Friday, August 24, 2007
Per Josh Nolan
Interesting Argument About Global Warming - Watch more free videos
Thanks Josh, this is the only argument that really matters. I did miss the first two minutes of this thought because I thought it was Bob Saget.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Doggy Dogg World

I am going to try to leave behind all the talk of it being a racial issue, which is ridiculous, and I am not going to go into the specifics of what dog fighting/training entails. Honestly, it just makes me sick, I heard people talking about it all weekend after the HBO Real Sports story, and I just don't want to think about it anymore.
My question is the one all the talking heads on ESPN have been asking, "Will Vick play in the NFL again?" I know that America loves giving second chances, and we love comeback stories. That said this is not a case that involves someone hitting bottom because of a drug addiction, or getting into a fight over love or anger. Vick seemed to be a perfectly normal human being. Yeah, he had made a few mistakes but nothing that terrible. Most people, myself included, couldn't believe that he was even related to his degenerate brother Marcus. The point is, this isn't as simple as do your time, go to rehab, talk to some kids and we'll welcome you back with open arms. He wasn't addicted to anything that impaired his judgment, (I know plenty of people with gambling problems, and none of them ever drowned or electrocuted a dog), and wasn't motivated by love, fear, or anger. What he did was cold, callous, and thought out. How do you change that inside you, how many local APL's do you have to visit and donate to before you can convince people that you've changed? I just don't think that this can be lumped in with the other offenses that athletes/celebrities commit. I mean not only did he kill these dogs, he wasn't even humane enough to do it with a bullet. What in prison is going to make him respect the lives of animals? I am not saying he doesn't deserve a second chance, but what in the Hell can he do to earn it?
Well here's to hoping that his cell mate is a serial killer whose only friend in the world was his boyhood dog.
Monday, August 20, 2007
KISS - New York Groove 1979 Live
Since I couldn't find this song to add to my MySpace profile a week ago, then it was the closing credits song for Entourage last night I had to put it up somewhere.
I love the song but t reminds me of a night when I was 19 no specifics but it involved a Dodge Colt, a bass drum mallet, Marty, beer, Jay B, a cooler, and this song on repeat. I can say I've luckily never done anything as stupid again.
4 + 20
My original plans for last weekend were a trip to Indianapolis to Lambda Chi Alpha International Headquarters, then on to the University of Illinois to our chapter there for ritual. Those plans fell through, and luckily so, but the weekend was not a complete bust because Terry, who was also going on the trip, came up to Bula to hang out instead.
T, got in around 3:45 on Saturday, and we just sat around watching T.V. Hey, what else should we have done when Big Lebowski was on? We also peeped some Curb Your Enthusiasm and I introduced Terry to Jermaine and Bret from Flight of the Concords. We headed out to the Jerk's to watch the miserable first half to the Browns game, we also left just when I noticed Terry's narcolepsy creeping in, (or is it necrophilia? I get them mixed up).
As far as the Browns went, if nothing else I love listening to Kosar's analysis of the game. He notices everything, things that ex-QBs turned colormen such as Phil Simms and Troy Aikmen certainly don't point out, or possibly even see. Only problem is it's hard to take him too seriously because he is a few hiccups away from sounding exactly like the drunk stork from the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Making matters worse he is starting to look like Quentin Tarantino, AFTER he turns into the vampire in From Dusk Till Dawn. He did make Terry happy by sending more orange helmets to Hell by declaring mental mistakes, "Mortal Sins." Which after getting to the 2 yard line, calling a time out, then taking a delay of game, followed by a second wasted TO, I was also wishing death upon a few players and coaches.
Choosing to only stay until midnight, we, including Jay B, headed back to the deli where we hung out downstairs for a while. We were confused by a guy at the car wash across the street who must have spent 3 rounds worth of quarters washing his motorcycle. Then he walked over and asked if any of us had change for a 20. I thought I had 15 which he actually said he'd take, but lo and behold I only had a ten. Terry whipped out 16 dollars and quickly turned a $4.00 profit for being in the right place. This is the same guy who at Ray's wedding got a $50.00 room $10.00 at 3:30 in the morning. I hate Terry!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Cindy C

At 41 The Mole is still incredibly good looking. The other day on The Superficial I saw this picture of her and her family. I immediately whispered to myself, "Wow, Cindy's going to have some good looking daughters," figuring like 10-15 years from now.

Friday, August 17, 2007
Born a Lion

Today begins the weekend of Birthdays. I swear half the people I know were born in August. Here is a list of people who are leos just like you and me:
August 17th-Karen Spence
August 18th-Jerry Lazanis
August 20th-Jenna Bellomo
August 21st-Big Spuncie Style
That's right just like a fireworks display, this pyrotechnic extravaganza saves the best for last. Also share this birthday with Wilt the Stilt and The Gambler Kenny Rogers.
Sorry, Coll' but you are outside of the Pride so to speak, but happy birthday to you anyway should I forget.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Friday at Five
Last Friday the 10th was our 5 year wedding anniversary, after resisting the urge all weekend to use a Five For Fighting song as the title of this blog entry, I am now able to sit here and write about it. Five years is amazing to me only because we have now been married more years than we weren't. Seems like it took forever to actually get married due to a number of reasons, not wanting to was never one of them. We met in February of '98 so by my math we were wed 4 1/2 years later.
We had a pretty good day. The early part of the day was spent at the Grove City Outlet Mall in PA. We had to get Mattie her uniform clothes, gym shoes, and other various items. We got a few things for ourselves, but nothing extravagant. I bought the cheapest cool looking pair of Nike's I could find. I only wear tennis shoes at the gym really, but the pair I have are too small and I've lived with them for a year. Nothing like 20 minutes on the stepper with your toes curled under.
When we got back we changed clothes, dropped Mattie off at the Jerks', and headed out to Laurello's Winery to meet Greg and Laura. After downing the first 2 bottles of vino and a couple of awesome pizzas, cooked in a wood burning oven, we decided it was time for some bocce. Since last year they have built 2 outside bocce courts, and there is nothing that makes me happier than drinking, chewing, and competing at something all at once. Although I prefer not to drink wine with a chew in, my options were pretty limited, I can't throw with out a dip in.
After getting another bottle of Bianca and one of Niagra, Karen and I were set to annihilate our much shorter competitors. The first match hardly started before it was over, a laughable 15-2 victory for the Spence's. Then the wine really kicked in, and we lost track of what was going on and lost game two 15-5. We managed to collect ourselves are refocus before the last game. For me this meant peeing behind one of the outbuildings. We walked away victorious in a not as close as it sounds 15-8 tie breaking victory.
Honestly, trying to throw with a wine glass is not easy, my feet got more wine than my mouth did. Also the courts were comparable to playing in wet kitty litter, there wasn't much roll, when there was it wasn't at all true. I love that in a yard, but you expect it there.
After being the last people keeping the staff from going home we left and made the obligatory stop at the Locker Room, where once I smelled wings cooking on the way in, I knew there was no way I wasn't getting some. After a beer and 10 hot wings, we headed home for the perfect end to the night...a KISS concert on VH1 classic!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Finnish Line

Judging by this you would expect a great time was had by all, and it probably was by Finnish standards, but those who were in attendance undercover say it was nothing more than a bunch of blond people standing around eating fish and Nissua. This led MCB committee chairman Terry Guerriero to exclaim, "I've never seen dead people smoke before!" and to continuously tell people, "the graveyard is two blocks to the left, okay?"
There will be further investigations into the coincidence of a White Power rally being held in the Southern part of the county which ran concurrently with Finnfest. A spokesperson for the Ashtabula County Sheriff's Office was quoted as saying, "We are not making any accusations, but those Finns are some white ass Mofos." Strengthening the possible connection to the two events were the fact that Wizarding pure bloods, the Malfoys were seen at both.
My apologies for my anti-Finnfest stance, but there are many amongst this group that are extremely anti-Italian. These are many of the people who refer to city ofiicials as the "good ol boy network," which is code word for bunch of Dagos. Other than that I know and like many Finns, just felt like this event was presented by organizers as some sort of anti-Italian festival rather than Pro Finnish Heritage and for that reason I have a chip on my shoulder about the whole thing.
I do honestly hope that those who came from out of town enjoyed their time in 'Bula, and it would be nice to see more events like this held here.
****If anyone has a better spelling for Madigon I will gladly change this phonetic monstrosity. I know it comes very simply from americana, and in slang means only "not Italian."
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Stretch Armstrong Freestyle
I really only added it to be fair and point out that Rob spent some alone time
on the couch with Bedtime Bear.
Rob decided that he was now too mature for a team uniform, we had previously done Bushwood CC shirts, Sleeveless dress shirts with ties, camouflage, Team Talbacka shirts complete with bleach blond hair, all black the year Rob wasn't there, and have even made props such as Pimp Chalices. We fell back to our first and default "costumes" Hawaiian shirts. Of course all of this matters little by the second tee when we've gone to tank tops and sleeveless t-shirts. We did consider wearing black arm bands for Wayne Sedmack. Wayne and his family are big supporters of the Ed Armstrong Scholarship, and throughout his last few years of deteriorating health Wayne was still at the turn talking to everyone as the ate their dogs and burgers. We weren't sure of the reaction so the idea was nixed, but when I saw an 8X10 of him at the sign in table I knew I had to tell them our idea. It was appreciated and got us hugs from Mrs. Sedmack that nearly led to tears at the conclusion of our round.on the couch with Bedtime Bear.
The drinking, as you could have guessed, started early. My goal was to open beer number two on swing number two. Goal accomplished. Then a disturbing thing happened, we never saw the beer cart! After a few holes played behind the sloooowwwest foursome in the history of golf accompanied by dehydration induced hallucinations I couldn't take it anymore. Stemmy and I left Rob on the tee and drove 5 holes away to track down the beer guy. When I finally caught up to him he was parked, but I wasn't taking any chances, I floored it up beside him, hit the brakes, and stopped our cart perpendicular to the front of his, actually grazing across the front bumper in the process. We were greeted with smiles and left with a cooler full of Buds, Bud Lights, and ice. Mission Accomplished. No surprise this led to my parring the next two holes.
We made the turn and the group ahead of us finally told us to go ahead. With no one ahead or behind us now, the humor really began. Most of it caused by Palumbo's yearly attempt to maim and/or kill me with a golf ball. He is the only person you could stand directly behind, in the middle of the fairway, (this is theoretical of course, there's no way he's ever in the middle of a fairway), and still be a little worried that he could hit you. There is a picture on Rob's blog of how to watch Stemmy hit, it is not a joke, I am constantly behind the cart. On one tee i was on the path next to it, 180 degrees from his ball sending a text message when his tee shot landed on the opposite side of the cart! I have no clue if it even cleared the roof or passed under it. You wanna make some money, take out a life insurance policy before the last weekend in July next year.On number 11 the craziest thing I have ever seen on a golf course happened. It's a par 3 and all of us were chipping on from close. Rob went first and his ball was stopped dead a foot from the pin by the, "closest to the hole" proximity pin. I chipped up and knocked his ball a couple inches closer at a diagonal. Now were cheering for Stemmy to hit it. I'll be damned if he didn't chip on and cue shot Rob's ball into the hole. Rob took a questionable Birdie 2, but hey he only swung the club twice, and we were never on the green putting forcing him to mark his ball. Besides we were there to drink and encounter ridiculousness such as this, which is why Stemmy and I didn't hesitate to take pars for the assist when Rob offered.
Afterwards we discussed our rounds and enjoyed our steaks. For the first time in 11 years I continued drinking through the meal. I usually move on to water and Sprite at this point, but I had hit a groove. The weekend was everything I always hope it to be, A bunch of drunks in golf carts nearly killing each other, and I cannot wait until next years'. Again it would be nice to get another 4 guys to play behind us...and fall for our marshmallow trick.
The boys headed back to the Falls after eating and I went home for a shower and a 3 hour nap. When I woke up Karen and I headed out to Laurello's for wine and to meet Greg and Laura. We once again enjoyed Celtic music performed by John Hoyle and Forsythe Special. Then we headed back to the Locker Room where I had a late meal of hot wings again. Good thing the LR is only open on weekends or my cholesterol would be through the roof.
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