This will serve two purposes. First, I will once again be able to fly down back roads after dusk with the reckless abandon of a 16 year old. Second, with all the deer gone a lot of the "Sportsman's" argument against gun control laws will be gone.
I love when deer have been declared "over populated," when we are the ones whose population and gluttonous destruction of forest areas are the real threat. I think back to when I was a kid, we lived right at the edge of woods, and I didn't see a live deer until I was 11. Now I see them wandering down Lake Avenue at 2:00 in the morning. Is it because there are too many of them? Yes, there are too many Deerses to live comfortably in the wooded areas that haven't been paved over.
Now, I cracked on the hunters earlier, but they are the first to try and protect the deer's habitat. For example: two serious hunters that I know, Dave Lampela and my brother-in-law Steve Bellamy may get a couple of deer each season, but they also spend plenty of time setting up deer feeders and money buying feed.

My point, which I swear I had at one time: The deer were here well before the roads, the strip malls and the smarmy allotments so pay attention to the road and be careful out there...And that's one to grow on!
I've had all I can stanz and I can't stanz no more. Are you a F-ing idiot. Go hug a tree. After your recent bashing about gas prices why don't you do some research and see that there are problems with refineries. Because of your type of tree hugging liberals there have been no refineries built in about 25 years because of all the red tape. And none being built. But all you want to do is blame GW and the republicans. I don’t like paying $3.50 for gas either but I really don’t know enough about it to blame one group or another. And I don’t know who to blame so I keep my mouth shut and try not to look like a one sided “Michael Moore” . And Don’t call me a Republican because I have
not voted for a Rebublican President yet. I am smart enough to know that I’m not smart enough. How is your Democratic congress doing with all the changes they’ve made since they were elected. THERE ARE ALL THE SAME . How is you Gas loving SUV by the way.
Complaining about taking woods away from the deer ,from the guy who by the way is campaigning for the Campus Style schools. I want to see if when they start clearing land at the new schools you will be chained up to one. If not George and myself can hang you from one.
Take your own advice and “Move On”
And Jerry wast’t hurt was he ? I hope not the new Iphone comes out in a few weeks
I really wasn't blaming anyone during my post about gas prices, just figured it was something everyone could get behind. And since when do you keep your mouth shut? You're the one always bitching about paying more money for the gas that's already in the ground, and how you don't mind paying more for gas if things stay the same but not when the oil industry is making record profits. If Oil is $7.00 a barrel cheaper, why are gas prices $.50 cents a gallon higher? This thing hits you way harder than me that's for sure. I know that W was and is in bed with big oil. I didn't buy the jeep because I needed or wanted a big vehicle, I bought it because we needed a car less than a decade old and an opportunity presented itself.
As for Michael Moore, every time one off his documentaries come out he takes a lot of crap. But he was right about General Motors, he is right about gun control, and he was right about arterial motives for invading Iraq. So say what you want about him but he usually ends up right. From what I've heard many Republicans even agreed with Sicko, his new movie about health care.
As far as protecting trees it just irritates me when people blame the animals. I know nothing stops progress, if that's what you want to call it, but people just need to be a little more cogniscient of what goes on.
You go ahead and move on, decide there is nothing you can do, and wear blinders to protect yourself and your bubble from the atrocities in this world, (here's where yo think your funny by calling me AJ Soprano). This is the reason we are in the place we are, everyone cares, just not enough to really do something about it. It's why we focus on John Edward's $400 haircut rather than what he's saying. It's why a psychotic yell from Howard Dean cost him the Democratic nomination. So throw your hands up, give up, and hope someone else can fix it. Much like you I recognize I'm not the guy to fix it, I just want to help in my little way.
Who's Jerry?
Two words: Deer. Tacos.
Kill 'em all!
ABH (Anyone But Hillary)
Wow, so many grammatical and spelling errors on here, but I will try to muddle through.
Rick, for not knowing who to blame, you certainly do place a lot of blame on liberals, a group that hasn't been in complete control of the Legislative and Executive branches since Clinton I, and a group certainly not powerful in Congress right now. Its hard to blame liberals for much of anything in the past 10 years, seeing as how they were not chairpersons of any Congressional committee, or carried significant weight in Washington. Also, commands to hug trees to all the liberals (who probably want Communism) does put you squarely in Republican camp 101.
I do agree with your assessment of most people wanting green space but not willing to sacrifice conveniences (like business and residential development, Starbucks plazas, big gas guzzling trucks, eminent domain) to attain it. I don't know if Scott is said person, but I believe it also to be an issue. Plus, when it comes to blaming gas guzzling car companies, keep in mind we buy an awful lot of foreign cars; so we are paying to import pollution, and someone else is making some money on it. That person should be in jail, and forced to pay for environmental cleanup efforts; not businesses or the government.
Scott's argument is fairly sound-- I mean, the Bush legacy has oil in convenient barrels, so pointing a finger should be aimed at all non-environmentally sound people. We emit the most pollution in the world and refuse to take the general environmental framework laid out in the Kyoto principle that we sponsored but fail to sign due to the economic and social costs of conservation. We are a hypocritical nation, from Iraq to environment, to human rights, to national health care and public school deficiencies.
Also, arterial motives are heart-related; ulterior motives are underhanded or subconscious excuses for committing deviance.
Finally, Hillary Clinton has as much experience in running a country than any of the clowns on either side of the wealth-buys-the-White-House '08 "election" aisles. Either way, the next "guy" is gonna look good regardless compared to Bush. That guy just couldn't catch a break.
Damn, ulterior! I kept spelling it with an A and it kept spell checking to arterial. I knew that wasn't right, but kept thinking the word derived from alternate.
Also, Roni you keep in mind many of these foreign automakers have higher fuel efficiency standards in their own countries than we have.
The Wade Av property where the proposed schools will go is currently a wooded area. However, judging by the houses being built in that area currently, I'd say it's safe to say not for long. Might as well be developed by a a project like this, where much stiffer environmental guidelines will be imposed (assumption).
And on a side note a BIG THANKS to the newly elected Democratic Congress for doing what they were elected to do and not backing down to Bush on the war budget. YOU BIG BUNCH OF PANSIES!!!
I think I answered that ? why gas prices are higher and oil cheaper per barrel. Can't refine it quick enough. Also China's newfound auto industry . Is this theory right? I don't know, but I don't just take one side's view and accept it on every matter - ala Rush Limbaugh. I hated the Republicans when they did it to Clinton and I hate the Dem's now. The President is doing a horrible job, I agree. But is he the antichrist? I don't think so. You will learn when you are older that if you keep watching the news and listening to the radio talks that all you'll do is get stressed out and aggravated because there is little you can do to stop it or control it. As much as I cared I could not stop the Browns from moving. It was much bigger then me. Now try changing the oil companies. You think the NFL is powerful? Control your own little world and enjoy what you can. Like in politics there is always some Ahole out there that will stress you out because he believes (just as strongly as you) that the Browns should have started Holcumb, not Couch.
How u like this for spelingg an grammattical erors, Go %^&&^$@#^&**&^$%$ ur self?
Well I actually learned when I was younger that the news and radio stress people out, but to ignore it is to be ignorant to your situation. I mean, how much better would you feel when you were making your gas and oil argument if you were educated about it? Probably a lot, it would have carried more weight.
So while I don't christen political pundits as easybuttons for my opinions, I do like to know what bill passed with whose sponsorship, and how power is dispersed in Washington. But I do like the fact you have no problem blasting Scott, so oh well.
Rick you hate Rush, yet sound just like him. The whole, "gas is expensive because of oil refineries," statement sounds exactly like him, but it probably came from your boy O'Reiley or Glen Beck. It sounds exactly like something a lobbyist would say. Like the ones who call up soccer moms when there is a fuel economy/emissions standard bill in disussion and say things like, "You know if this passes your Honda Odyssey won't have enough horsepower to get the kids where they need to go." Or they tell farmers their trucks won't be able to haul produce to market, or whatever. Deflect the blame from the oil industry and big business and put on those who are trying to make them accountable, for the betterment of all.
You are right about enjoying what you have and focusing on it. But while it is aggravating I do feel better knowing what's going on. Fact of the matter is, so do you. Otherwise you wouldn't have typed more than you have in 42 years to tell me that you don't. The only way to achieve any kind of change is to inform others and get them involved. And this stupid little blog is the best way I can do that. , i enjoy the writing and the arguing. The apathy in this country is disgusting, and I will not ever choose to be a part of it.There are people in this country who still believe we are in Iraq because of September 11. Now how is it better to be uninformed?
Oh and yeah Ron go ^*&^ yourself!
On a side note this whole post was meant to be a joke. It just kind of lost it's way. The "That's One to Grow On" only referred to the watch out for deer part.
Jerry & Laura we are actually all glad you are okay...I think.
Maybe we need a gas commercial with a soccer mom in a minivan hauling actual Saudis.
Wow you guys are serious. I was just bummed because my civic (39 miles to the gallon) won't be fixed until Thursday. That's two weeks to fix my car. That deer was not messing around.
I used to F*#k myself all the time but not so much anymore. Is that apathy or old age?
The country is ready for change but the mere shift in party will not be enough to accomplish that. We need an overall adjustment in LIFE. Go USA!
So wouldn't social change best be promoted by the Democratic candidate?
Also, I hope to see some mention of Charles Nelson Reilly and "Hello Frisco!" in one of you two guys's blogs
Also dying for an update on Chad the Pirate, who, according to his tagline, represents "A baised view into the life that is mine". I am not sure what baised is, and I am sure he meant biased, but I think it has attracted interest and I am looking forward to reading more. I mean, this blog is big, I heard about it all the way down in Columbus.
Actually he forgot the r and it's a braised view. meaning a view that has been slow cooked in fat and little moisture in a closed pot.
I mean come on Ron use your head, a biased look into his own life would be redundant wouldn't it? He couldn't have meant that.
Well, we have officially written more about him on here, than he has about himself.
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