After the game announcers Jim Donovan and Rick Manning compared it to a game the Tribe won on April 12, 1992. It was the first game of a double header against Boston, and Red Sox pitcher Matt Young threw a no hitter, only problem was since the Indians were ahead, at Municipal Stadium, in the 9th they didn't have to take their at bats. Therefore, Young didn't record 27 outs and was not credited with a no hitter.
I was at this game, I remember John Bleu being there and I was talking to Jerry about it and he was also there. I believe Silva was the 4th person, (Chris if you are reading this will you confirm or deny this?). I was going to try and find my ticket stub as proof, only we didn't have tickets. That year our baseball coach, Dom Iarocci, got the entire team season passes for General Admisssion, (all dates except opening day and 4th of July fireworks night), through the Greater Cleveland High School Athletic Association. We went to a bunch of games, always arriving right when gates opened, back when you could watch the visiting team BP, then would sprint to our seats right on the fence in Left Field. We also would take advantage of much more lenient rules on what was allowed into the stadium, boiling our hot dogs at home before the game, and bringing an empty container to fill with Stadium Mustard. I would carry a huge gym bag filled with gloves, thermoses, buns, sunflower seeds, Red Man and 2 liters of pop.
The Wahoos also won the second game of the double header, but for the life of me I can't remember who was pitching. I wanted to say Clemons vs. Nagy, but Jerry remembers Candiotti for some reason. I know I saw a Clemons vs. Nagy duel at some point but that may have been later in the summer. If anyone else remembers or knows of a way to look this up please let me know.
On a side note, Matt Young did pitch for the Tribe briefly the next year. He was 1-6 in 8 starts with a 5.21 ERA.
****Editor's note I am no longer a consumer of Stadium Mustard. I friended Stadium Mustard last week on myspace, after seeing him on Nolan's page. Thus far he has rebuked me. DAMN YOU STADIUM MUSTARD!!!
I remember watching Game 1 from my apartment in Kent. Sorry, I can't help on Game 2. I can say that Nagy was never better than when he faced the Red Sox (though I remember a duel with Mussina when Moose was with Baltimore).
Do you have any drunken shots of Donuts?It'll go nicely with the shot I have of him on his 21st.
I actually asked the question on the Indians Forum today and I was a third right, and 2/3 wrong.
I was wrong about the Indians winning the second game, they lost 3-0 and had 2 hits, (that's 2 for the entire day).
I was right that Nagy and Clemons pitched, only Nagy was the winner in the first game and Rocket beat the immortal Scott Scudder in the second.
Hey J Peterman I don't recall any payment to me for my life stories. Any further plagiarism and i will be sending my lawyer Jackie Chiles after you. Kramer
Okay, so I didn't originate the bringing your own hot dogs thing, that doesn't mean I didn't do it.
And yes I many have gotten the idea for running in from you, but again we did it all the time.
Most importantly though I was there for a once in 2 lifetimes event. On a day you would have said, "It's too cold to sit through that." But I went because I am a baseball fan.
i do remember this game. i can't remember if this was the one where we got in trouble the next day at school for being late though.
wasn't that when John Mitchell and Ankrom stayed at your house before we played Edgewood? That was our Senior year.
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