So Its been an incredibly long time since my last post, and its not because I haven't had anything to post about. The problem has been time and motivation. One of the topics I wanted to post about was the Flogging Molly concert Karen and I went to in the middle of February. You may remember it was about the worst weather of the year; snow; rain; cold; ice... It was bad enough that my niece wasn't allowed to go, and that was probably the right decision. I am hoping to have some pictures soon of Jay B's birthday bash last night, but until then I'll post about what I'm currently doing.
Right now I'm sitting in Barack Obama Campaign Headquarters in Ashtabula. It is located in the rear of the E-Comm Cafe on Main Avenue. The young lady pictured (left) with Senator Obama is our Field Organizer from the Obama Campaign. I spent yesterday knocking on doors for Obama. I was a little nervous, but it was a great experience. I canvassed the West side of Station Ave, so I saw some familiar faces and was invited in to sit and chat at a few homes. The goal in Ohio is to knock on 1 million doors, from 10 AM yesterday by the close of the polls on Tuesday. My plan is to go back out tomorrow after school again.
In the meantime I came to HQs to make phone calls. There was also a goal of 1 million phone calls, that was already met yesterday and raised to 1.5 million. I came here because there was a problem, i thought, with the website. You log in and it automatically generates an Ohio call list. The problem is the site is OVERLOADED!!! There are so many people logging in to make calls that the site can't handle the traffic. So I decided to try and wait it out a bit and post.
Guess that's it for now. I promise another post tomorrow before the Ohio Primary Tuesday, it will be my last Obama pitch for a while. Remember to get out and vote Tuesday, if you cant for some reason. GET TO YOUR COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS BY 4:30 TOMOROW! You can vote early in Ohio.
"Where all the white women at?"
Scott - I'm a little disappointed that you censored my last entry.
While it was quite humerous, I don't know Julia that well obviously. Since i asked her for the photo and permission to use it I didn't feel comfortable with it. I'm sure it wasnt what she thought would be said about her so it had to come down.
Remember, don't let maturity get in the way of good humor. Having said that, I understand your decision. The sad thing is that my funniest stuff is likely offensive. Glad you enjoyed it though.
I'm just saying, she's a fine looking woman, Josh
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