It is no surprise to many that I have been "in love" with Cindy Crawford for going on 2 decades now, since I first saw her on the covers of Playboy and Cosmopolitan back in 1988. At one point my bedroom was covered with Cindy's posters and calendars, which was barely a change from the posters of Poison that she replaced. I never saw Fair Game, but admit to buying her first workout video the day it came out in '92. I remember once explaining, "She is so good looking it makes my head hurt." Which is what kept me glued to the T.V. during her Pepsi and Revlon commercials.
At 41 The Mole is still incredibly good looking. The other day on The Superficial I saw this picture of her and her family. I immediately whispered to myself, "Wow, Cindy's going to have some good looking daughters," figuring like 10-15 years from now.

Problem was after reading on I found out I had been fooled and one of Cindy's daughters is actually her son. Go ahead and try to figure out which is which.
I saw this too ... and guessed wrong. Cut that hair, please.
Cindy is still hot, but I was always partial to Elle and Kathy Ireland.
those 2 old hags? please!
I would guess the blond who is not wearing lip gloss. But then again, how would I know?!?!
Hello Frisco!
Wow, whichever it is, it is the prettiest boy I've ever seen in my life. Having a 13 year old boy, I am sooo glad he opts for crew cut short hair after seeing this!
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