Friday, March 28, 2008

Radio Ga Ga

"Quiet you numbskulls! I'm broadcasting"
Last weekend was Big Friends Weekend, and I should have blogged about it already, but because of Good Friday falling in the middle of it, giving me an extra day off, I also had an extra day of drinking. Thus my desire to blog was dulled. It took another week because I have been fighting some sort of chest infection since Saturday afternoon.

BFW hit a new high, or low, depending on how you look at it. Local sports radio host Joe Pete Jr. broadcasted a special edition of "The Sports Report" from Rick's basement, as you can see in this picture of Joe with his "cans" on. The show featured certain individuals being called out on the air for not being present due to lack of manhood and a controversial call from Donnie V. "The Bopper" managed to tick off the shows biggest sponsor, Domino's Pizza, by saying on the air during a call in that he was picking up Salvato's Pizza on his way over and not Domino's because he wasn't eating cardboard. Needless to say the Domino's owner was not happy and expressed his displeasure in an immediate text to the host.
On the plus side, as far as I know we kept the language polite and WFUN didn't receive any fines. Of course, they also came during the 2 hour break in TV coverage.

It should also be noted that for the first time in at least a decade no one referred to it as Big Great Lakes Weekend. Since the dealership lost a deal to Rick's employers Paquet Auto Group they were all banned from coming. Yes, Bopper came anyway.

So hoping I feel better soon I have a few things to blog about over the next few days, mostly complaining so that should be fun. There may also be a Can of Corn Trophy winner tonight, if nothing else I will at least try to post his name, (even if its mine) along with a embarassing picture of them.

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