Quick post today. Today happens to be the birthday of 2 of my favorite people, Chris Silva (32) and Terry Bowlin who turned the big 3-0, (don't worry T 30 is the new 21). Speaking of being 21 Silva has planned a family trip to Vegas where he plans to hit 21 then party like he is 21, as he was doing in thios picture from January. Sorry CJ but afterthe way you held being 2 months older than I am over my head for the first 21 years of life, I intend to do the opposite for the next 50+. Terry was making arrangements

for a party bus, which I will apologize once again for not being able to ride it with him. Here is a pix of TJ when we were in Big D last year around the time of his 29th, see how much younger he looks?
Anyway, one guy is a best friend/fraternity brother the other my cousin/best man/daughter's Godfather, but I am as close as real brothers with both. Boys I wish I could come get loaded with both of you tonight, and I hope to soon. But for now love you guys and hope you have a great time.
Oh and ignore the gay comments the Jerk will make, he hates emotions, but would say the same to Mead or Dragon on the phone while he twisted the kitchen phone cord around his index finger.
Spuncie you are an international phenomenon
people just want to wish terry and silva a happy birthday, oh and apparently sell t-shirts
I purchased a cowboy hat for Silva's B-Day gift. Hope it's the correct size.
He really wanted a new pair of Heelies
Or those skate shoes he wears.
First I started to well up but then I got a little chubbed reading the blog today.
That's Madigan's birthday too. She turned four and did not go to Vegas or charter a bus. She picked the zoo and the Hot Dog Shoppe instead.
That wasn't anonymous. That was me.
Okay, 3 of my favorite people. I hope she enjoyed some of our good friend Stadium Mustard on her dog too.
Hola senor-- I enjoyed su post y want my shirts de tee soldo.
It's Friday, June 29 ... Do you know where your blog is?
Taking mattie to indians game for Birthday, hope to have full post soon. Have to work all day in N Olmsted so prob Sunday.
looking for a new post...it's been too long.
Thanks Spunce. I want to say that you missed a good one. Highlights were Conway yacking on the way into the 2nd bar and LeBron giving me a head nod when getting off the bus with a tall blonde 22 year old after doing shots of Patrone with her and her friends we met at the Double Olive. Down side Palumbo found us at the 2nd stop and got a free ride for the rest of the trip. Next bus Aug 4th. Only rule is: No LT.
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