This being said, I may just offer to "Heet da Sweetch" on this guy myself based solely on the look on his face, (my apologies for the obscure Revenge of the Nerds II reference). Timothy Halton Jr., seen here in the sweet cross between a weight belt and an S & M outfit, is accused of killing Jason West. West was a Cleveland Heights police officer, and as you can tell his boys in the court room are none to pleased with Halton's antics. Halton started yelling profanities during the arraignment for reasons such as mistakenly not adding the Jr. to the end of his name. He also claims he fired in self defense, only problem is Officer West's sidearm was still holstered.
I am all for second guessing the amount of force, especially when deadly, officers sometimes use. Still, I like to believe in most cases it was necessary. They are human and make mistakes, like in the case of Amadou Diallo, the 23 year old immigrant who was shot 41 times by NYC police officers after reaching for his wallet. This was a tragedy, but STOP! and FREEZE! coming from an officer mean just that. Still this is a case where I don't mind people claiming racism, because this proabably doesn't happen if Diallo is a WASP. Bring in Jesse, Al and the rest of the camera lovers, because calling attention to it may save a life.
Except what happens when the officer is white and the suspect is black and the cop is the one killed? Where's Al? Where's Jesse? Where are the rallies? That's right there's no money in figting for what's right when it doesn't fit their usual rhetoric. And God forbid someone point out the obvious fact of skin color here, because racism is a one way street. It probably wasn't even racially motivated, he was just the cop unlikely enough to be in this thug's way, but that certainly wouldn't stop these 2 clowns from being on every cable news show in the country.
Want to learn a lesson? All you need to do is look at the faces of West's fellow officers, they certainly aren't seeing black and white right now. They see blue, the color all the brothers of the CHPD share with Jason West.
I am for the death penalty in cases such as this. He admits to killing the cop and his self defense story doesn't hold up.
Like you, death would be easier on me than being confined to a cell. I couldn't survive in prison and would gladly take the volts as the "easy" way out.
Take away the fact that this thug would be a hero in prison (cop killer) and look at the pure economics. It's a heck of a lot cheaper on the state and taxpayers to kill him.
He don't need no water, let the Mother F'er burn ...
You are half right when you say he would be a hero in prison Robbie T...the inmates of course would love him, but "cop killers" have the second highest fatality rate in prison behind child molesters...why you ask? Well the prison guards for some odd reason just don't seem to like cop killers too much...
Good point, Jerry. I'm sure the guards would make his stay in prison a little more hellish than prison itself.
PS ... Does it come as a surprise to ANYONE that I'm in favor of the death pentalty?
It does surprise me Rob, after all you have that tattoo of the little baby chipmunk hugging a tree with the caption above it "we are all God's children", never thought you would be in favor of the death penalty...oops, was I not supposed to mention the tattoo?
Rob's never been committed to anything long enough to get a tatoo. Not even death.
I tried hanging myself with a bungee cord once. I kept almost dying.
I welcome the sweet release of death.
LIVE with someone that is a police officer...hear their stories everyday...one begins to understand and fear the unknown of the "self defense" world. We share our "school" stories... we feel we are not given the proper respect...they (police officers) are certainly NOT appreciated or at times given the respect they also deserve either. I say, eye for an eye...a life for life...in a case such as this. And for cryin' out loud...pull up your fuckin' pants!
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