Today begins the weekend of Birthdays. I swear half the people I know were born in August. Here is a list of people who are leos just like you and me:
August 17th-Karen Spence
August 18th-Jerry Lazanis
August 20th-Jenna Bellomo
August 21st-Big Spuncie Style
That's right just like a fireworks display, this pyrotechnic extravaganza saves the best for last. Also share this birthday with Wilt the Stilt and The Gambler Kenny Rogers.
Sorry, Coll' but you are outside of the Pride so to speak, but happy birthday to you anyway should I forget.
That's ok, you being Leo and me being Virgo means we get along splendidly! My two best friends are Leo's, AND they have the exact same birthday. So, seeing as tomorrow is your big day and mine is one week from today, close enough to party in spirit together. I'll be in New York City for mine, what are you doing?!
This thing went schizo on me and posted before I was able to say Happy Belated Birthday Karen!
I love you both.
I am doing absolutely nothing saince Karen works till midnight and the next day is Mattie's first day of school.
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