliered Karen there on her birthday, get your minds out of the gutter it's like pinning a girl, on second thought maybe that's a bad choice of words too... It was really funny, the park was actually closed and we didn't know it, but we parked down the street, and walked in, and down the path to the falls. We made our way down some wooden steps where a bench was and just sat for a while, she had no clue what was about to happen, all of a sudden in the darkness we could hear a large group of guys moving quickly and speaking quietly. Karen understandably got a little scared and my whistling real loud to alert them of our presence did nothing to relax her. She was too busy being nervous and thinking what the hell was I going to do about these punks who were now headed down the steps toward us, (she didn't say this, but I know the look). Finally, my fraternity brothers got close enough for her to recognize them, and without a word they huddled around us on the landing, got down on a knee and sang our Sweetheart song. The guys really came trough for me, they could have just said, "Sorry Scott park's closed, the moose out front should have told you." But they didn't they saw my car their and proceeded risking arrest to make sure this happened the way I wanted it too.
One thing that was really irritating was the number of plastic bottles and paper cups strewn about the path. they weren't everywhere, but there were enough that it was noticeable. What I don't get is how people could take the time to go there because of how beautiful and peaceful it is, and then throw their McDonald's cup into the rocks, or under a tree somewhere. Thank God for people like the couple we passed along the way who actually were there, as visitors mind you, with a trash bag picking up whatever litter they could.
One of the many narrow pathways encountered on the "hard" trail
Hey now! A couple comments, Scott.
First, great trip down memory lane at the Gorge. A lot of great memories there, most involving you.
Second, why don't you tell us about your nap on the Who Gives A Shit Blog?
Third, Palumbo, softball practice is for pussies! Get out there the first game of the spring and pull a groin like the rest of us! We played our 1st game last night (first shutout I have been on the non-zero side of!) and I have a nice hemoglobin to show for it on my right knee and down my whole shin after a poorly-called "out" slide at 3rd in the first inning. You would be proud.
Next, why do you always rub Swensons in to me? I tell Graz something-- if he has any pull as a relatively stable (not mentally) and successful entrepreneur in Akron, he will talk Swensons into bringing some restaurants down here. They would make a mint.
Lastly, as someone married to your attorney, I think you should post the eligibility requirements for Cousin of the Week. Word is some toughies are gunning for it.
Dummy, the napping was part of the commentary about the CAVS game, which the weekend was suppose to somewhat be centered around. Also to lead up to a story about how in the 11 years I have know Palumbo he has yet to get into the sleep pattern of an adult rather than a new born.
I rub Swenson's in probably for the same reason you text me from the bar while I'm at work...because we are a couple of jerks.
As of right now the requirement for cousin of the month is you have to be a cousin. But as with the BS rules of American Idol voting, "Rules and procedures are subject to change at producer’s discretion without notice."
Long live Sanjaya!!!
I miss Swensons, I have told my kids about it countless time, yet never make the trip with them. That goes on my short list of things I miss in Akron. I hope Rado is enjoying all of the city.
Have you ever tried Skyway?
I have never tried skyway. We did a lot of Swenson's, Luigi's, Euro Gyro, Street Treats and A & W while I was there.
You love Gyro Bob.
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