Judging by this you would expect a great time was had by all, and it probably was by Finnish standards, but those who were in attendance undercover say it was nothing more than a bunch of blond people standing around eating fish and Nissua. This led MCB committee chairman Terry Guerriero to exclaim, "I've never seen dead people smoke before!" and to continuously tell people, "the graveyard is two blocks to the left, okay?"
There will be further investigations into the coincidence of a White Power rally being held in the Southern part of the county which ran concurrently with Finnfest. A spokesperson for the Ashtabula County Sheriff's Office was quoted as saying, "We are not making any accusations, but those Finns are some white ass Mofos." Strengthening the possible connection to the two events were the fact that Wizarding pure bloods, the Malfoys were seen at both.
My apologies for my anti-Finnfest stance, but there are many amongst this group that are extremely anti-Italian. These are many of the people who refer to city ofiicials as the "good ol boy network," which is code word for bunch of Dagos. Other than that I know and like many Finns, just felt like this event was presented by organizers as some sort of anti-Italian festival rather than Pro Finnish Heritage and for that reason I have a chip on my shoulder about the whole thing.
I do honestly hope that those who came from out of town enjoyed their time in 'Bula, and it would be nice to see more events like this held here.
****If anyone has a better spelling for Madigon I will gladly change this phonetic monstrosity. I know it comes very simply from americana, and in slang means only "not Italian."
Archie Bunker!!!!!
"I do honestly hope that those who came from out of town enjoyed their time in 'Bula, and it would be nice to see more events like this held here." So Scott can make fun of them too.
I spend plenty of time making fun of the bizaar too.
I'm appalled at such words of dislike!!!
And by the way, do you claim any of your Irish heritage or are you strictly Italian? Just curious. I have to claim Irish, otherwise, I'd be just Polish....and I just can't get myself to do that, seeing as how smart I am and all!!
This is the first posting on this blog that I've enjoyed!
I part Finn and I'm not even offended - I actually like the way you think you dago-mick.
Yes I am also half Irish, if you check the last entry I mention enjoying a group called Forsythe Special which plays Celtic music. I also listen to Celtic Crush on Sirius Radio on Sat Mornings. I've considered quitting my job and becoming an Irish Hood, like the two guys in Sleepers, or the Boondock Saints.
Coll I hope your being appalled was sarcasm since you followed it up with a pretty stereotypical bashing of all Polish people.
Bill, Ann, GET OUT!!!!
I am appalled by such feelings from someone in my family. Thats not how we were brought up. In the words of the Great American Rodney King "cant we all just get along".
Of course it was sarcasm...
you must remember I have four brothers, three of which are total smart asses.....how can I NOT be sarcastic?!
Let me add, thank the gods and goddesses that italian men are NOT like italian women, or this would be you whining and complaining rather than being your sarcastic, comedic self!!
hey, how can I get in touch wit dis coll broad
she sounds hot
you couldn't cut it in my crew
What the fuck is wrong with you Henry?!
You racist DAGO!
I had no clue you'd choose eating an elephant ear over nisua bread.
Hope your kids don't share your hat'in on da Finns in da hood!
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