Speaking of which, a lady I met through the campaignhas a kid who goes to Geneva's Jr High. The child's math teacher told the class that Obama is a terrorist, because he is a Muslim and all Muslims are terrorists...allegedly. As far as allegations go this is a supposedly educated person who did about 5 things wrong in one sentence. But I'm not going to comment until I hear what others have to say.
As lies like this continue coupled with the incompetence of the Ashtabula BOE and city officials my need to attack ignorant people has subsided because I just cant take any more.
Polls close in two hours so I'm not going to bother stumping for Barack anymore. I just hope all of you exercised your right and responsibility to vote today.
Nice shirt saddam obama. I don't think ashtabula county supports b-rack now. go ba-rack to illinois and do nothing again.
Gotta love anonymous comments ...
I did vote yesterday and was glad to hear turnout was "strong," which is unusual when not voting directly for the president.
Spungalo: Congratulations on your activism. If the rest of the country put a tenth of the effort into learning about the candidates and issues, we'd all be much better off.
Glad ppl can anonymously lob ignorant grenades. In there time in office as Senators Missus Bill has introduced 20 pieces of legislation, Sen Obama on the other hand has introduced 126. There's nothing for you.
Congrats to everyone who took part in the process!
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Scott - What's up with all the spam that's getting posted on your blog?
Left Wing propaganda, probably.
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