Friday, September 7, 2007

Fat Bottom Girls

How much more proof do you need?

Then go face first through a windshield

Here we go Brownies, Here We Go!


Anonymous said...

I am having a hard time believing that either of those pics are real...I cant believe a woman's "posterior" (PG-13 in case any kids read Scott's blog)can be that magnificent (left) or that horrendous (right)...yes I felt the need to put directions next to each adjective just to try and eliminate the amount of ridiculous responses that would have ensued had I not.

Anonymous said...

how'd you get my picture?

Big Terry Terr said...

You have to wonder how the steelers feel about seeing the lady on the right. It is almost as good as seeing some thug being hauled in after committing a crime he is sporting a Cleveland or Cincinnati jersey. Of course in that situation he is usually a player.

Anonymous said...

Oh my friggin' God.......I wasn't going to the gym today, but I'm on my way now! I don't want to be mean or anything, but shouldn't there be a law that if you look like that you get handcuffed and taken to get your jaw wired shut?? I'd vote for a percentage of my taxes to go to help pay for that!