The best thing that could have happened to me today happened. Mattie and I were leaving the house so I could take her to Gramma's house, enabling Jay V and I to drive to Willoughby to enjoy the Matinee double feature Grindhouse. When we walked outside there it was the box with my returned Master's Portfolio. This time it was in on the first day "Early Birds" were accepted, which was the 2nd. Some of you may remember a mailing mix-up from back in December, that prevented this from being accomplished. I have my 30 Post Bachelor's credit hours, but had not confirred my actual degree. These 30 hours at least made me eligible for a continuing contract with Ashtabula Area City Schools, but not for the pay raise you receive with a Master's degree. More importantly, I had put a lot of work into it and it stunk not to be able to say I had my MA. Plus the worries that something would change with requirements from last winter to this spring. Alas, that is all behind me now. Here is a photo of my portfolio.

I will try and spend more time on Grindhouse tomorrow, as for now Karen is waiting for me to finally watch The Pursuit of Happyness.
Congrats on your Masters!! I know how huge that is!! Wish me luck as I wallow toward mine!!!
Way to go bud! I hope mine comes early bird as well
Don't patronize me PhD boy
My bachelor's degree hasnt com eyet
Yeah but Stemmy you can't put a price on what you have learned through the college experience over the last 15 years.
So I found out from your mom, who found out from someone other than you, which now makes you the "bad son"!! No matter ---- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier for you. You make me proud, again!
Now get Karen finished up so you all can take a real vacation. To Tampa, of course! Love you tons Scott!!
Well then you need to check the blog more often, the story was on here hours after. It just had a different feeling to getting t since I blew it last time. More of a relief than anything.
You are right. If only I could get to it at work!!!!!!! I am so busy at home, I don't get online every day. I'm not the one upset I found out from your mom, SHE'S upset! And hopefully she doesn't read your blogs, then we can't poke fun anymore!!
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