We didn't think anything of it until we found out that the awards ceremony was for 4th-6th grades. I questioned the secretary about it and all she could say was show up and you won't be disappointed. The only other presentation was the Patti Danalcheck Scholarship, but this required filling out an application that we did not fill out.
Well we went and watched many of our friends kids who are in the upper grade receive award after award for their participation and grades. So let me just say, "Great Job & Congratulations!" to Elizabeth Kovacs, Caroline Kovacs, Alex Orlando, Abby Peet, Gabriella Patete, Jordan Wallace, & Caitlyn Stimson). The most impressive part of the whole ceremony was the story about how many books Elizabeth Kovacs read to break the all time record for points earned. She not only crushed it with 700+ points, she did it without any recognition along the way needing only her own self motivation. Kov, you guys have a lot to be proud!
Anyway back to blowing my own horn. Mattingly received a $250.00 scholarship from the PTO for next school year. She was the winner of a contest between K-2 students. They had to draw a picture showing what being a Herald means to her. Mattie's had all of her friends and teacher on it and said, "I like this school because my friends are nice and they like me for who I am." Names were not placed on the pictures only numbers, the artist name was only revealed to the judges after they chose a winner. Mattingly this is a very big deal, Mommy and Daddy are extremely proud of you, and impresed by all you've accomplished this year.
Oh yeah and GO CAVS!
Congratulations, Mattie!
And nice TV, Scott.
Congratulations Mattie!! You did a great job and a lot of people are proud of you. Also to the Kovacs, congratulations to you too, I am sure it is a good feeling to have the people you love the most be so successful on their own steam and determination. Enough of the mushy stuff now...I hope the Cavs beat the #$@! out of Detroit tonight
Mattie, you are awesome!!!! We are so proud of you!!!!!
Very nice, Mattie. Congratulations on your scholarship!! Again, we're very proud of your accomplishments.
Love you,
Gramma Mo
Papa Bob
Congrats, Mattie. Good job!
Awesome job Mattie!! Congratulations!
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