I waited a little while because in the words of President Bartlet's communications director Toby Ziegler, "You don't want to tempt the wrath of whatever from high atop the thing!" but the Iowa Caucus has been called in favor of Barack Obama, based solely on my $25.00 donation probably. Currently Edwards is 2nd and Clinton 3rd with 7 delegates separating them with 90% of the caucuses reporting.
I think I went into watching this with the belief that Iowa shouldn't go first because they aren't a true representation of America, but my mind has been changed. These people take this extremely seriously, and the event is an awesome testament to our democracy. I mean some of these are held in peoples houses!!!
If NBA games were decided this way, I might start watching them.
An additional success was that the Democratic voter turn out nearly doubled the Republican turnout, this was a red state in '04!. More encouraging is that the percentage of young voters in the model increased from 17% to over 20%. Interesting note 17 yr olds can caucus as long as they will be 18 by November.

"Thank you Chuck Norris!"
I'm looking forward to having the debates once a Dem. and Rep. are selected. Unlike many active voters, I don't go into a presidential election with my mind set. Obama vs. McCain would have my complete attention.
Thanks for the update.
Rob at this time there are too drastic of differences in the candidates in each part to just wait to see who surfaces. The immediate problems that face this country are too many and too large to wait and see. I don't want to wait for the Coke vs. Pepsi election again.
I hope people watched all of the speeches after too. Edwards sounded like it was him and Obama against Clinton, never admitting he lost. Clinton made excuses, and basically just gave her stump speech again. Obama sounded like the son of MLK and JFK. very stirring with his message of hope and unity no longer sounding naive. Those of us who watched tonight witnessed history, a state that is only 3-4% black just said we want a black president. Or more importantly that we only see the best candidate.
Huckabee also did a nice job with his speech I thought. But he won on born again and evangelical votes and there aren't as many of them in New Hampshire.
After just watching the movie Jesus Camp (A must watch,very disturbing) there is no way I would ever vote for a evangelical baptist preacher (Huckabee). Watch out for Mcain. The most qualified,but he may be hurt by his Party this election. Women don't even trust Hillary. Obama has to be carefull with the sudden black preacher twang that he used in his speech. People should listen to what John Edwards has to say.
Scotty, it was a treat to text you throughout the caucus coverage last night. If only we were together, to turn my office into the House of the Rising Sun. I made a promise to donate to Obama if he wins New Hampshire and I will! That's a promise ladies and gentlemen! That's how you debate!
The only thing missing last night was The Jackal
I have been swayed, not solely based on recent events but on a growing and unyielding feeling that the Republican party that I once whole-heartedly supported has turned it's indifferent backs on this country. When things continually go from bad to worse (or at best stay at the current levels of atrocity), both on these shores and overseas where our troops continue to fight for God knows what at this point with no end in sight and no plan for change coming anytime soon, I can only believe that the Republican leadership is either completely inept or at best totally indifferent and I can't determine which one sickens me most. The only thing I can do is put my support behind someone, who for the first time in a while, appears to have the best interests of this country's present and future at heart and isn't afraid to stand up and speak out, even at the risk of not sounding like the mouth pieces of his own party...Lazanis 1 has gone from Red to Blue...(paraphrasing Spaceballs)
Doesn't take much to see the difference in the parties. All you have to do is watch their debates. Take last nights debates in New Hampshire. The Republicans spent their time taking shots at each other and really talked about nothing. The Dems, while Hilary took a shot at Barack, they actually talked about issues! The war, the environment, the economy...
I blame Romney for this, he's gone from front runner to trailer due to the states that start these primaries.
who's the blonde babe in Hucklebee's picture?
That's my wife!!!
and watch yourself manny because i destroyed the periodic table of elements because i only recognize the element of surprise!
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