Friday, October 12, 2007

If you Can't Fleave

For those of you who have never been Fleaving this is the view from walking out of the cabin door. This was early Sunday morning, as I sit here on a dreary, cold, fall afternoon it's hard to believe I spent last weekend with shorts and no shirt getting a sunburn.

What I'd like to do is open up the comments to favorite Fleaves moments for those in attendance, my memories are hazy at best and tend to be skewed away from making myself look like a fool, which I most certainly did. Besides there's way too much to try and choose which stories to write.

We arrived at the cabin at 1:00 PM on Friday. We quickly opened a few bottles of cold Leghumper, whilst the keg settled. The keg was officially tapped at 2:00, and amongst 8 of us was floating 12 hours later. It held out though most of Saturday afternoon, then Brendan and I headed into town for a few more cases of brew and use of toilet. The number of people drinking out of the keg isn't exact as there were only 4 of us there originally, some guys brought their own beer, and others showed after midnight.


Anonymous said...

favrit moment wuz wen ah herd the pig squeelin noises

Big Terry Terr said...

I have to say the best moment was when Alayamini became a five year old girl because there was a bat outside the cabin. I wish the opportunity was there for him to actually swing the wiffle ball bat at the "mouse with wings". And why is that so scary Mike "Cause a mouse shouldn't fly"

I also enjoyed getting you fired up. Rick you should know that Scott fiercely defended your man-crush. Know how I know your gay?

Ricardo A. Pugliese said...

what man crush?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick!