As we walked through the streets of Salem looking for hole in the wall bars after the reception, the evening took on a Deer Hunter Feeling. Luckily no one ran naked like DiNero.

This guy I don't know. He is the MC for D.J. Kenny "The Music Whore" Glick. I took his picture because I couldn't help but call him Miles Finch, and wonder if Santa knew he left the North Pole.

"He's an angry elf"

Sweetheart Saranade

It was smooth sailing for most of us, unfortunately the seas were rougher for Myers and Selena. They were 40 minutes late because a girl ran a stop sign and hit them. Obviously, it could have been much worse. Travis seems to be wishing it had been.

Here's a shocking picture of Brendan, Alaymini, Travis, and I outside the hall
Good morning.
1) You wrote: "As we walked through the streets of Salem looking for hole in the wall bars after the reception, the evening took on a Deer Hunter Feeling. Luckily no one ran naked like DiNero." While you are correct to have perceived that vibe, some might want to see us look for "hole-in-the-wall" bars. Others might be dismayed at the capital f for feeling. Lastly, Bobby might just be "Hollywood", but he would prefer if you wrote his name De Niro and correctly.
2) A "Sweetheart Saranade", as you wrote, could be misinterpreted as a marionette or a marinade depending on who you ask. You probably meant Serenade, and the Steve Miller Band can hook you up.
3) NOT AN ERROR: "Travis seems to be wishing it had been" is the funniest caption of the weekend.
4) While this rule could be urban legend or folklore (check dopes.com or whatever that idiot on Rob's blog said), "Here's a shocking picture of Brendan, Alaymini, Travis, and I outside the hall" should have probably been "...me...". The rule says take out the other names and see what sounds right: "Here's a shocking picture of ... I outside the hall". Me, myself, or The Spungalo all work here.
Bye for now
My apologies to Mr. De Niro. Feeling was capitalized, because it was such a strong feeling...okay that's B.S.
"Saranade" I knew looked wrong, but when I googled it that spelling returned results, so I went with it.
Travis wishing it had been is an error. I ended a sentence with not only one but two verbs of being. But other phrasings lost their punch.
Wrong again on #4. The error here is that neither Brendan nor Travis can twist there fingers up to make a proper shocker. I feel mad for their poor mothers, the shame of it.
Those who google to obtain correct spellings are not free form journal writers, they are just idiots. You can call it idiotic writing if you wish, no problems here.
what actually had happened was I entered Saranade into Leo's Lyrics search field and it returned a song title with that spelling.
I don't Google for spelling, but will occasionally type the first part of a word into the search field on my tool bar. Which automatically begins to offer possible search options.
Maybe you should Google sepeerated.
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