Last Friday the 10th was our 5 year wedding anniversary, after resisting the urge all weekend to use a Five For Fighting song as the title of this blog entry, I am now able to sit here and write about it. Five years is amazing to me only because we have now been married more years than we weren't. Seems like it took forever to actually get married due to a number of reasons, not wanting to was never one of them. We met in February of '98 so by my math we were wed 4 1/2 years later.
We had a pretty good day. The early part of the day was spent at the Grove City Outlet Mall in PA. We had to get Mattie her uniform clothes, gym shoes, and other various items. We got a few things for ourselves, but nothing extravagant. I bought the cheapest cool looking pair of Nike's I could find. I only wear tennis shoes at the gym really, but the pair I have are too small and I've lived with them for a year. Nothing like 20 minutes on the stepper with your toes curled under.
When we got back we changed clothes, dropped Mattie off at the Jerks', and headed out to Laurello's Winery to meet Greg and Laura. After downing the first 2 bottles of vino and a couple of awesome pizzas, cooked in a wood burning oven, we decided it was time for some bocce. Since last year they have built 2 outside bocce courts, and there is nothing that makes me happier than drinking, chewing, and competing at something all at once. Although I prefer not to drink wine with a chew in, my options were pretty limited, I can't throw with out a dip in.
After getting another bottle of Bianca and one of Niagra, Karen and I were set to annihilate our much shorter competitors. The first match hardly started before it was over, a laughable 15-2 victory for the Spence's. Then the wine really kicked in, and we lost track of what was going on and lost game two 15-5. We managed to collect ourselves are refocus before the last game. For me this meant peeing behind one of the outbuildings. We walked away victorious in a not as close as it sounds 15-8 tie breaking victory.
Honestly, trying to throw with a wine glass is not easy, my feet got more wine than my mouth did. Also the courts were comparable to playing in wet kitty litter, there wasn't much roll, when there was it wasn't at all true. I love that in a yard, but you expect it there.
After being the last people keeping the staff from going home we left and made the obligatory stop at the Locker Room, where once I smelled wings cooking on the way in, I knew there was no way I wasn't getting some. After a beer and 10 hot wings, we headed home for the perfect end to the night...a KISS concert on VH1 classic!
While I had to remove anonymous comments I will answer the question.
The reasons it took so long were mostly monetary, we needed to have the money to have the wedding, reception and the rest that we wanted, then getting a date to fall in line.
Congrats on five years! What was the over/under?
Boo censorship!!
Congrats, I think you have beat my record, and that includes BOTH put together! HA! Just kidding, but I know you will eventually, you guys are great. Now, if you would just start taking vacations to Florida, you can keep your relationship fresh and new with the adventure of it all!! I love you both.
The over-under for her to marry that troll was 3 years
I see your 5 and raise you 8.5. No, seriously good for you guys. I hope Karen never breaks up with you, so you have to console yourself with a bad haircut. That was a bad joke, but you like bad jokes so... Happy Aniversary!
Think the hot wings at Anchor Bar will be better than Locker Room? We'll find out in a few weeks!
I've been there but I was 13 I think. It's gonna be tough to beat the LR wings, or Clubby wings for that matter
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