Rick's death brings great joy to many as no one brags about winning, (though it doesn't happen that often anymore), or runs their mouth on draft day as much as he does. Matter of fact he was already laughing at all the supposed excuses everyone else was going to use, leaving himself none. On one hand he can use the excuse he had the lowest pick in the first round, but there are still teams left taken in later rounds, so that holds little water. Plus he took Duke with that pick, now I love Duke, but my words when he took the Blue Devils were, "Dammit, i was hoping to get them in the 2nd round." Plus, he didn't have the worst picks overall, I believe that distinction went to Mark O.
Anyway Jerk, enjoy being the biggest loser...you've earned it!
I have to talk shit otherwise I have no Challenge. I have won 7 times anyonelse make that statement. Words come back to haunt You. "oh its real hard to have the first pick and Win"-Scott Jerk 3-15-07. Who had the first pick this year and what was it. Myself on the otherhand had more teams left then you, taking out the obvious #1 pick. So once again I win the Debate.(Obama V. Mcain, City Schools V. campus schools) In this family you will always be cornboy!!!!!!!
well i'm looking around and i don't see the trophy displayed around here.
just because you say you win an argument because i can't use logic with an illogical person doesn't mean you win.
I also never bragged, I said I've watched very little this year, but lucky for me i watched a lot of Duke games so i knew not to take them!
Rest in peace corn king
You know the Tarheels are gonna win it all. Whenever you say you love Duke, I throw up in my mouth.
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